He Was FIRED for Questioning LGBT Curriculum
Rev. Bernard Randall was fired from a Christian grade school in the UK for questioning the school’s LGBT curriculum.
He’s still standing up for traditional Christian values—and refuses to be cancelled.
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Worldly church leaders need to be purged from the church.
This is so crazy… so sorry reverend
Live and let live. No curriculums like this, should be in elementary schools. Children should be children, stop teaching LGBT or heterosexuality to little kids.
So sad… Praying
Well Done .They need to be taken to the Court.So Proud to have this Chaplin.God Bless U for protecting our children
This is why we need dislikes on these videos.
More people support you than you know.. prayers for you
Lawsuit. Where can we donate to help you battle this discrimination and prevent this abuse ion children.
I stand with you I'm Christian but even if I wasn't I know deep down inside my biology what's right and what's wrong I'm standing behind you 100%. I will be praying for you.
When “Christian “ schools adopt the culture rot ideology’s then they are no longer Christian. Wolves have entered & are in process of corrupting the kids.
Rev Randall, please keep up the good work, stay strong, and praying for your success. God is on your side🙏😷🏫
Praying for you brother!!
That's a shame I'll prayer for u
Yeah if it's a christian school teach whatever you want.
So much for being a Christian school.
So you said, you don't have to accept anyone's ideology. That applies to Christianity too. There isn't any ideology to the existence of LGBT people. They exist, you don't really get to have an opinion on it. There is no opinion to be had, because whether you agree or not they still exist. So…🤷♂️
I don't think you should have been fired, but I doubt you'll win the lawsuit.
This is part of the cultural Marxist agenda to undermine traditional values.
You can be LGBT and Christian no problem
Maybe that is why they also attacked me. I was in the ministry, even though I am not LGBTQI. I am a woman.
May we introduce Jesus to those who do not yet know Him.
Psalms 119:151
Thou art near, O LORD; and all thy commandments are truth.
Jesus is The Word, John 1:1-5
The Word God spoke: Exodus 20:1 (His Spirit)
The Word God wrote: Deuteronomy 4:13(His Covenant)
and The Word God made flesh John 1:14 (Jesus).
He is our example of The Trinity. He is The Law that hung on the cross and The Law that is written in the heart.
Psalms 40:7
Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me
Hebrews 10:7
Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.
By "keeping" God's voice, Jesus' voice as directed in Deut.6:8-9 we are armed with the voice of God, the law and testimony that will help us through the coming days. These words are life, so put them on.
We do not work for our salvation, Jesus died and saved the world. But we can work for our protection from the plagues, those coming to steal, kill, and destroy, from deception, to keep a sound mind etc.,for life. There is nothing wrong with works for we are judged on our works. Faith without works is dead. Why would Jesus tell us to pray for workers, if no work is to be done? There is much wisdom in the O.T. just as there is in the N.T..
Our plea to all is to PUT ON LIFE. Let our faith work for us. Jesus, The Son is the seal of God, His Word, His Ten Commandments. He is your anointing, get in Christ. Remember, heart, mind and soul, not just the heart. Turn your faith into a verb and shine the Light. May we learn to 'live' by every Word of God with all that we are. The armour of Light is found throughout the Scripture, this is only the beginning. Remember, all things are possible in Him.
Many who sit in pews can spread the gospel, if only they were told how to help their own families, friends and neighbours. To protect and give life to all we know and love. May we open our eyes and minds to accept Jesus as The Word. To spread The Word in both speech and in deed. May we all walk, dwell, and do all we do in Jesus. Don't let evil, the world, overtake our loved ones, our Nation. He will fight for us. He will unite His people. The Law can save us from much more, for He is our miracle worker. Jesus saved us from our sins and now that He is Spirit, our High Priest, and King He can do much more. Walk in Him. We don't need organized religion, we need The Word of God. We need obedience to God and the love of Jesus, our law and testimony.
Always use King James Version if possible. Not the N.K.J.V.. Stay away from any copyrighted Scriptures. We conquer our enemies, sin, and the world by coming together in our Lord Jesus Christ. Our peace is found "IN" Him. He in us, we in Him. Stand up and hold your ground. The en-grafted Word can save you and yours. Amour up and pray always. Don't let death take over you and yours. Establish He who is in you, establish Jesus. Bring back life. The world is full of lies, let's spread The Truth, The Truth that sets us free. Be sure to be "IN" The Lord. When Jesus calls you, it is not for just the preaching, it is to do your best at what He has trained you for, taking what you love to do and adding our Lord to it, with speech or in deed. Be sure to be in Him.
This is unbelievable
Wow. Sad and pathetic decision made by the leadership of this chaplain's former school where he served. Its amazing how tolerance, fairness, equality and freedom are not allowed and offered to everyone?!?! SMH
A harbinger
If schools/communities had more leaders and teachers like him, I think we’d start to see many of the emerging societal problems dissipate.
all he needs to do is stand on Scripture! see what God says about homosexuality in the Bible.
So the alphabet groups get there say , but the Christian side can't say anything ?
"If a man sleeps with a man as with a woman, they have both committed a detestable act. They must be put to death; their death is their own fault."
(Leviticus 20:13)
ITS only lets Go prendon theater
Why is it somehow okay to pretty much ban Christ from most schools, and yet push LGBTQ into a school that embraces Christ? The Left are an army of hypocrites.
This is outrageous Prayers for you
Your one o my. Christ's own, 👍🙏❤️
Be blessed
God bless this chaplain. I hope that justice prevails.
So sad!
Former Transgender Activist: Transitioning Is Dangerous—Especially For Youth: https://youtu.be/dJMMqREtQJc