Heritage In Focus: Immigration Debate – Rhetoric vs Reality
“Rhetoric vs Reality”
Interview with Former Attorney General Edwin Meese about proposed immigration reform legislation.
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@StLukey7 You'll vanquish us? Who is the majority in the U.S.? Who owns the most firearms? Who controls state and federal law enforcement? Who controls the armed forces? Who has access to the state/corporate infastructure needed to produce mass amounts of chemical and biological agents? Who has likely known how to artifically engineer retro-viruses that specifically infect humans with dark pigmentation since the mid-1990s? We have, that's who! We wont need camps this time.
@StLukey7 You're not American, your children will never be American. Under the original constitution you wouldn't even have citizenship! So, what if you were the first. We conquered, setteled, and built the U.S. This nation is the product of our hands. You live in this country because we tolerate your presence. While your right about the 14th amendment for now, it in all likelihood want survive a genuine political crisis in this country. We will eventually wake, and when we do you'll be sorry.
@Jsledge85 Hispanics are Europeans.
@StLukey7 Well guess what the U.S. Supreme Court just said that employment verification and the "bussiness death penalty" are legal. While the Conneticut Dream Act is a step in the wrong direction, this legislation is another reason to elect Republican candidates in future elections. Futhermore, this legislation is ridiculous during a prolonged period of economic austerity. HB – 12 is still going before the Supreme Court! Pack your bags esse, and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
@StLukey7 Leaving the country would take all of the fun, out of sweeping all of the human filfth that came here illegally ( and legally) back from whence they came. I stole that quote from a famous speech delivered by Fidel Castro. I don't know who Sen. Pierce is, but he is a hypocrite. I'm not from Arizona, I don't even live in the Western United States. You better start taking us seriously, because your friends are going to have to leave and go home soon. This is not Mexico!
@jraider2 It's a circular problem, "corporate interests" offer low wages and no benefits because of the availability of illegal immigrant workers. If the illegal immigrants were to be removed, these same "corporate interests" you refer too, would befored through supply and demand to raise wages w/o government legislation. During the earlier half of the 20th century, the US essentially halted legal immigration at one point, and guess what? We had a 2% unemployment rate, the lowest in our history!
@StLukey7 If current trends continue europeans won't be a majority in this country in fourty years, consequently it's not really your problem because you likely won't be here to suffer from the resulting turmoil b/c your middle aged. In comparison, I'm young, it's my problem. It will potentially be a problem for my chidren. This problem must be fixed, it will involve state and federal law enforcement working concurrently. If you can put a man on the moon, you can remove 12 million illegals.
@StLukey7 WE DON'T THEM WE DON'T NEED THEM! There are things more valuable than filthy money, like the demographic content of your country – mainly retaining the northern european makeup of the U.S. that gave our nation its distinct political, legal, and social institutions which create our NATIONAL CULTURE! Deport them all! and Yes Jail the employers who hire them! Furthermore, with a large concrete block wall there would be no illegal immigration problem, it worked for East Germany mornon!
It is interesting that the party who does not get the majority of the votes from the hispanic population is so concerned about more hispanics entering this country. How big of a problem do these people pose compared to the amount of attention is poured into this topic? Wouldn't our time be better spent on the critical issues facing our nation? These people didn't cause the economic crisis or the health care crisis . Lets get to the core problems and work together to find solutions.
Sen Barbara Jordans Bi Partisan comission came up with a dozen ways to end illegal immigration way back in 1995.
. None of her ideas were implemented, all tabled, sandbagged and dismissed. The problem is not hard, the hard part is getting leaders to enforce the laws.
go to numbersusa(dot)com to fax your senators for free on immigration.
please help spread the word.
All people that favor mass immigration benefit from it but smear those that speak out against mass immigration.
Hey, Americans, the videos below are your future if you don't demand an end to illegal immigration and SHAMnesty.
CWP playlist-
Tan Klan 101
Videos to see-
Attack on America July 4th 1996 1, 2, 3, 4
Baldwin Park 1, 2.
I highly reccomend that you read up on how ooorly Mexico treats its own Central American immigrants…los que viven en casas de vidrio no deben tirar piedras.
We need to rephrase the argument: race and national origin do NOT matter. The issue is the skill and education level of immigrants. Low-skill, high school drop-outs are a net loss for tax payers whether they are from Maine or Mexico, Pittsburgh or Puebla. And unfortunately 60% of the immigrants from Mexico are high school drop-outs.
Honestly, one of the biggest misrepresentations is "immigrants do the work that Americans won't do…"
A more accurate statement would be "immigrants do work at wages and conditions that most Americans wouldn't want to do, for the benefit of corporate interests…" Promote decent wages and working conditions and Americans would be happy to do most of the jobs.
I am a bit confused…if being hard working and industrious were the keys to having a prosperous, peaceful nation, why is Mexico in such terrible condition?
i have a number of intelligent mexican friends, and i happen to be mexican too. You're just a frustrated racist.
unfortunatly ther arent any intellectual resources in immigrant workers…thats a fact. Try again.
You should consider the world's future. The US is not the world. Goods can be bought and sold all across the world, why shouldn't the people move around and be able to work anywhere they please? And I mean anywhere… Brazil, Spain, Japan. That would create better jobs everywhere.
75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles, Phoenix, and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.
More than 380,000 "anchor babies" born in the United States in 2005 were to parents who are illegal aliens; making those 380,000 babies automatically U.S. citizens. 97.2% of all costs incurred from those births were paid by the American taxpayer.
2006 (lst Qtr) INS/FBI Statistical Report on Undocumented Immigration
62% of all "undocumented immigrants" in the United States are working for cash and not paying taxes, predominantly illegal aliens, working without a green card.
95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
83% of warrants for murder in Phoenix are for illegal aliens.
86% of warrants for murder in Albuquerque are for illegal aliens.
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these — the homeless, tempest-tossed — to me;
I lift my lamp beside the Golden Door."
This statement is now a blatant lie & needs to be made true as soon as possible.
The French made the statue of liberty and
put those words on it before they gave it
to the U.S It is not the official immigration
policy of this country. The words should be
removed from the statue.
(continued) can you please point out what civilizations to learn from? I dont know one type of people that would not fight for their existance. And the US is doing just that. And mexicans should fight in mexico for reform.
I agree that american history is a very disturbing event. I will not hold my kids or my neighbors kids held accountable of what happened long before i was ever conceived. Mexicans are under represented and we do need reform to protect those that legally live here. But this fantasy that you want is just that…a fantasy. I want my kids to have insurance, an education, a budget for loans and production. I cant have that for them if this country is flooded by illegals. (continued)
Your cause is very noble, but unfortunatly outdated and very naive. Perhaps you should look at the facts and consider the future of this great nation and the future of its people and children.
For one, the land lost after the mexican cession was land that was conquered by the spanish and inherited by the mexicans after the revolution. THe spanish actually took those lands from the indigenous native americans that lived on those lands, which by the way did not include the people of Mesoamerica, an area where prominent peoples including the Aztecs originated from. So how do you figure that mexicans deserve that land? Check your sources.
The Zionist commitment to racial purity has led to expressions of bigotry at the highest levels of Israeli society that would inspire outrage in respectable circles in the U.S. An Israeli company has required thousands of Chinese workers to sign a contract promising not to have sex with Israelis. A company spokesman said there was nothing illegal about the requirement. Israeli law forbids the marriage of a Jew with a non-Jew. (Associated Press, December 23, 2003)
Good point. Its because they don't want to be drowned out by non-Jewish people. Apparently, it only applies to Israel though.
If anti-racist immigrant placement programs like the Hebrew Immigrant Aid society have such a deep, anti-racist, abiding love for people of color, then why doesn't Israel open up its gates to third world multiculturalism, and diversity? Why is Israel's immigration policy ethnic Jewish-only? Why does the Palestinian minority have to live in seperate neighborhoods & attend different schools? Why is interracial marriage illegal in Israel? Furthermore, why no black people in Israel, or Hispanics?
this is why the dept of labor, the us chamber of commerce, the new york stock exchange, the federal resevre bank, the wall street journal, and God knows how many unions and fortune 1000 corporation are backing the undocumented workers….hey heritage how many us economic forces are backing you guys up?
yeah and all this folks info was delivered to me in pdf and at the end he calls me dirty names insults me and im happy to report to everyone that you arE losing the war. HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHA!!!!!
Another reason we don't need illegal immigrants here, because we have a hard enough time keeping up with the people who are here LEGALLY.
I'm not against giving a path to citizenship for those law-abiding, responsible illegals who would pay a fine AND go through the normal naturalization process of learning about this country and learning English. BUT, the BORDER MUST BE SECURLY CLOSED FIRST!
um…well what is worse child porn and pedofelia, or driving drunk? they are both bad…doesnt mean we now take a stance against white men who download child porn disproportionately. Geez!
and how many more get kill every day by legal immigrants a day you dont make sense on your comment
Actually, our government is allowing them in and not doing anything about it because they are busy fighting for a larger wad of cash that is being burned out in Iraq right now.
Man, the people here in the US like having scapegoats. I'm glad you know what's happening as well.
Right. Americans should get rid of NAFTA, the WTO & the american politicians out of latin america & maybe there wouldn't be that problem in the u.s. those racist people need to be protesting against their government that overthows democratically elected governments in latin america.
Wow. You know, you'll never convince people to see your point of view if you frame in such an insulting manner. I have plenty to say to your reply but I'd rather not engage in a discussion where insults will be thrown around like that. It's simply not productive.
Actually, many of them don't have access to most forms of birth control and even if they do, the majority are roman catholic, which as you probably know prohibits mosts forms of contraceptive.
400 years? Let's try 30, with the coup of Allende in Chile in 1973. Or if you prefer, more recently, in 1982, we have the US backing of a coup led by Rios Montt, a "president" responsible for the death of some 10,000 Guatemalans.
While this may or may not be the fault of the US, the US can help. Until the US stops exacerbating this situation, we can't really say much in regards to the immigration "problem".
There exists a thing called a culture of poverty. It essentially gets at this point. When you are living in extreme poverty, the only thing you are concerned with is how to put food on your table TONIGHT. Tomorrow is hard to imagine. When over half of a country's population is under the poverty line, social and political change is unlikely.