Heritage In Focus: Immigration: What Would Reagan Do?
“Heritage In Focus: The Immigration Debate: What Would Reagan Do?”
Heritage’s Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow Edwin Meese says the Senate should learn from the immigration reform mistakes of the 1980s.
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Give people a path to legalization. Dont criminalize their status any further. It is about cheap labor. Get cheap labor, keep cheap labor and capitalize
a person born in the usa is not an american since america is a name given to two continents both north america and south america people born in the usa are united stadians
Ronald Reagan saved the PLANET. Viva Ronald Regan
reagan busted the union and put the homeless out on the streets and the mentally ill.
lol, what would reagan do? He'd declare a hunting season for the border. Anyone that shoots a Mexican gets a free lottery ticket.
It all seems so simple. Maybe Senators were more honest in the mid-1980s. Today, and some insiders have testified to this, the Democrats were motivated primarily by the political idea of converting illegal immigrants into Democratic voters. They should be ashamed. As for Pres. Bush, who knows what is motivating him. He has been so off base on Iraq and Illegal Immigration that one wonders where his head is.