Happening Now with Pastor Jack and Barry Meguiar
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A very good one. Yes GOD is there when you need 🙏 even if you say you don't want GOD and one blames and stairs at GOD. GOD loves all and gives all freedom to love GOD.
Wow I loved this! So informative and so encouraging. I got so much from this conversation with Jack and Barry.
This blessed me thank you Holy Spirit for leading me to this! I love Pastor Hibbs and I landed on this and Barry wow, I love his zeal for the Lord and his joy! I have been trying to witness more in stores and out and about and what you guys shared is so helpful just offering to pray for someone!! I love it thank u so much
I grew up near Sacramento California, Berry would come to Warehouse Ministries and sing on Saturday nights! My favorite song that he did was “Communion Song”! He always shared the gospel in his concerts. Thank you Jack for having him on…. Next time you should have him sing!
Be nice evangelism smh
That’s my favorite car cleaning products in Canada.
Loved this message……i had been searching for a church….in constant prayer to be led by the Holy Spirit….after many different churches God led me back to the church where I was saved as a child……it started in a garage.. we called it " Gods Garage" then the church was built….Holy Spirit led me back home….to that small church ( worships with very old hymns)…. it is a church that did not shut down and preaches the Word( and knows the TRUTH). SO grateful i listened( although took some time) i often think i cannot speak eloquently enuff to share the Gospel with others…but now i KNOW the Holy Spirit has never failed me and have faith Holy Spirit WILL give me the words to share His Word and the gospel with others…thank u both….LOVE 2 ALL
Very inspiring until 1:07:00 when in Barry confirmed that in 50 years he's never been persecuted for his message. Not sure what to make of that. This seems very inconsistent with the assurance from Jesus that his followers would be hated, and that indeed they are to bless those who persecute them.
This was a word for me and I thank you. God bless you.
Thank you sooooooo much…I have been lost hurt , broken and angry really angry. Hateful even…my salvation was at stake.
In my pain I began to believe the evil one who influenced my mind with his lies that I had nothing to live for and I daily felt like talking my life…
I am grateful for this timely word. It served as a beautiful wake up call to the truth!
I believe in everything you have shared here ❤
Thank you for speaking this today for people to hear!
I connect with EVERY THING is SPIRITUAL…
With this message I am encouraged ❤I prayed with you at the end and believe there was a huge shift in my heart♥️
Wow this was so powerful. I love Pastor Jack messages. Loved Barry Meguiar sharing his message.
This has been one of the most joyful videos I’ve watched in a very long time! I always watch Pastor Jack Hibbs and was saved in 2019. Mr. Barry Meguiar……. You put the biggest smile on my face and many tears of joy to my eyes with your excitement over Jesus and the sharing of His message. A scripture that came to my mind while watching was Hebrews 13:2 “ Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares”. ❤
Good bless you both and thank you for this video and sharing the wisdom that Jesus has blessed you with. I plan to share this video with as many ppl and also buy Barrys book and pass it along to others!
This video changed my life. It reprioritized my focus on what's important – serving the Lord. Moving people closer to Jesus. Thank you Jack Hibbs and Barry Meguiar!!!!
What a powerful testimony!!! This video just blew me away. I always struggle with what to say how to share the gospel with others.
1hour 36 mins: "take notes" oh my goodness sakes! I cud never remember to take a notepad with to church. Nope always forgot. But you shud see the margins of my Bible…💕
This was wonderful! Will be asking people God puts in my daily sphere if they have a request here in Greenville, SC
What a blessing to hear Barry Meguiar challenge us to "share Jesus"
Following Jesus is a continual journey of hope, trusting in our Faithful God no matter what!!!!! Heavenly Father, help us Your people to trust trust trust trust
Love Your testimony for Jesus!!! Tears of Joy!!
Hallelujah God is up to something!!!
Yes I believe All things work out together for good. The good and the bad things!!!! To those who love Him., according to God’s purpose and Plan for our lives. , hallelujah for God’s Glory, “ actually our benefits too!! Because He first loved me I love Him. He chose me!!! Amen and Amen!!
I do mean it Barry that scripture in Proverbs ! I also am disliked by many believers bc of my big big mouth for Jesus. Effortless Faith. Nature but supernatural God’s Faith in us! Our mouth is our faith by saying what The Word say!!
God blessings on Barry. I actually like that polish for vehicles
Praise God. Hallelujah for my big mouth for Jesus
Amen move everyone in your circumference towards heaven
Absolutely love this message of loving on everyone and sharing the gospel 💕
Outstanding Sermon
You could talk about God's love..
And you can still be in your comfort zone???
He said.
me and Karen We never made anybody upset or we never get prosecuted..??
…104.00 Hour and four minutes..??
I've been listening jack hips for almost seven years…
I think jack hips was asleep when berry said that… for 7 years he's telling us to get out of our comfort zone???
Awesome message…the Joy of the Lord is all over him.
Faith, hope and love. Of these, love is the greatest. Perfect love drives away fear. Man is spirit, soul/mind and physical body. The currency in the spiritual realm is faith, in the soulical/mental realm, hope and in the physical world, love. Whoever have loved, know God for God is love but He is a righteous, holy and jealous God.
Thank You Jack and Barry tonight i heard what ive been
Needing to hear ! I tell people as much as i can how
I had a heart attack a few months ago and our Father reahed down and pulled me from the gates of hell and i feel like my purpose in life is to share my testimony about how great and loving our Father is ! For me to realize
WhatGod has blessed me with makes me want to shout to the world that He loves us all he has our back
How wonderful ! Thank you so much for sharing such joyful memories. Praise the Lord.❤
Thank you for having Barry talk today. His sharing has given me such hope. Can't wait to share with others.