Heritage In Focus: Unorthodox Lawmaking: Immigration Reform
Mike Franc talks about unorthodox lawmaking concerning immigration reform.
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Mike Franc talks about unorthodox lawmaking concerning immigration reform.
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lie no one wants a debate this video of your rachel elephant…is false
oh you poor victim, finally you can live without the unfair advantages blacks have had all this time! i hope they stop giving welfare to'em too cause they always abuse it, unlike the "All" Americans who truly deserve it!
ok mister i didn't assume you were a democrat…. you're just looney, i like you…
"Keep digging a deeper hole for yourself, baby. It's fun watching you leftists/racists/Democrats self-destruct on the Internet."
sure, im self-destructing in ten, nine, eight… (fart) lol dropping politician's names doesn't mean you're talking about the issue either
this country was not built by one race. this country belong's to those who love and will work to the bone to make it better. not to those who talk shit from the comfort they've found for people of their manner and likeness. people like that will do anything to keep the system the way it is by relentlessly defending it because THEY'RE comfortable with it.
you replied to my comment, HercMaster. if you just wanna spew your politics on youtube, please scroll down to the "cOMMENT ON THIS VIDEO" box and type in your political views there. thanks.
Generous… Yes, sometimes you are, I accept the truth. But be real. God created all humans equal. You just can't be better or worse than anybody else. Everybody knows where these Mexicans live. Just grab them and deport, what's the problem?
You won't, because no American guy will do their job for the same money. So, if you like them to do crappy jobs, why not legalize them? Let them be free!
Memory? How old are you anyway? I didn't kill anyone or their ancestors.
Every claim to land ownership can be disputed. Unfortunately the fact is that these matters are decided by the outcome of battles, and the current government has not been overrun yet. You reference one of several sad chapters in American history. However every nations history is littered with these. America the current nation is overall one of the most generous nations to have existed.
Hey you, so called americans, nobody legalized you yet. You killed 90% of my ancestors. If you don't want iliigals in this country, I will help you to pack your bags. What's wrong with your memory? We, indians are native, you came here. It is our home!
Red Indidan.
lol none of the people speaking on heritage and immigration issues are white.
Keep calling and writing congress! We can't sit by and allow this horrible bill to go thru. Just think about it, the congress VOTED DOWN an ammendment that would exclude FELONS from being given citizenship. That says to me that Congress doesn't care if Mexico ships it's rapists, murderers, and thieves to the US. What do they care–most of them are so rich they live in ritzy areas where the crime is at a minimum.
I'm glad the bill appears to be dead now! Thanks in part to all the calls.