Hillary Clinton Admits She Takes Orders from Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Then-Secretary of State for Obama Hillary Clinton admits in this video that she takes her orders from the globalist Council on Foreign Relations. This treasonous organization, which has dominated administrations of Republicans and Democrats, advocates world government and the end of U.S. independence. Former Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Navy, was invited into CFR membership and remained for twenty years, and became one of its sharpest critics. “Once the ruling members of the CFR have decided that the U.S. Government should adopt a particular policy, the very substantial research facilities of CFR are put to work to develop arguments, intellectual and emotional, to support the new policy, and to confound and discredit, intellectually and politically, any opposition,” he warned. [The CFR has as a goal] submergence of U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government.… this lust to surrender the sovereignty and independence of the United States is pervasive throughout most of the membership.… In the entire CFR lexicon, there is no term of revulsion carrying a meaning so deep as ‘America First’”
Read more about the evil CFR here: http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/foreign-policy/item/1213-council-on-foreign-relations
Google "Tragedy & Hope 101 FREE." You can read or listen for free…all you need to know about the origins and aims of the CFR.
During the formation of the country, Alexander Hamilton aided the enemy and left the country vulnerable. In 1832 the battle was won but the war was lost because the politicians lack knowledge of the enemy's operations. They left the counterfeiting process intact.
in 1913 a full frontal attack by the enemy left the country defenseless. The primary weapon was not guns or bullets. It was the Promissory Note. Counterfeit money is created out of thin air based on someone's promise to pay.
The enemy used assassinations, blackmail, bribery, monetary counterfeiting, social engineering, economic collapses, and false flags to carry out an agenda under a particular narrative.
By 2022 America was captured
The enemy counterfeited almost all the money in circulation
Counterfeit was not directly used by the enemy but lent as debt laundering the money through interest and fees. This counterfeiting process allowed them to control the economy. The small amount of money that was created by the Treasury / FED was based on debt securities.
Stats: The Story so far
1) The enemy created 19 trillion dollars of counterfeit money and as a consequence Americans have personal debt of 16 trillion dollars. where the enemy collects 1 trillion dollars a year in interest and fees.
2) With the control of the economy came the control of all large publicly traded corporations using asset management firms.
3) This control included all large media corporations. The media used specially designed social engineering science to hypnotically keep people attracted to a particular political idealogy.
4) The enemy was now able to manage almost as much money as the entire GNP of the nation, approximately 20 trillion dollars
5) No politician can counter 20 trillion dollars, particularly when the politicians themselves do not understand the methodology used by than banks for counterfeiting money, and the vocabulary used in the constitution.
6) The enemy infiltrated learning institutions. Of the 4000 universities and colleges in the USA not one will teach you accurately how most of the money we used is counterfeited. Or the true nature of the Federal Income Tax, i.e a working knowledge of a direct and indirect tax.
The bank money creation is explained here:
A) Consumer seeking a loan from a commercial bank is approved and signs a promise-to-pay contract (Promissory note).
B) The promissory note is deposited in a transaction account, and upon that deposit, the money is created out of nothing, and a check is issued to the consumer.
C) The Bank's balance sheet is still negative but as the payments are made this is resolved. The transaction account is closed and the promissory note no longer has any value. However, the banks do keep the associated fees and interest.
D) There are a series of issues with this system, and one is that it undermines Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5. because it allows the bank's counterfeit money to compete with Government money. But most importantly, it allows the banks to control the economy.
7) No institution will detail how the Federal Reserve/treasury with only 2.2 trillion FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES and coins is able to accrue 31 trillion dollars of public debt.
😎 Counterfeit money is only as good as what it can buy, therefore, the perpetual wars (forever wars). The object is to infiltrate a country. control the government, the media (and in particular TV), and attached the resources of that country to the counterfeit bank-created money.
Such a treasonous shamelessly open puppet and some gullible ignorant dipshits still love her
She is a puppet that longs to be a boy.
good stuff. i hope you are finding alternate secure means of sharing this stuff. thank you so much
Look up Myron Fagan for all you need to know about the CFR and the Illuminati plot for One Global Government.
She calls it…the mother ship…LOL
https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/politics/item/25475-some-of-trump-s-picks-have-troubling-links-to-globalism-cfr Seems trump has destroy our court with a CRF globalist say good by to freedoms.
She gets her orders from the globalist Council on Foreign Relations CFR). She goes there to find out how she's supposed to think about things. She is combined with the other globalists in the CFR in their goals.
CFR ,new world order! Soros,new world order!Britain's Monarchy,new world order?Pope,new world order?