Happening Now – Part 2
The study of Bible Prophecy has often been misrepresented, which has led to widespread confusion. In an effort to bring understanding and reason to this important subject, Pastor Jack Hibbs and his special guests examine God’s prophetic word in light of world events. These special messages also include Q&A sessions where perhaps questions you may have are addressed.
JHV425 – Happening Now October 25, 2017 Jack Hibbs & Don Stewart
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This one is much more concise and informational than the first one. All of Pastor Jack's vids are great though.
Feast of Trumpets is the last feast that the Lord is to fulfill which will be fulfilled by his 2nd coming then, not the rapture, which is an unknown day
The keys words are ..be accounted worthy..watch look up..it is unexpected so why are people trying to call out the times ..I choose to look to the word and truth and staying ready..🙏🏻☝️
Many do not want to believe the rapture because it doesn't fit their social justice mentality and the best life now teaching. The bible isn't all about us it is about Jesus and His plan for the salvation of the lost.
Two witnesses are the first fruits of the second harvest. The wheat harvest is beaten on the threshing floor. The barley harvest comes first which Christ is the first fruit. Barley is the gentile lead church age harvested by being tossed in the air. The last harvest is the grape harvest is likely When Satan is released at the end of Christ’s thousand year reign. The day of the Lords final judgement.
The restrainer will be removed before anti-christ is revealed. the Jews in turn will be driven to jealousy? We are not designated to wrath. Also look at the Jewish wedding example. The bride is locked away by the groom for 7 days. Then brings her out to celebrate.
You can see The Rapture all over the Old Testament as well. Moses sending his gentile wife and kids back “west” with his father in-law before he leads Israel into the wilderness is a good example. Pay attention to the root meaning of the names He uses.
Why do you want to live in captivity without any purpose but those of someone else? Its not your life that way. What about being dead and not having a soul don't you understand?
We do know the Coming of Christ 3.5 years after the rapture? Is this a play on words or is it a translation problem?
I believe in Christ as my lord and savior and my only path to salvation to everlasting life!
Also in reading Hebrews chapter 10 verse 11,12 … priest cannot admonish sins through sacrifice because Jesus is now the sacrifce of our sins from then on.
Thank You!!!
Not sure if anyone from Chino Hills Calvary Chapel looks to these forums, but wondering if they could start adding the titles and the authors of the books they recommend in the description section so we don't have to try to figure out spelling and ensure we heard the right name. Thank you in advanced for this. Respectfully…
Jesus calls true believers "UP" in the Rapture. The Rapture is not the Second Coming of Jesus, where He "Comes Down" to earth. Many believers get the two confused.
The Jewish wedding ceremony rituals point to the Rapture. Also, Noah's Ark, Elijah being taken up in a fiery chariot, Moses and the parting of the Red Sea, Jesus rising back up to heaven after His death, etc. The Old Testament and Jewish tradition has alot of scripture regarding the Rapture.
Also, our bodies are also the Temple, re:the Third Temple
If people are aware of the rapture and what it means, yet reject it or don't believe it is scriptural, will they still go up when it happens? I can imagine that some believers that are babes or have never heard of the rapture will go. Looking from the aspect that a lot of people are aware of Jesus and who He is, but don't accept Him— they will not receive His salvation, correct?
Men of God filled with God's Word and Truth are hard to come by in these last days !
Thank You Father God, Lord Jesus for Your faithful servants 😃
I think you are good at not answering the questions that people ask. even I was confused. when you answer something that you are not asked about. but otherwise you are good at explaining
We must remember also that the scripture if it were post trib for going to the fathers house would have to be put aside. If we are ruptured at the second coming ,and then come right back down ,when do we go to the fathers house? because Jesus is coming back to rule and reign on the earth for 1000 years
love u guys, from wisconsin
Thank you so much pastor Jack for this message I am learning so much thanks again!
I think it’s interesting that so many people are concerned with timing. If you have your act together NOW it wouldn’t matter how, why, when or where! Follow Christ and let him show you the way!
The end of the age approaches with ramming speed.
Excellent, excellent- so clearly stated, thank you gentlemen
Love the Intro of this video, so cool! congrats to the one who designed it! and as for the rest, WONDERFUL! Do hope you do more of these jack xx
I love your teaching on the pretrib rapture of which I firmly believe according to the scripture.The Presbyterian Church USA which you mention is the apostate denomination. There are several Presbyterian denominations that have withdrawn from the mainline denomination and have remained faithful. Please be careful on lumping all Presbyterians
under one umbrella.
How refreshing come Lord Jesus.
This was great, many thanks for your insights.
Amen looking always to our blessed hope the author and finisher of our faith. Yeshua Christ Jesus. Maranatha ☝️☝️☝️🙏🙏🙏.
Brilliant as usual! lots of explanation, very clear and most interesting, and I also loved the prayer at the end and I say AMEN also!
Thank you.
Watching from Indiana, the heartland, from a small God fearing community. I thank you so much for teaching these truths from the pulpit b/c, apostasy is rampant and everywhere. My heart hurts for my brothers and sisters in Christ who are sleeping and don't have eyes to see or ears to hear. I pray that they will awake to the times that we are in and return to the Lord. Thank you, Pastor Jack for sharing biblical truths with your internet church. I am so grateful for you, Pastor JD, Amir, John Haller, Endtimes TV and so many others who help keep us informed on prophecy and where we are on the biblical timeline. I don't have a spirit of fear but of rejoicing that I may actually be alive when Jesus comes to take us up to the Heavens to be with him. Shalom!
Videos like this could go on for hours and hours and I'd never get tired of listening to these guys. Man, how fortunate are the folks who attend that church regularly! Now I know why the apostle Paul still had an audience after hours and hours. Certain things are just very very interesting. Thanks Pastor Jack for sharing your insight and as always, Pastor Don Stewart, is such an impacting teacher.
Wow just think, that black pastor in the beginning IS THE WORSE LIAR I'VE EVER SEEN!
Thank you watching from Ontario Canada
Welcome anytime Don Stewart !! Accurate Prophecy !! (not fake news and dates!)
Very, very good!! Thank you, mighty men of God 🙏🙏💙💙