Here’s How U.S. Can Hold China Accountable for Coronavirus Cover-up | Olivia Enos on Fox News
Olivia Enos joined Fox News, Sunday, May 17, to talk about the latest from China, the Chinese Communist Party’s efforts to cover-up the outbreak, and the policies available to the Trump administration to hold them accountable.
Follow Olivia on Twitter: @OliviaEnos
Learn more about this issue: https://www.heritage.org/asia/report/holding-the-chinese-communist-party-accountable-its-response-the-covid-19-outbreak
Olivia Enos, senior policy analyst in the Asian Studies Center at The Heritage Foundation, focuses on human rights and national security challenges in Asia. Her research spans a wide range of subjects, including democracy and governance challenges, human trafficking and human smuggling, religious freedom, refugee issues, and other social challenges in the region.
Check out her work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/olivia-enos
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At this point, late 2020, legislation & sanctions, seizing CCP assets will do almost nothing; ask Taiwan if we can setup a HUGE military base(s) there!
And how do we hold Trump accountable for the Coronavirus coverup? TRUMP LIED AMERICANS DIED
China was practicing magical thinking the same way Trump was. Why doesn't she mention that Beijing is partially locking down due to new cases?
New COVID-19 outbreak in Beijing, China. I've been watching this guy for months. Very interesting.
China has to pay, they have to pay.
Ateenage girl with an artificial chin talking about how to handle China? come on, give me a break.
Here is a list of the countries that have territorial and border disputes with China:
India : China illegally occupies 38,000 sq. km (Aksai Chin) of land in Jammu & Kashmir. It also holds 5,180 km of Indian territory in Pakistan occupied Kashmir under Sino-Pak agreement of 1963. Chinese also claims Arunachal Pradesh as part of China.
Japan : China believes that Senkaku Islands and Ryukyu Islands of Japan are Chinese territories.
Vietnam : China claims large parts of Vietnam, the Macclesfield Bank, the Paracel Islands, parts of the South China Sea and the Spratly Islands as Chinese territories.
Nepal : China claims parts of Nepal dating back to the Sino-Nepalese War in 1788-1792. China claims they are part of Tibet, therefore part of China.
North Korea : China has claimed all North Korea as part of china on historical grounds.
The Philippines : China claims Scarborough Shoal and the Spratly Islands because it claims ownership to south china sea.
Russia : 160,000 square kilometres of Russia still is illegally claimed by China, despite China signing several agreements.
Singapore : Ownership claims to Parts the South China Sea.
South Korea: China claims ownership to East China Sea. China claimed all South Korea as part of china on historical grounds.
Bhutan : china considers Bhutan as part of Tibet and hence part of China.
Taiwan : China claims all of Taiwan.
Kazakhstan : China claims part of Kazakhstan territory.
Laos : China claims large areas of Laos on historical precedent.
Brunei : The Spratly Islands is a disputed group of more than 750 reefs, islets, atolls, cays, and islands in the South China Sea. About 45 islands are occupied by small numbers of military forces from the People's Republic of China
Tajikistan : Chinese claims whole country of Tajikistan based on historical precedent.
Cambodia : China has, on occasion, claimed parts of Cambodia on historical precedent.
Indonesia: China claims parts of Indonesia in the South China Sea.
Kyrgyzstan : China claims the majority of Kyrgyzstan on the grounds that it was unfairly forced to cede the territory (which it had formerly conquered) to Russia in the 19th century.
Malaysia : China claims parts of Malaysia that exist in South China Sea.
Mongolia : China claims all of Mongolia on historical precedent because Genghis Khan, occupied China.
Afghanistan : China claims Afghan province of Badakhshan as part of China.
Greece : China is the owner of all Greek seaports for next 99 years.
France : Chinese businessman purchased huge vineyards in France as Chinese-expansion strategy, but France banned Chinese businessman to buy farmland in France.
Canada : China buying huge farmlands in Canada.
And finally, the global spread of COVID19. So finally, China has disputes with almost all the countries in the world.
Get Fox News out of New York. Why are they not in a red state?
Boycott CCP Chinese products.. The Chinese government lied about the coronavirus.. they are responsible for creating the virus 🦠 , they tried to cover it all up… Let’s freeze Chinese assets here in the USA..
Uncle Sam, please be cautious when using the old tactics, of spreading disinformation about mass destruction weapon as pretext to invade Iraq to seize control of its rich oil resources, against China this time. Because China much stronger and you might face devastating hit by China powerful nuclear weapon. Your plot is not going to work this time, please wake up and focus yourself on handling the mismanaged covid 19 response of your country.
I thought america had spys and satillites to wacth stuff like that. China lied to tramd for 100th time then tramp lies to us. U think a terror group would annouse it if they spread a chemical. You have to be ready on your own. They use to send white powder in the mail now all they have to do is spit on it.
We can hold China accountable by not buying Chinese products. Bring US manufacturing back and penalize treasonous companies who continue to do business with them.
China is an Enemy of the State and only wishes our destruction. So why do we continue to support them? 🤔 They cheat, backstab, steal, and do everything to undermine us.
They are responsible for this entire freaking mess we're in right now. Yet they don't have the honor or dignity to admit to it. To hell with this parasite garbage country. 🤬
Why is china allowed to buy our media . biribe them. And publish fake news. When we cannot have stake in there media. There media. Would not type real news. How unfair is that.
The World should come together and teach CCP Bullies a Lesson – BOYCOTT CHINA!!
Ko Mgko, your commet is so funny.You are right about that.Very nice comment.
China set the World up for Economic Death, as part of their WORLD-TAKEOVER PLAN – having CAREFULLY PLANNED the "execution" of their GERM-WARFARE, combined with their DEMOCRAT "USEFUL IDIOTS" – right after the ink was barely dry on Phase One Deal with the USA. Their duping delight didn't go unnoticed. Their plan was treacherous premeditated FIRST DEGREE MURDER, and NO COUNTRY should EVER do business with "XI" again for ANY "critical" needs IF for anything at all.
Obama Admin gave 7.5 MILLION to the Wuhan LAB that Gates also invested in. #EnemiesOfTheStateTREASON !!!
Yes freeze their ill gotten assets. Starve the corrupt officials. Decouple from China. Delist their fraudulent companies.
This is more talk about doing nothing, CHINA IS THE 2ND LARGEST HOLDER OF U.S DEBT. The not allowing of CHINA COMPANIES to trade on the STOCK EXCHANGE is GOOD. More sanctions only by the U.S. won't work. TRUMPS failure to get ALLIES like GERMANY, FRANCE, and others to join together against CHINA with sanctions will. Force AMERICAN companies out of CHINA, take back DRUG PRODUCTION of medicines from CHINA for AMERICA.
So it’s not a hoax or only a hoax if we can pass the buck?
What ever we owe china take off all moneys from that moneys
What doesn't China steal? China has to disappear!
Olivia’s work has included exposing the Chinese government’s absolutely BRUTAL treatment of Uighur Muslims. Here’s a look at how a report from earlier this year lays out how it could be worsening: https://youtu.be/i9oerCK65Zs