Hobby Lobby’s Steve Green on Religious Liberty
The Heritage Foundation awarded its Salvatori Prize to the Green and Hahn families for defending religious liberty. Steve Green, president of Hobby Lobby, explains why he’s taking a stand.
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You all are acting as if his business is the only business that has to operate under these guidelines. It’s not. Other businesses have to do the same thing. The difference is this business wants to bring their religion into it. He shouldn’t get the benefits that come along with running a business in America and think people have to practice his religious beliefs in order to work there. That’s not how it works.
Other words i can have you for a Slave if I love you the same way I love myself, The Bible says Love God With All Your Heart And All Your Soul And With All Your Mind And The Second One Is Just Like The First One Love Your Neighbor As You Love Yourself, And God Even Say Love Your Enemy As You Love Yourself, My Question Is How Do You Love Yourself, God Agape Love is When One Lay His Life Down For Another, This is The Kind Of Love That Live In Heaven One Love God Love, We Are All One In Christ , So How Do We Love Slaves The Same Way We Say We Love God End Of Story Amen.
Sir IAM punyavathi iam Calvary temple member pl I need to job at your company pl
Do an inversion to Saudi, they hate Women there also!
Seriously, he isn't "imposing" anything. The people who work for this company are fully aware of what Hobby Lobby stands for. If they don't like it, find a different job, and don't shop there. It is a corporation, but that corporation is made up of individuals who contribute money into that company who also have the same convictions. If you want to start a company that is run by a bunch of Wiccans, so be it! That means that they all have the same common goal, and it is personal choice as to whether people will contribute their hard-earned money to that company to support the same.
dear stevie no one is taking away your freedom – but you CAN NOT impose your religion on others – get that thru thy THICK skull
And thats why know one likes you
Religious freedom is spiritual freedom. That the government is not to impose a spirit oppression upon us, choosing one group over another. Just as Christianity is part of our culture, which they seek to remove, while allowing Yoga. America is run in the idea of freedom, that insurance offered to its employee is done voluntary as part of their salary. A business is based upon the spirit of the owner, who has taken upon a spirit to sell products or service. A business is an extension of the owners will or desire; the material part of a person in his spirit to produce goods or services for others. To have a third party in a law suit say that one has to provide something that violates the spirit of the business: the one whose business it is, then you are causing spiritual oppression in denying his freedom in favor of another. Now then should another person have happiness over you who are proving the service when their is an alternative. The point being that the government can not force you to violate your religious freedom (which is the spiritual freedom) that which would cause the employer harm, like anxiety, loss of sleep; that which requires remedy because it causes spiritual oppression pitting ones religious belief against another's. Imagine if the Government said you had to provide housing for your employees, then the person sued because it did not have a pool. The same applies to Common Core in it's content, That the government is now engaged in teaching children a world view from a spiritual point of view. That they are teaching the children spiritually as well as intellectually; That spirit which comes by hearing, and in taking part. The point is we must be careful in what we allow the Government to do which spiritually effects us, or we will no longer be free but slaves in bondage, having to pay a life tax or be imprisoned, where you can no longer live free, to your own, in the mountains for example. They argued that when you start a business you agree to adhere to the rules, but who determines the rules, and do you go out of business when they make oppressive changes? But if the rules are within reason people who care would abide voluntarily, right, like how it was in businesses offering healthcare, which is a good thing. We should all not deny to do what is right, in truth; that their would be less error and division in the world. The point is you have the government forcing a business to pay for a third party's mistake, when in truth what is given as insurance was given in freedom. To say to your boss "you have to pay for my abortion" violates his right to individual freedom from religious oppression, now if he don't care fine, but to force one to do something that violates their core spirit of being, his conscience is not to be taken lightly. We are talking about things that keep you upon at night, like the Idea your partner is cheating, which undermines their ability to do business. Therefore an alternative is to be offered, as a remedy of peace for the oppressed. Another words, what the Government is doing is taking the fear of one( the fear of not having the money for an abortion) and giving it to another (the business owner) where he fears his conscience in God, all of which was cause by a personal by choice- getting knocked up. This shows us how the spirits of ungodliness effects us all, even in unseen ways. If the conviction is too great for the business spirit, the spirit to do business would be effected, even to then close. To have a religious conviction, that you are facilitating the death of children, is a great weight for some and should not be glazed over. This is much more of a serious issue than we realize. Now we should love and care for one another and even provide insurance or make sure people have insurance, either offered as part of the salary, which is what it is, or by the individual in having an option to get the insurance you need. We can now see the bondage that is being placed upon the world, by those of a spirit of bondage as part of their spirit of being; that they see not the error in their ways, and moves forward in arrogance and Pride causing division in the world. Abortion is an elective choice and should be separate, as part of a personal choice, not involving others. As far as the needs of the poor and food subsidy: those funds come from the profits of our natural resources. What our taxes go to is government and in mitigating fear through the military, and in surveillance, police and infrastructure for a world government. But the truth is when you place people in bondage spiritually it does effect us greatly, even though that spirit is unseen. But the bottom line Truth is that those whose hand signs for the abortion is the ones who are accountable spiritually, for they shall suffer in the doubt and fear in the what if-s. But America has religious freedom and that means; that the Government should not impose spiritual bondage on one, over another, imposing moral conviction upon citizens by a law. A corporation has the spirit of its owners, just as they are expected to suffer in spirit in paying for the mistakes. All in all, the denial of truth leads to despair, suffering and error.
Leftists seem to have a very difficult time comprehending the difference between worship and practice. The other thing they have a difficult time comprehending is that no one if forcing anyone to work with Hobby Lobby nor any other company. If they do not provide through their insurance the abortion drugs you want, find another job. Why is it that Leftists always claim to be for the "every man" when all they support is they tyranny of the minority when it tramples the rights of others? NO COMP{ANY EXISTS TO GIVE YOU A JOB OR PAY TO MURDER YOUR CONCEIVED CHILD.
It is the role of government not to promote religion, but it is the role of government to protect the freedom of its citizens to worship any religion they choose. Private citizens who start, own, and operate their own businesses are entitled to lead their businesses with the religious principles they value. If providing abortive contraception is against that employer's principles, then the government cannot force them to provide such contraception. The size of the business should not matter. Otherwise, the government gains the license to determine big or small and hence selectively choose which business is affected by what policy or regulation, thereby increasing crony capitalism. By the same token, female employees have the right to choose where to be employed. They can work somewhere that does provide them with contraception and there are plenty of corporate establishments that do so.
@EnemyOfReligion2012 1) Please point to the part of the Constitution that codifies a separation of church and state. 2) How is Heritage ignoring this fictitious separation? Hobby Lobby is not an agent of the government. They are not even a public company. They are a privately held corporation. The owners have a right under the Constitution to practice their religion WITHOUT interference from the government. THAT is what "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" means. This does not mean that people in government cannot practice their religious freedoms, but it means that the government cannot tell people which religion they must practice, and they cannot prevent people from practicing the religion of their choice, which is what they are trying to do to the Green family.
If you do not like Hobby Lobby's religious principles and foundation, don't shop or get a job there.
If he wants religious freedom (which he has, you're free to worship whatever you want) he should know that includes ALL religions. Would the far right be singing the same tune if a Pastafarian wants to impose his beliefs on his employees? What about someone who's Wiccan, a Scientologist, or gasp! Muslim?
religion2012: seriously, dude. saying "first" isn't enough for your dumb ass? that's essentially what you're doing. most people who watch heritage videos have no spare time to call firstsies on someone's page. get a job, you loser.