Heaven, Hell, and the Afterlife: A Conversation with Randy Alcorn
Did the doctrine of Hell evolve over time? Did Jesus teach annihilation? In this interview, I get to talk with author Randy Alcorn about the latest book from Bart Ehrman: Heaven and Hell: A History of the Afterlife. Join us and ask live questions!
READ: Heaven, by Randy Alcorn (https://amzn.to/2Xo7pyc)
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Folks, we need to fast and ask God for his Armor and also for THE GIFTS OF HEALINGS🙏
Generation "Z" are already Doomed, they just don't know it yet. The Elites know, that's why they are preparing to go to their underground bunkers.
YOU should've gotten off the planet when you had the chance, now your best option is to "Give Your Life to Jesus Christ" so that you can escape the judgments of God by being taken in The Rapture (Rev. 3:10). However, this will take "A Leap of Faith."
Another option is to simply take your chances of surviving to the end and the return of Jesus Christ at the battle of Armageddon, however you may need some "Special Forces Training", good luck 👍
I am praying for you and your wife Nancy. God bless you both,
Substantive Discussion begins at 25:50
Randy's wife Nanci entered Jesus' presence in March of 2022.
So does Bart think he is more of an insider than satan? satan knows GOD and the things of heaven and hell and so do the demons and they believe because they understand JESUS IS THE TRUTH!!!! And he has a problem with GOD because he created a place like hell as punishment, really men created courts for justice and it often ends in the penalty of death! Well that’s mean and it’s not fair so go stamp your feet Bart like the little baby that he is and then men don’t exists because the death penalty is mean and not fair! The guy needs to grow up and then wake up because he is leading people to hell and his judgment before ALMIGHTY GOD IS GOING TO BE BRUTAL FOR his service to the father of lies satan!!! Good luck with that Bart and all who choose to follow you and your father over the one true KING!!!! JESUS IS THE TRUTH!!!
I've been to heaven and hell…i died of a failed liver when I was 17( I was born in 1976)… i was shown heaven and hell….and yes i heard the voice of God….he sent me back….i can't wait to die it's so much better than this place….I think I got something from it tho I think we're here to experience mortality like Jesus and trust in Jesus and the holy spirit….and have a nice day….
Yes, 50:50 great point
Praying for successful surgery for Nancy tomorrow, for skill and knowledge for the medical team.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💕💕
Hi Sean, long time listener here and ive just been wondering…do you lean towards annihilantion or eternal torment?
This is very sad about this man you are speaking about . It says in the gospel that if we know the word of GOD AND REJECT IT SYILL ..THAT IS SOMEHOW WORSE THAN MOST . PRAY FOR THAT PERSON. GOD BLESS. 😢🤨🙏
Write let me tell you about this heaven and h*** Heaven is a place of thought You create your own h*** God do not send you to h*** You send yourself there
JOHN 3: 1- 21 KJV
Sinful people are brought back after death for God's vindication for his judgement of them.
This was a fantastic conversation. I am thrilled we have biblically studied people who present truth in a kindly mannered way. Thank u thank u thank u 🇨🇦❤️
I will pray for Nancy and Randy for complete healing and God being glorified with her recovery, God Bless!
Great show, great guests. One of my favorite shows on utube. Thanks to Sean and Randy, God bless. Will of coarse say a prayer, though a bit after th the fact.
Jude 7 gives us the true representation of eternal punishment. As we read there, the people of Sodom and Gomorrah are still suffering the vengeance of everlasting fire even to this day.
It's well past the time Nancy had her surgery but am praying anyway for her and the family, trusting that the LORD is working His marvelous grace in their lives. Sean, I so appreciate your gift of encapsulating what your guests say and making sure we understand it before moving on.
2 Tim.1:10; says that “the Lord Jesus abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.”
Interesting discussion. Randy asserts we cry out for justice, I cry out for mercy. In John, the crowd confronting the woman caught in adultery, wanted to stone her in according to OT law. On the hand, Jesus did not condemn her, but showed mercy. His mercy is the reason I became a Christian, and the reason I try not to condemn.
Praying for your wife Nanci Alcorn that her further treatments will give her a better quality of life.
Heaven for all? No. Death without God's Judgment? No. Sinners go to Hell forever & ever? Hope NOT! Sinners in Hell, Judgment then thrown in the lake of fire to die eventually depending on how bad your sin was? Hope so, because I think it is pretty close to what the Bible says & because GOD has to be more moral than us.
There are a lot of conceited things stated in this interview, especially in the beginning. The one that stood out for me that is common to all religions is that everyone grapples with the big questions like where did we come from, what happens to us when we die, and as posited here, is there a hell. No. If all humans have something in common then biologists have a term for it: instinct. There is no big question instinct. Steven Pinker wrote a book called the Language Instinct. In that book he reviews the Wharf-Sappier hypothesis that in fact certain details of language are instinct. Wharf-Sappeir proposed that Eskimos have 50 words for snow because it is hard-wired, aka instinct. Well, guess what. Turns out the Wharf-Sappier hypothesis is bunk. We do have a language instinct, we do not have a "big question" or other concrete though instinct. I highly recommend reading Pinker's book. There is no instinct to grapple with the big questions or consider hell. None. There is, however, lots of evidence of these things being cultural and indoctrinated. If you are so conceited as to think the big questions are common to all humans and work at the instinct level then I suggest the first step is to prove Wharf-Sappier is correct that particular concrete thought is instinct beyond the eating, and bodily function thoughts made manifest by our physical bodies.
Yay…my dogs will be in Heaven!!!!!!!!
You probably could have asked Bart Ehrman to come into your show, but it's telling that you instead chose to talk to someone else about Bart Ehrman.
Will pray for her
Love how "gracious" this conversation was.
I read Randy’s book heaven many years ago and it totally changed my view of heaven! I now give his book away to people because it’s one of my favorites!
Just saw this today. Great dialogue! Thanks for the way Randy and Sean handled Bart Ehrman's arguments. And I hope that Randy's wife, Nancy, is now in full recovery.
It all comes down to whether one believes scripture to be God's supernatural inerrant word or the possibly genuine but all-too-human record of people's experiences of God. These days I have gravitated towards the latter…
Sean's buddy Preston Sprinkle is has also advocated for the CI viewpoint and makes a better case than any I've heard for ECT.