Holiness Q+R
Jon and Tim answer listener questions on the subject of Holiness.
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Jon and Tim answer listener questions on the subject of Holiness.
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The Hebrew word for holy is kadosh and it is something He is (instrinsic) while everything else becomes holy (extrinsic). Yes holy does mean separate, but always in relation to God. In other words, that which is holy is either separated to God or seoarated for God.
Hey Tim and John. I really enjoy you guys. And have learned a lot of things from listening to you.
I was hoping that you guys would do a discussion and lesson on the Name of the Son of God. How the Son's Name went from YAHshua to Jesus. And how most people prefer to use Jesus, instead of the actual Name give by His Father (YAH). I'm referring to pronuciation, moerso than spelling. And how our names are not "translated" when we go to different places in the earth, with different languages (because names don't translate). From government dignitaries to the most "regular" person, this is a true fact. BUT, the whole world believes the Son's Name has been "translated" from Hebrew into a Greek, Latin, English hybrid name. As if the whole world speaks either greek, latin or english (which happen to be three of the mist recent world(ly) powers in world history🤔). Please, tackle this topic. Peace and blessings brothers.🙏🏾
“Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance: but as He (Jesus) which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:13-16
help us Lord to be set apart for you to dwell with you on this earth you made
i felt like i was left on a cliffhanger as it cut off. so good though 😅
15:31 from your explanation pastor Tim i think if i may add like you said we can't be Holy like His Holy so His unique presence or encounter for us has to be done in a way or language we can relate or understand but He is already everywhere, but He needs to like emphasise so we can understand, but His presence was already there!
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Hmmm the ending got cut out for me around 48:53 – is that the same for everyone else? It sounded like he was about to make an important comment and I missed it lol.
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I wrote to bible project and they said “In our pursuit of unity and shalom among the denominations and traditions who engage with our resources, we intentionally refrain from commenting on issues outside of the scope of our mission of helping people explore the unified story of Scripture that leads to Jesus.”
Sad. As believers we are to teach the Bible in its entirety and let it speak for itself. We don’t need to filter it, hide certain portions of it, and only teach what appeals to itching ears. If they are not willing to share the truth of the Bible in their ministry “Bible project,” then the ministry cannot be trusted to be truthful. This is the beauty of reading the Bible for what it is and to be in the unadulterated beautiful Word of God. Stay courageous, Christians and don’t let the progressive watered down people-pleasing “gospel” take you off track. Stay awake, not woke.
Commandment says: KEEP THE SABBATH HOLY.
What does the Old Testament mean by keeping the sabbath holy then. Thank you great podcast
I don't know I always thought God is love means that all love is in itself divine and holy
Yes indeed❣️
I used to suffer from severe loneliness. At times, I would seek out destructive things and situations that felt good in the moment just to get a sense of comfort and relief, however false it really was. Yet, deep down I knew it was that loneliness roaring it's ugly head.
Then God started revealing to me more and more just how close He is to me, nearer than my next heartbeat, choosing pure intimacy in relationship with me personally. Over time, I was delivered from this intense loneliness. And I thank God for His mighty work (it's definitely nothing I did). Because of my deliverance and healing in this regard, I no longer reach out for those things that mean me no good. There is a constant awareness that I am not alone. There is a wholeness, a completeness, a specialness. No words really give it justice.
Again it's nothing I did. It's all Him and I tearfully and joyfully thank Him for His constant reassurance that I as individual am His treasured possession. I am grateful for His steadfast Love and Faithfulness. Simply because He loves me
Apologies for my lengthiness. I intended a very short comment. God has done so much more in my life and in others. This comment was only about the extreme loneliness condition I used to suffer with.
I pray this post encourages and helps at least 1 person to come into an awareness of just how special & cherished they are in the eyes of God and experience His closeness in a way that no human words can give justice. Love you 💗🙇🏽♀️🙌🏽
Peace ✌🏽 🕊✌🏽
Seraphim is visual representation of Holy Mass and Jesus Came to save US and God it self like infinity God His cosmic power Burned like a Sun 👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖
I feel really called out for eating in the bathroom
This is just wow
We are all creators
Your book is a lie. Your Bible is just a bunch of stories, Jehova is a God of wrath.
Good discussion but prefer the shorter videos
Be Holy as I am Holy simply means be one person in word and deed God is the same today yesterday and tomorrow there is no wavering in Him, it's being not like everyone else, separated for the work of God 💜
I joined the Nazarene Church in my 40s and have heard many comments for, and against the Holiness movement by Pastor's and teachers. Care to join the discussion? I myself have problems with the teaching of a second movement by the Holy Spirit, but only because of my own personal place in my walk.