Heritage In Focus: The Immigration Debate
Christine Kim discusses a Heritage Foundation study “The Fiscal Cost of Low-Skill Immigrants to State and Local Taxpayers.” For more information please go to Heritage.org
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"if mexicans would know more about their culture we could end this very quickly! "
If Mexicans could fix their dying,failed,corrupt country this would end very quickly.
That's pretty pathetic CHE,trying to recruit people to argue your point of view. Why don't you ask the BBC to lobby on your behalf ? I'm sure they value your opinion since you told me they asked your opinion once (probably on how cheap the Putas in Mexico are nowadays ).
"Country of Origin—Due to geographic location,most illegally-present criminal aliens detained and removed by CATF are fromMexico (on average, 60 percent)."
So basically ERIK,most of the Jail Inmates in our county jail are ILLEGAL,and most of those are Mexican. Don't take my word,look it up.
Sorry Erik,more facts you may not want to hear. Check out CATF (Collier Alien Task Force) which looks at the percent ILLEGALs in Collier County Jail from 2007-2008,and I quote : CATF — Descriptive Statistics and Program Activity Corrections (October 1, 2007 – August 1, 2008)
Interviews Conducted – In the jail, a total of 4,147 inmate interviews have been conducted to determine legal status. Of those, 2,867 inmates (69%) were illegally present in the country and1,271 (31%) were legally present
tell him the richest man in the planet is Mexican and ask him..if he can do better than him…..
@mrinformado yeah bro.. i was just mentioning to that fool…. Peace brother.
Hey Heritage Foundation why don;t you keep it HONEST! and enable the likes and dislikes of people instead of manipulating the results which tell me your studies are probably no different,,,,…WE THE PEOPLE ARE NOT STUPID!
Christine I am sure some of what you say is true but not a 100%! you should know better not to profile people………..how about the 40% of the US population that pay NO TAXES…huh! NOW that is a real problem…………
Cost to us taxpayers?
The only group that is not contributing is older Americans who live off of Social security. Immigrants, in this country, work for less than they can live on. They are the true philanthropist.
ignorant piece of shit. you're a useless mojado.
it was to the indians
well rachel elephant these numbers are clearly invented!
The thesis of my opponents.
"Illegal immigration costs americans 2.2 billion to feed their children, 2.8 to educated them, it cost americans 20 billion dollars in lost revenue, it cost us 25 billion to house them, $30 billion to house them, taxpayers PAY $35.7 billion/year to maintain illegal immigrants…38.7 billion, 41.2, 44.6 do i hear 50 billion!"
it was not illegal back then so ha ha you loose!!!!
actually Tol1234, someone in my position simply states the obvious, not because we've lost the argument, but because i'm attempting to show that your extremist, stubborn beliefs are skewed and therefore illegitimate. moreover, saying that you're "unbiased" or "looking at reality" doesn't make it so and is just another method employed by you in an effort to hide your true feelings.
Look at yourself Christine Kim your more Asian than Shrimp Fried Rice, even if your legal in this country or born in this country, your still an immigrant, maybe the U.S. shoud deport you as well, as well as all asians, and the rest of the legal or illegal immigrants (like myself) out of the U.S. You really think your a true American lol, look yourself in the mirror, and think before you write.
funny how "inappropriate language" to you means anything that reflects negatively on the Heritage Foundation. But causing mass hysteria, overblown xenophobic reactions, and downright racism by pushing what can only be described as propaganda is totally appropriate, huh?
Your messages are being deleted because you keep using inappropriate language.
and no, i'm not the only one who agrees that these facts are bogus. many institutions agree that the her. foundn, again an OPENLY partisan think tank, CREATES very biased results. people like you however completely embrace these "findings" because you try to legitimize your skewed feelings and beliefs and allows you to completely forego the hardships of having to do the morally-correct deed. people like you will always transfer your anger and hate to those who are vulnerable.
your flag? everyone has the right to wave whatever flag the want. it is the freedom that the US flag represents, have you forgotten that. and your language? again a freedom guaranteed. that makes you an illegal for attempting to deny anyone of their constitutional freedoms. you not wanting others to retain their culture = you a xenophobe. that's what it means. come to terms with it
if you look at the real research (peer-reviewed and conducted in a manner consistent with the Scientific Method) you'd see that most of your "fears" don't actually exist, in fact sometimes the opposite is found (example: tax paying). BTW, the her. fd. and the CIS that the media cites all the time are NOT actual reliable sources of info as they have an agenda.
lou dobbs? is this you? its got to be you 'cause you're mouth appears to be spewing the exact same biased excrement.
yes, let me tell u what i think we should do in 500 characters or less! unfortunately, my solution involves more than the usual harassment and a "rope round-up" of all things brown. i think u really underestimate how much these people can and do positively impact our day-to-day life style and you seem to be in an EXTREMELY frightened & pissed off state (like so many others; such as oh, i don't know, the whole middle-east). hope you get well.
don't get me wrong wendal, i'm not for open borders, and immigration reform is something that EVERYONE should condsider. but at least be aware that extremists that are for open borders are the opposite of extremists that would not think twice about dissolving a family's life just cause they're "criminals"(people like this will use faulty, incomplete, or biased info and statistics as scare tactics to get a point across)
Crickettedog, i apologize if i've made you uncomfortable. But i simply wish i could somehow make you see the hate that i've had to endure just because of how i look, regardless of my education and profession. And the fact is that these illogical and undeniably racist feelings are fueled by a fear that is founded on ignorance. I don't blame anyone; but please, please don't be one of them. Learn the truth.
IN FACT, constitutional law, which in our great U.S. of A. trumps all administrative law, guarantees ALL PEOPLE the right to wave any flag AND speak any language they like and is now under attack by people like you. Who is the real "illegal" here? You and others like you will cite laws whenever applicable to your skewed beliefs.
A bit over a hundred years ago, it was illegal to run away from your slave-master. The main point is that an administrative law does NOT always correlate with proper and good moral judgement.
I do however applaud your courage. Indeed, come out and embrace your irrational feelings; after all, those feelings seem to be driving the US lately. Leave denial behind, throw on a hood, and chase ALL illegal immigrants down. We wouldn't want them intermingling with our good, blue eyed, blond hair children, do we?
1. the Heritage Foundation needs money to conduct their "research"; 2. the big corp machine looks good for making a contribution to an org that believes in good ol' fashion values. The only customer base the corp is gambling with is the illegal immigrant one. But the illegals will soon find out. WAIT!! They probably don't have internet access and i'm almost positive that their consumer decisions are based more on necessity and not on what GM thinks of them.
However, I have found a peer reviewed article that appeared in the Tax Lawyer (published by Georgetown University) last year. In it, Mr. or Mrs. Crickettedog, you will find that it says the exact opposite of what you and the Heritage Foundation believe. Do a google search for "francine lipman + ssrn" and look for an article entitled The Taxation of Undocumented Immigrants: Separate, Unequal, and Without Representation.
The Heritage Foundation employs Policy Analysts. Although most do have PhD's and so forth, they are now employed by an organization whose goal is to "formulate and promote conservative public policies…"(their website). Their "research" is NOT intended for scholarly purposes and is NOT subjected to scrutiny by others in the field.
There is no need for illegal Mexican immigrants. There never was. My point was that we have plenty of Americans to do most of those jobs and automation will take care of the rest.
Sorry, it should say: "some derive income…..". Some are legit. Heritage Foundation however acquires major support from nearly 100 major corp. (GM, Procter & Gamble, etc.)
On the issue of economic consequence, "The belief that illegal aliens cost more in government services than they contribute to the economy…is UNDENIABLY FALSE. Every empirical study of illegals' economic impact demonstrates the opposite…undocumenteds actually contribute more to public coffers in taxes than they cost in social services". This is quoted from a PEER REVIEWED study. Look up peer reviewed if u dont know what it means. Google: "J. Lipman, Francine, + ssrn" for study.
But what do they contribute to the nation? Oh yes, we need people to flip us more Big Macs and mow our lawns. I forgot.
Unfortunatley, we already have our own native-born bums and high school dropouts to flip our burgers and mow our lawns, why do we need to import tens of millions of another nation's high school dropouts and then try to find jobs for them?
Explain that to me.
But they will contribute children to the over burdened schools, they will contribute criminals to the over burdened prison system, they will contribute violent crimes to an already criminally-saturated society, they will contribute sick patients to the over burdened health care system.Tthey will contribute fecal matter to the over strained sewer system, they will contribute congestion to our already plugged roads, etc.
The math is simple. Illegals take much more than they will ever contribute. Just by being here, America has to service them socially even if they pay not one cent in tax. And since low income people pay virtually nothing in income tax, they contribute nothing to the national coffers.
Maybe you'd like to start paying more for your garbage removal, lawn care, roofing services, etc. If you did, you'd have people who could afford health insurance. Those jobs will be filled. Do you really think that a U.S. citizen doing any of those jobs can afford health care? Wise up!
Typo: rood = roof
You're not paying higher taxes because of illegals. You are paying higher taxes because anyone who does these low-leve jobs costs the system. Maybe you'd like your rood done by a high paid executive. Pay UP!!
If the job doesn't pay whomever does it will cost the system. Illegal or not. This logic is a joke. If we want to save the system money, remove the low paying jobs. Filling the jobs with US citizens won't save a dime. Heritage Foundation = "stink tank"
Any honest person knows that illegal immigrants are better for America's economy than black people have been. But right wingers are cowards. They want to take down blacks but are afraid to say it in public. So they move onto illegal immigrants.
Connect the dots people. Listen to this crazy lady: "We can't let illegals into America because they burden the welfare state." She's also implying that we can't let blacks have too many babies. Christ.