Has Social Media Stolen our Passion for Jesus?
As a Christian apologist, it’s important to consider how we use social media and how it may impact our faith. In today’s world, social media is an integral part of our daily lives. We use it to connect with friends, family, and colleagues, to share information and ideas, and to stay up-to-date with news and current events.
However, as Christians, we need to be aware of how social media can be a distraction from our faith and our relationship with Jesus. It’s easy to get caught up in the constant stream of information and entertainment that social media provides, and lose sight of what’s truly important.
That being said, social media can also be a powerful tool for spreading the Gospel and sharing our faith with others. We can use social media to connect with other believers, to share our own stories of faith and redemption, and to encourage and support one another.
So, how can we navigate social media in a way that honors our faith and keeps us focused on Jesus? One approach is to be intentional about the content we consume and share on social media. We can seek out uplifting and inspiring content that aligns with our values and beliefs, and avoid content that is negative or divisive.
We can also use social media as an opportunity to share our faith with others. By sharing Bible verses, devotional content, and personal stories of faith, we can use social media as a platform for spreading the Good News and encouraging others to pursue a relationship with Jesus.
Ultimately, as Christians, we need to be mindful of how we use social media and how it impacts our relationship with Jesus. By being intentional about the content we consume and share, and by using social media as a tool for sharing our faith with others, we can navigate this new digital landscape in a way that honors God and strengthens our relationship with Him.

Thanks for sharing, at the moment though I prefer Buddhism. Seems more realistic. However, things may change in the future.
No, I look for news that reflects reality.
Is the picture of that actor supposed to be representing Jesus. I'd rather not see that in my feed (just FYI – not being mean).
The content is great, the thumbnail though could have the jim caviezel Jesus character, not only his interpretation is better as the fidelity to facts in the movie is so much close o the reality.
Yes it has for sure
I believe in God.
He's the only explanation for our existence.
And for my opinion (and for every reasonable human being) I think that God should be a singular,unique entity, not three .the Trinity doesn't make sense,
It seems to me that the god that we have been searching for is Allah ,the God of Islam,not Father ,Son and Holy spirit.
Please, give Islam a chance, just try to read the Quran,and check for yourselves.
Perfect ending verse on Love, while on some measure we retain a self-love in our own bubbles, true selfless love is shown and taught to us, it is discoverable, but in the ancient world it was ridiculed and despised, and in today's world there are many social groups where the same is happening. Just as we can't take for granted our "christianese" lingo, we also cannot think that those we are reaching out to understand even love, that is why Christ demonstrated it.
Culture for sure… social media and Hollyweird are the biggest effectors.
Jesus Christ came to this World to Replace all Religions and to Save Humanity from the meaningless Rituals of all Religions…!!!
Because Jesus Christ is the Word of God (Son of God)…!!!
Jesus Christ said to Humanity that, I am the Way, I am the Truth, I am the Life…!!!
Jesus Christ said, I am the Way and nobody reaches in Heaven except through me…!!! If anyone follows me, he will certainly reach in Heaven…!!!
Jesus Christ said, I am the Truth and you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you Free…!!! Jesus Christ said, I am the Life and Whoever eats my Flesh and drink my Blood has eternal Life and I will Raise him to Life on the Last Day…!!!
Thank you
I appreciate your teaching sir, I've learned a tons from you, but with all the respect, what are you doing with thumbnail of this video? Jonathan Roumie is not Jesus Christ!
God Bless
I don't think personal autonomy is a bad thing I think there needs to be a balance in society between individual autonomy and governmental overreach sure community can be good but if that community has too much power over the individual that can lead to disastrous consequences just like how to much autonomy can lead to disastrous consequences.
This video really opened my eyes. Thanks. Thank you, Lord 🙏🏻
That's the issue. Many of us have been censored over the years so we have been navigating over different platforms that cater to free speech. You are going to find like minded people there. I feel very blessed to have formed close attachments to a small group of researchers who dig deep into different issues and our passion for the truth has only grown over the years. I'm aware of numerous groups have rejected MSM and do their own research. I've seen renewed passion in their walk with Christ. Maybe I'm not the norm but it is promising to me when you use these tools in a way that helps with our Christian walk, social media can be a way to have some very deep discussions. We have a small group on a gaming server and everyone contributes. We do voice chats and have side rooms for saving information. It's been such a fun ride the past few years for us.
I’m a member of some Facebook Christian groups—some that are exclusively for prayer requests and a couple of Charles Stanley groups. Call it conformation bias if you want, but I choose to interact with likeminded believers.
I also follow various Christian YouTube channels that I like.
In this way, I keep my mind on things above, not on earthly things.
It's called "The World Wide Web" beware of the Spider in the Web.
When Satan goes fishing, HE uses the InterNET….
There's a reason Jehovah God Almighty changed the languages at Babel. It wasn't only as a punishment and a means to spread mankind across the world. But it was also to fracture Satan's control over human society from one unified collective into disparate parts that don't work as cohesively. With the invention of the Net and then Mobile Phones, he's regained; to a greater extent, what was stripped away before. 😳 this gives us confidence that the time for God's Kingdom to come and remove his control is so very close now. 🙏🏼
Thank you for expressing in a clear and articulate way , my very thoughts on social media. Sadly the people that most need to hear this will probably not be prepared to watch and listen to something that lasts longer than 4 minutes.
God bless you and yours Jim .
Gilly wife of Mark
Excellent observations indeed.