Happening Now with Amir Tsarfati | Part 4
The study of Bible Prophecy has often been misrepresented, which has led to widespread confusion. In an effort to bring understanding and reason to this important subject, Pastor Jack Hibbs and his special guests examine God’s prophetic word in light of world events. These special messages also include Q&A sessions where perhaps questions you may have are addressed.
Product number: JHV434 – Happening Now on January 28, 2018 | Jack Hibbs & Amir Tsarfati
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Wonderful message!
Buying Israel’s products is a safer way to buy, no poisons and you are not tracked 🇺🇸
It is true that every moo of a cow is computerized 🇺🇸
Truly amazing …God bless Israel and the church.Many thanks to Pastors Amir and Jack.
Gilly wife of Mark
Thank you ! God for these two followers of our Lord Jesus
Touch my heart mind and soul love these togather awsome all you show use i pass it to my family and friends lord bless you thk y for the word of God ❤help me understand more 😊😍God Bless
i really love the nation of Israel…..im very fascinated to hear updates about it..i never get tired of listening every news i can get about these peculiar people….i pray that eventually i would be able to set foot on this land…God bless Amir
tks for sharing truth men💐!!!
This is such a blast to watch my two favorite preachers, setting the record straight according to GOD's WORD, whats not to love Amen!!
Its true what Amir said about the cow in Isrel, the cows is more bigger than the famous cows from Holland, and the milk taste more better
What is your knowledge about Cern and the stairway to heaven and them opening the portal to hell….they're videos and pics…
I enjoy your breaking it down. I am learning so much from your teachings. Thank you!
"Deliverance Newsletter" by Gary "Captain Amigo" Weidemann, member of Fellowship Missionary Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana: be blessed by God to impact lives for Christ's sake!!
''Every Moo is computerized'' 🤣
Interesting. Israel is the only country that has had a second birth, as Christians we are the only people who have had a second birth
In 2005/06 people in Gaza dug up the remaining infrastructure. They dug up the sewer pipes to fire rockets with. Few days later, children and the elderly were literally drowning in sewage since there was nothing left to take it out of town. Prager U has numerous Israel positive videos, including why we are giving them money, very important argument. Also many Christians are now breathing threats toward Christian 'Zionists', believing we must be taken out along with Israel. Iran has many new Jesus loving, Israel loving rebellious young. They belong to a group called RESTART Iran. Some prophets are saying wonderful things for them.
Dear,dear Amir, you need to either rest, or start taking multivitamins, for health, and Jack, you too ,plus folate tablets to strengthen your immune system.
I love to hear them way to see them in every show more together
I understand that the New Jerusalem will come down , that land Jerusalem today is only a memorial and be owned by the antichrist for short time
I am glad your ministry never ask for money on YouTube. I am so sick and tired when churches ask for money to buy mega church. But I do understand about the tithe.
All post tribbers pre wrathers and seventh day Adventist all follow replacement theology and works salvation.
Excellent teaching! Great Biblical as well as historical and historic knowledge on Israel. I would like to emphasize, as it is imperative for understanding that “Palestine” is fiction of PLO imagination, that a nation state called “Palestine” never ever existed and therefore has no claim whatsoever to any part of Israel. The so called “West Bank” is historic Judea and Samaria, and of that we have plenty of historical and archaeological evidence.
Abraham means “the father of a multitude”, Isaac means “laughs” and Jacob means to supplant or “usurper” in Hebrew. So every time theBible says “the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob”……..it’s saying God is the Father of a multitude, that laughs, at the usurper (I.e. Satan).
Excellent talk, even so… Come quickly Lord Jesus 🙂