Happening Now with Charlie Kirk and Jack Hibbs
Pastor Jack Hibbs is joined by Charlie Kirk from Turning Point USA to discuss the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11), both then and now.
Learn how the world economic forum and the globalist movement is paving the way for the antichrist.
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YESSSS 🙏💯💯💯 what you talked about they let/do to the own children, the mutilation, when they should be playing hop-scotch, is crazy. I can't even wrap my mind around ìt. Then most of them regret it & change their mind OMGOSH .. & everything else you all talked about .. I love how you just tell it like it is bc most don't notice how evil everything has become & so many have there eyes shut & it's really sad. Thank you so much you both should run for office, God Bless You Both 🫴🙏✝️✝️🛐🛐✝️🛐🔯💟🕉️🩷❤️🩷🙏🙏🙏👏👏👏🙌🙌🙌💯
God bless you both!!
Fantastic & so motivating. Thank you Pastor Jack
Exodus 20:3
Love pastor Jack but what's with the eyeball in the back drop of the stage ? Just asking , it caught my attention.
The crowd is mostly seniors. Where's the younger?
Bricks that are mud that have been baked have a much higher tensile strength. As opposed to bricks that have been just dryed by the Sun . That's how they were able to get nimrods Tower so high
Great service! Just subscribed to The Charlie Kirk Show!
This is a start to understanding the statement in Revelation 17:5 — a mystery, “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” And by the way, Jack you substituted the Bible for the Holy Spirit. Do not break the bond of the Holy Spirit — He wrote the scriptures. Calvary Chapel has abandoned the baptism of the Holy Spirit by Jesus.
Absolutely spot on encouraging.❤
Praise God for these 2 voices. This is the message for such a time as this.
Bless you two for preaching the whole truth of the bible. You are a so uplifting in the day's we are walking through. Jesus Christ is King he will see us through. God bless you!!!
china is buying usa up
CBS responded to the tweet, "….you can say that again. We are ready to worship!"…that was CBS quote
There is no one in our world doing more for Christ Jesus and The Holy Trinitys Kingdom than pastor Jack Hibbs. I am grateful to God for sending him my way 3 months ago. He challenges us to not sit still in anxiety and apathy of our walk with Christ but to motivated to fight for morality to the end, our end. I am inspired and I can’t say I am hated, but I can say I’m the family weirdo, fanatic, Jesus Freak. 🙄🤷🏼♀️🎊 so be it. I’d rather be known as such than be known a sheeple to the father of lies.
I ‘was’ “that one sheep 🐑 “ He left the flock to come look for me and found me. I’ll never stray again. I promised Him I’d give Him my all, I know He doesn’t want just a percentage of me. I am still holding back in some ways, I’m still learning to listen to Him, to know what He would have me do for Him.
I’m not afraid, but I am sometimes lost to know or to hear Him or see His provisions to march forward with a known conviction of my calling for Him. I speak out when the opportunity arises. It’s a hard thing to do it when opportunities are rare, no one wants to listen to you ask them if they know Jesus in a checkout line!!! That seems very unlikely to me that you’d get further than the question. All they are wanting to do is get further away from you as fast as possible. Pay and cart run!!!
There is only so much I know to do, I feel less than because of it. I don’t really know how to pray, sure of course I pray but I’m not sure I pray right. What is right?
I go to church, I feel the Holy Spirit there and often through my week. I know I am loved by Christ Jesus, I know I need to do more for him, not because ‘works’ affords me Heaven but because when you have the Truth within you you want to pass it on. You don’t want anyone to suffer eternal damnation… ANYONE, even if you don’t like them, even if you don’t know them. You want to wake up your family to the horror of this reset going on RIGHT IN FRONT OF US ALL. They think you are crazy, that your buying into conspiracy theories and won’t even listen to what you tell them or send to them to watch, read etc MOSTLY because it’s more than 2 paragraphs or they have to spend an hour of their ‘busy’ lives or lose an hour of their ‘me time’ to hear it. They don’t want to hear things that bring anxiety to them, they say we can’t do anything about it anyway, the powers are just that ‘too powerful’ they will do what they want regardless!!!
Yes they will try, yes they might succeed but how much more so if everyone just sat back with that attitude?! Ugh Sheeple WAKE UP and slow them down!!! Be a lamp post for the Masters return! You don’t know when He’s returning but you don’t fall asleep on the job either!!!
I don’t even know why I’m writing all this commentary here in this field. I’m preaching to the choir here! It’s the congregation that needs to hear it!!!! They don’t hear it at my church that’s for sure, I love my Lutheran family and pastor but they are too comfortable in their safety zone of “let’s not talk about upsetting things”. Okay well good luck with that view point, you aren’t even holding a lit lantern. I want to put fire to their lamp! They are impossible to sway, they don’t even believe in the rapture. How is it that I do? Because God is showing me the way, the truth’s BECAUSE IT WAS MY PRAYER FOR HIM TO DO SO!!!! Our GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD HE WILL ALWAYS ANSWER a prayer of wanting to know Him and His Truths. Ask THAT and YOU WILL RECEIVE!!!!
I know, I’m proof, it was how Christ came to rescue me from the world of “wokeness” wokeness belongs to the Enemy that IS his DESIGN!
It’s destruction, moral decay, and mental slavery. I changed my whole way of thinking, no, God changed my whole way of thinking and turned back to the right 180 degrees!!! I won’t stand for team enemy out of acceptance of immoral practices that go against every single thing that God, a VERY HOLY GOD has crushed under His Hand throughout the beginning of time.
I don’t hate, I seek to speak His truth and if hearing the truth makes you mad then you have to dig deep into yourself and ask yourself ‘why?’
May God continue to bless the country and look after us, may we continue to pray over the world and it’s leaders to seek His counsel even tho we know the end result. May we continue as Christians to be the great oppressors of the enemy until Christ Jesus comes for us His Saints and we will return with Him to slay the beast and set up the reign of our Lord and Savior here on the new earth under His perfect rule of love, peace, unity and worship of our Abba Father. Amen 🙏🏼✝️❤️
👍From Canberra Australia
What a blessing !
This is being shadow banned!
Agree with Constance,both of these men together is dynamic!
Anti christ, Karl Theodor Zu GuttenBerg, Germany.
Thank you so much for sharing with us how you asked a waitress if you could pray for her. You inspired us to do that & our waitress asked us to pray for her sick father, which we promptly did. What a wonderful way to witness. God bless you for sharing.
I guess the Indian news Jack is talking about is Wion news.
I totally agree with Charlie. We should occupy til he comes. We should do our best even though we are on transit
Don't EVER pray for patience – patience comes through tribulation – you don't want god to send you tribulation which will teach you patience
They hate me for the things you just mentioned. For telling the truth. They answer and strike out. When I don't grow fear or be insulted by thier put downs.
I have always been independent. Gone Right. To vote for most biblical way. God is in control. God has already won! He told us the end. Not once did he prophesy and be wrong. Gods' words always come to pass. Always the truth. Let us never forget. WE WILL WIN. IN THE END. Things will get worse before better. Read the Bible for details. If you already read it. Read it again.