Heritage In Focus: Employee Free Choice Act: Binding…
Heritage In Focus: Employee Free Choice Act: Binding Arbitration
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Heritage In Focus: Employee Free Choice Act: Binding Arbitration
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It is the Heritage Foundation. What did you expect.
Well this is a bunch of propogandist crap. I'll just say this. The fool who supposedly "gives the facts" tries to argue that "currently" an employee can go to his/her boss and ask for a raise–It's just that easy! So why doesn't he explain why middle class wages have remained basically stagnant for nearly 30 years? Well, because his propogandist job is to make unions, which GENERALLy raise wages, look bad.
Bull, Unions are needed more today than ever scab.
I make a fair wage for the work I do. I actually have to be productive and have to constantly be improving my skills to be useful and employed. That's the way it should be. You should have to be useful and improve yourself to stay employed. Do do otherwise results in uselessness,and a inability to adapt.
If being a productive worker means I am a "scab rat" than I guess I am guilty as charged.
Wage slavery? If I don't like what I am making I just go somewhere else. Nobody is forcing me to take a job.
Look at the American auto industry now. It's going under. You can thank the unions for that for the most part.
Most unions employees I have worked with have been lazy as hell. I have to to a good job to stay employed, they don't.
Well,those people may not have jobs much longer. You can call it reaping what they have sown (unproductivity).
I've had nothing but bad experiences with unions. Unions were needed at one time, but now they are just a socialist organizaton that is hurting our country. I'm not affiliated with any union now and have to actually work and be competitive to stay employed. This is difficult but it's what made this country great.