Heritage In Focus: Getting Pork Under Control
Heritage In Focus: Getting Pork Under Control
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Heritage In Focus: Getting Pork Under Control
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as a matter of fact, i do watch C-span– when ever my attention is capable. the pork thing just hasn't made it to my list of priorities of research, but it seems to have grabbed your attention… fight the good fight.
More…Excerpt from cagw(dot)org "All About Pork: The Abuse of Earmarks and the Needed Reforms" By: Tom Finnigan Updated March 7, 2007:
"Why Pork is Bad: But pork-barrel spending is a form of corruption, where tax dollars are dolled out on the basis of political favoritism and to advance the careers of Washington insiders rather than on the merit of individual projects. Waste and abuse have proliferated in the absence of transparency, accountability, and a competitive process."
Apparently you don't watch C-Span TV where Senators have live debate in the Senate on bills that will potentially become law. There was a recent debate on earmarks or pork spending that are attached in secret to such bills. Check out C-Span(dot)org and search earmarks and go particularly to Congressman Jeff Flakes link where he lists several egregious earmarks. None of this is "made up".
if it isn't religious fallacy, then tell me more. but if it is a message that is broadcasted from anything pat robertson, i will have nothing to do with it. the last thing that i am willing to direct my attention toward is "kosher" meats. please excuse my open faithlessness.
"Pork" spending has nothing to do with religion. "Earmarks" or "Pork" are pet projects added to bills being voted into law that waste millions of our tax dollars. Have you not heard of "The Bridge to Nowhere"? Or the "swimming pool" built in California with American's taxes? This is "Pork" spending and the President you want to get rid of, supports it every time he signs a bill with earmarks – Pork – into law. BIG problem if you value how your tax dollars are spent. It's tax dollar waste.
PORK? are you kidding me? lose this religious fallicy, and focus on something that demands our attention a bit more (like the fact that bush is still president).