Heaven and Earth Q+R
Jon and Tim respond to questions about the theme of Heaven and Earth in the Bible.
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Jon and Tim respond to questions about the theme of Heaven and Earth in the Bible.
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Something we going to have to deny its like that tree going to be up there again 41:12
I always thought that that body had to be sacrificed so he couldn't come back in that body they didn't do it with him because of his words and the holy Spirit I don't think you came back in the same body because that body needed to be sacrificed to the Lord but he came back to show doubting Thomas the hoes in his hands and appears in his body and that was to show him
I believe that during our life the Lord does not want us to focus on things that are not made clear in the Bible but to focus on the task of letting the world know about Jesus and salvation and maturity in ou Christian walk.
2:24 what about John 5:28-29 when Jesus is talking about resurrection to either life or judgement?
help us to see heaven and earth the way you want us to Lord
A child wants to experience the parent’s
warm heartfelt love, attention and
the parent wanting to consider the child thoughts & questions
has to be something the child wants to work toward.
This makes time outs & spankings more powerful.
With that image in mind:
You don’t become a Christian so that you avoid hell.
You become a Christian to love the God who loves you
(by Jesus lovingly taking the punishment we should have had)
and you want to become more intimate with God.
Faith and Hope are of God. Which means we will always need them along with Love. For without Faith it’s impossible to please God.
This is my take on marriage in “Heaven” or actually the new creation when the resurrection happens.
Ok. This goes deeper but I’m going to try and keep it short and simple. Matthew 22:23-33, Luke 20:27-40.
We normally look at this and think it’s pretty simple Sadducees ask about marriage in the resurrection and Jesus says no marriage in the resurrection. Case closed. But this lacks understanding of the historical context. Let me explain.
The Sadducees asked Jesus about a “Levirate marriage” in which according to the Law of Moses if a man marries a woman and he dies having no seed his brother could raise up seed in his place. Well, when the Sadducees asked Jesus about this they were thinking, “How can the resurrection be true, if us coming back to this life we would be under Moses’ Law, therefore with this law still standing, it creates a problem.”
However, Jesus’ response:
“For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.” -Matthew 22:30.
“Neither marry, nor are given in marriage” is an idiom used to describe how marriages worked based upon the Law of Moses.
“But are as the angels of God in heaven” meaning the angels are under God’s Law not Moses’ Law.
So we will be like the angels of God in heaven, not being under Moses’ Law, but God’s Law.
Therefore the Law God set forth in the Garden of Eden before the Fall concerning Adam and Eve being joined together as one and to be fruitful and multiply will still be in place.
I’ll be honest, when I first read this passage when I was a teenager I thought we were going to lose our male and female parts. Lol But as time has progressed and in these recent years God has given me the understanding of this passage as well as continuing to give me more understanding of His Word.
Also, if the Sadducees were concerned about marriage then they would have simply asked who will Jacob be married to Leah or Rachel?
And if Jesus was responding about Marriage as in the Garden, the He would have said something like, there will be no more man leaving his father and mother and being joined unto his wife. Like we see He did in Matthew 19:4-6.
What God creates and His Laws that He gives last forever. Ecclesiastes 3:14.
One more thing, when a husband and wife get married they don’t go and stare at each other forever, no, they do things together.
So it will be with us and God, it’s not about just standing there singing praises. It’s about creating with Him and ruling with Him for all eternity.
What about the part in revelation where it says 2 women at the mill one taken the other left? I'm seriously confused because it sounds like you're completely denying the rapture. But that 1 line is proof enough for me that the rapture is going to happen.
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I am getting so much out of this series, thank you! ~ Marci Harrison 👍
NO WONDER! My gosh Tim! Everything leading up to this turns everything I can’t wait for into depression! Dude! When you mention that you don’t believe the Rapture view! Finally it all made since! So sorry to hear that your hope has been robed from you! This has happened to another close friend I also have, possibly a few others, they are as well, depressed! All the time!
I hope and pray for you Tim! Been listening to you for years! Please don’t take this the wrong way, your still amazing.
What about the judgments and wrath of god? “Far be it from you to slay the righteous with the wicked . . . Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?”
Now I want to find the controversial video about the middle finger haha
After all these episodes not one on Hell? Thats like the mortal threat of all humanity and the 'good news' in the Bible….good news that you wont be thrown into Hell
I think that commonly referring to the gathering (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18) and glorification (1 Corinthians 15:51-53) of the body of Christ as the "rapture" and Daniel's 70th week as the "tribulation" is what makes many people think that believers will be here for it. Neither of those words are in the Bible but the concepts certainly are.
Paul tells us we will suffer tribulations but he doesn't warn us about Daniel's 70th week or the Day of the Lord in any of his epistles. In fact, Paul tells us to look forward to the Day of Christ (Philippians 1:10, 2:16) or Day of the Lord Jesus (1 Corinthians 1:8, 5:5, 2 Corinthians 1:14) as our day of redemption rather than to fear the day of the Lord as a day of judgement. The only time Paul says "Day of the Lord" is when he is telling the Thessalonians how sudden destruction will come upon "them", referring to unbelievers. (1 Thessalonians 5:2-3)
Peter, as the apostle to the circumcision (Galatians 2:7-8) representing the remnant of Israel preached the Day of the Lord (2 Peter 3:10-12). It's not for us as the body of Christ.
Heaven is the abode of God that no human being except Jesus has entered
I am sure yall have heard thay Luke 23:43 verse described as , " Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise" , with the comma after today, it changes the meaning. The way I heard it described is we don't know for sure , but they would not have had punctuation like a comma there at all in the Hebrew. Either way we will still be with him in paradise, but is it the day we die, or eventually. Something to think about.
It's a real shame that throughout my 50+ years in my Christian walk that this level of insight, research, knowledge and wisdom (basically – the Truth) is no way near what comes from the pulpit and Bible studies in mainstream Christianity.