Hey media, there is absolutely a war on Christians! | Sri Lanka Attack
When will the media wake up and realize there IS A WAR on Christians?! Churches are under constant threat of vandalism if not arson, “Easter worshippers” in Sri Lanka are being killed in the hundreds but that’s not enough. Watch this clip as Glenn lays it all out for you.
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Sri Lanka Bombings, Sri Lanka church attack, media response sri lanka, sri lanka attack
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the progressive left wing media is the most anti-religion institution in history.so much,it even REFUSES to call
"easter worshipers"for
what they really are…. CHRISTIANS.let along being the most PERSECUTED religious
group EVER.but thank god there's a real news network,(THE BLAZE)that's
not afraid of exposing the TRUTH..god bless glenn.🙏
Glenn look at the change in your Bible.
Here is an article about about the self-declared sympathies and agenda of the New Zealand shooter: https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/new-zealandshooters-worldview-has-shocking-similarities
'Brenton Tarrant, the man who shot up two mosques in Christchurch, writes of his admiration for Communist China and calls himself an “eco-fascist,” one should take him at his word.
Most of the media isn’t, preferring to label him a “right-wing extremist” or “white nationalist.”
But this characterization bears almost no resemblance to Tarrant’s twisted thoughts, which we know in some detail from his 73-page “manifesto.” In those pages, written only weeks before his deadly rampage, he summed up his political philosophy by saying:
Conservatism is corporatism in disguise. I want no part of it. … The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People’s Republic of China.
Most of Tarrant’s troubled screed is devoted to detailing the radical environmental views that led him to declare himself an “eco-fascist” and commit mass murder. To put it bluntly, he saw himself as attempting to save the planet by killing off some of the human beings who were despoiling it.
He chose his victims not primarily because of their religion, race, or culture, but because they were newcomers to New Zealand who were having lots of children, especially compared to the native-born.'
There has been a war on Christians since Jesus went to the cross this war has been created by Ishmael came and Esau especially descendants of Esau Saudi Arabia is Edom these are bloodthirsty AG addicts Revelation 2:9 Revelation 3:9 John 8:44 the problem is the problem is people who are killing Christians cannot be told anything because they love them Baptist are very severe and very aggressive about killing Muslims when those children were incinerated in their schools the Baptist applauded wow is this Christianity if it is I've been misguided the very people that these Christians love are the very people that are destroying them Jesus said I was wounded in the house of my friends take heed to this observation World War 1 was a war against Gentiles the Covenant people through Paul they didn't kill enough and World War 1 painting Christians against Christians so they had World War II to kill some more and now World War 3 will not only kill Christians I will kill Arabs the secondary Covenant people descendants of Jacob whose name was changed to Israel having nothing to do with a piece of dirt in the Middle East
Christians are NOT “Easter worshippers” 🙄
I happened to listen to your radio show a few days ago. You defended Fox when a guy called in criticizing them for hiring liberals. You talked over him, very rude habit you have. You dismissed what he had to say. Will I am telling you since Fox suspended the judge and since they hired Donna Brazil I stopped watching them for good. I am sure a lots of others did the same thing. In case I did not mention it, stop talking over everyone else. Your opinion in no more valid than the opinions of others. When you or anyone else talks over others, I immediately turn channels, or frequencies. I doubt I am alone.
The hypocrisy is astounding!!!! what else can you say about it.
Mention of the word CHRISTIAN would cause people to ask, why?
but who can not create a culture can destroy them and there is only one Islam think about it or read the Koran there is written down to the last you should convert or kill them
I thought I worshiped The Lord Yeshua who died for my sins, laid in the tomb 3 days and 3 nights and rose from the dead and is coming again. I repented for my sins and try to live by the commandments and ask forgiveness each day.
New Zealand was more then one shooter….also why was there a full magazine on the floor of a mosque for the shooter.
Gun Control Laws are used to enslave law abiding citizens.
Ben Shapiro, "18,814 pople dead in terrorist attacks in 2017. 66 people dead by white supremacist between 2013-2017
Well that just proves that if the evil people can get a gun they will use a bomb
But evil people will still kill
Killing is evil
Islam at work, following the Koran to the letter. PC Liberal and moronic tools taking it out on innocent people who had nothing to do with it. People need to learn, while not all muslims are murderers, the koran and Mohammad both say God's word is to kill anyone not muslim. The invasion of Europe by islam has begun and their politicians are complicit. It is not an accident, it is a deliberate plan. They are not immigrating to take part, they are immigrating to take over.
"Islamists" ? "distortion of a religion" ? Nope. Glen is a little too kind towards these psychopaths that follow the Qur'an, blindly obey their so-called Allah's commands and use a 7th century barbarian as their role model. Now that Islam is (temporarily) allied to the radical left, the war against the infidel is in full swing, as it has been for the last 1,400 years. Did Spain perform its reconquista with discussions ? Did Greece get rid of the occupying Ottomans with debates ? There was only one way to stop Hitler. There will be only one way to stop Islam's hegemony. Will we have the guts to do it ?
The enemy is NOT a “distortion of faith,” it is the MSM and the people who own and control them. It is the university system and the people who own and control them. It is the political establishment and the people who own and control them.
Video "Who said it? David Duke or someone else" has been blocked!
Nice solid point here
the very first thing the nazis did when the took power was impose gun control laws, in fact, they took them all away leaving six million people defenceless…
FInally someone calling it what it really is, a War on Christinanity!
Right 👍🏻❤️🇩🇪❤️
"1984" "The Naked Communist"
You hypocrites. The hate you have for the Christian asylum seekers at the border is beyond the pale.
One side note Glenn.. There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim.. I don't say that.. muslims say that… Muslims been burning churches for over 1200 years.. Nothings changed except legal gov propaganda..
Where are the security cams? Nobody could see this crap storm coming? Of course they did.. Their Gov had Intel on the bombers but did nothing instead..
You suck Beck!
The only way, we as Christians can win this War on Christians is to come back to Jesus Christ as a nation, get on our knees, make a true repentance of our sins, pray together in faith, and allow God to sanctify us. We must be holy and do God's will, and then He will hear our prayers.
" If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
2 Chronicles 7:14 King James Version (KJV)
6.2K views, no likes. REALLY!!!
Remember western men we fought 2 world wars and we are still here
Whatever happened to the Clintons and Obama that several years ago gave interviews claiming to be born again CHRISTIAN. Think that got lost in their quest for money and power.
Easter Sunday was a coordinated Islamic jihad attack carried out by the soldiers of Allah. Muhammad was a terrorist who, in service to Allah the Devil, started a political and military movement to make Allah the supreme ruler of the earth. Islam kills…it's the Devil's work.
Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues. For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind.
You've been told these days were coming, and yet you did not listen.
Sheep for the Wolves.
Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West Hardcover – Aug 28 2018
by Raymond Ibrahim (Author), Victor Davis Hanson
A sweeping history of the often-violent conflict between Islam and the West, shedding a revealing light on current hostilities
The West and Islam–the sword and scimitar–have clashed since the mid-seventh century, when, according to Muslim tradition, the Roman emperor rejected Prophet Muhammad's order to abandon Christianity and convert to Islam, unleashing a centuries-long jihad on Christendom.
Sword and Scimitar chronicles the decisive battles that arose from this ages-old Islamic jihad, beginning with the first major Islamic attack on Christian land in 636, through the Muslim occupation of nearly three-quarters of Christendom which prompted the Crusades, followed by renewed Muslim conquests by Turks and Tatars, to the European colonization of the Muslim world in the 1800s, when Islam largely went on the retreat–until its reemergence in recent times. Using original sources in Arabic and Greek, preeminent historian Raymond Ibrahim describes each battle in vivid detail and explains how these wars and the larger historical currents of the age reflect the cultural fault lines between Islam and the West.
The majority of these landmark battles–including the battles of Yarmuk, Tours, Manzikert, the sieges at Constantinople and Vienna, and the crusades in Syria and Spain–are now forgotten or considered inconsequential. Yet today, as the West faces a resurgence of this enduring Islamic jihad, Sword and Scimitar provides the needed historical context to understand the current relationship between the West and the Islamic world–and why the Islamic State is merely the latest chapter of an old history.
NZ FF shootings were caused buy the UN and NZ government so that that could take away guns, stop Anzac Christians are in their sight.Watch these YouTube NZ PM Marxist videos. COMRADE JACINDA ARDERN ,another to watch CHRISTCHURCH UNCOVERED
Hey Glenn, quess what. There is a war on ALL religion. It’s in the Bible book of Revelation chapter 17&18. Babaylon the Great . Is the empire of false religion. But nobody knows who’s false and who is right. So they all will go down . God is making that call at rev17:17. Read it and weep
There will be a time when peace is no longer an option. It'll be either surrender and die or it will be fight. The time for being peaceful when possible is now, the time to fight may come sooner than we expect.
Old people nd the guns the most
Gun control works just as well as bomb control. Bombs are illegal, therefore there are no bombs, right?
…the New Zealand shootings advance the International Left's agenda…gun control, anti-white, anti-liberty…the Sri Lankan bombings do not. So, the Left and their media organs, no longer inform us…they ignore things for you….
Easter is borrowed from Oestara, which is originally pagan…this is a perfect way for them to dodge the correct acknowledgement of the sacred moniker "Christian" which was bestowed on us at Antioch. They literally cannot bring the word Christian into their evil mouths, but they WILL say a profane word.
4 am talking points.
wow I was wondering why it seemed to be yesterday's news already
Some People did something AGAIN
Great piece!
Srilanka should ban bombs!
Glenn love your show , but call ISLAM FOR WHAT IT IS. TOTALITARIAN IDEOLOGY, in other words a cult. ISLAM CREATION MYTH IS ONLY 6000YRS. MOHAMMED WAS THE FALSE PROPHET. He was also a WHITE MAN. fact.
Hey glenn, no there isn’t, it’s like a sexual thing with Christians, they wanna be persecuted in the worst way