This video essay will help you understand the homelessness crisis from the inside-out—what drives it, what perpetuates it, and why nothing seems to help.
I break down the dominant narrative and explain how cities such as Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles can spend billions of dollars per year on homelessness, but there are more tents on the streets than ever.
Transcript and citations available at christopherrufo.com/homelessness-video-essay.
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This is a malicious documentary
Hey numbnuts, maybe the underlying human probloms of despair comes from the broken economic systems
Same stupid solutions in Montreal Canada….they are using drugs and are ill mentally, but we offer homes,and guess what? they don’t even go….we pay for people who refuse to be « citizens » with all the rules, obligations and code of conduct it requires….they abandon, so should I… and I do.
Random events DO lead to homelessness. Do your research. As just one example, there are many instances of people who had accidents which led to them being incapacitated and unable to work. Losing your job for any reason, redundancy, etc, due to no fault of your own can put you on the street once your savings are used up, especially with soaring rent. Again, it is not hard to find examples of this. Once you become homeless, it is much harder to get back in to employment due to the added difficulties this creates.
One thing you didn't mention was the problem of the breakdown in the family structure here in America. In the past families were a strong unit that helped one another through hard times and were there for each other. It is so sad to see and hear what is going on here in the United States.
I don’t agree with everything in this video but one thing is true politics will not solve the problem. Another issue with this video is that it presents no solutions. Other countries such as Finland have almost eliminated homelessness with target to have it to zero by 2027. Maybe start to look at what works.
It must be a major grift. All the funding is going to the NGOs.
Homeless industrial complex 👍👍👍
That's exactly the core of the problem.
Tottenham London England UK
Common sense hanging by a thread
I worked in a mental health crisis center a few years ago which had both a "voluntary" and an "involuntary" unit. The majority of the involuntary "guests" were suffering major mental health crises. The majority of the voluntary guests were homeless drug addicts who endorsed suicidal ideations. They would get dosed on more drugs, sleep for the first few days, pig-out for the next few, get released to the streets (again), and return within a couple weeks with, you got it, suicidal ideations. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Why de we care more about antisocial people’s human rights than for the rights of the rest of the society including children, elderly and vulnerable people? Why is more important to let the mentally ill, drug-addicts and even delinquents to run free than to let the rest of the people to be safe? Why?
Mental institutions are not a sword to punish people for falling into drug addiction or for having mental illnesses. Mental institutions are shields to protect the rest of society, children, elderly and vulnerable people from the damage antisocial people cause to others when at large.
These ‘good people’ government policies and laws urge the genera population to be sympathetic with the terrible reality of drug addiction, homelessness and mental illness, but who is sympathetic with the children, elderly and vulnerable people forced to live the dangers and horror of the lawless and decadent society we are creating in the name of compassion for the fallen?
mental asylums as correctional institutions will never be nice places. These are places full of antisocial, mentally ill and many times violent people. There is no management system where a place with this kind of population would be pleasant. What is the good for society to bring the mental asylums pain and consequences to the lives of everyone else? Does it even help any of the parties anyway? Both jails and mental asylums are not necessary places to cure and reform people, that’s a secondary goal. These are places to protect the rest of the population, including children, the elderly, other fragile people from the dangers of having anti social people at large. We need to go back to have priorities as a society. Utopias never came true in human history and will never exist.
It’s a great tragedy of liberalism and democracy that let us leave these poor sick people unable to help themselves to die in the streets instead of recognizing that they can not help themselves and can not be trusted to make decisions for themselves and need to be placed in court ordered involuntarily treatment for their own good.
I disagree with some of what you say. Its an ' it can happen to anyone' situation for some people. I lost my place after 18yrs in the same place paying a very low rent. The homeowner died unexpectedly and his kids took the place and made everyone living there leave .I don't live in the west coast ( east coast in a large retirement and tourist state) but there's homeless all over.Some homeless people DO actually work or have an income. I am a female who is disabled handicapped and homeless. I have a very low fixed income. Too low for the ability to maintain an apartment. I don't meet the stereotypes of the homeless that you see on TV or in movies. I have never have tried illegal drugs, don't drink alcohol, have no criminal record,won't ever panhandle or beg.I pay my own way and contribute to society. I am not able bodied but I do my best,am responsible, pay my bills and have good credit. I live in real poverty. I dont stay out in the open.I am damn good at hiding the fact that I am homeless. I blend in with everyone else ( dress nice and have good hygiene etc) People would never believe that I am homeless unless I tell them. So do a few others I know. We just can't afford to keep up with the expensive costs of living. I don't have the bad habits. Just unexpected bad luck. It can happen to anyone, it can be bad luck, it can be poverty. A lot of people are like me with fixed incomes or a job. A lot know how to hide their homelessness and blend in They call us the invisible homeless. ( I read that online in an article) We do want to better ourselves and make the attempt daily but still have to live or pay bills just like everyone else. ( I am temporarily staying somewhere and pay to be there as long as I stay there and sometimes stay with another homeless friend who has a job
at a motel twice a week to give these people a break from me being here),Those of us who are trying on our own are having some difficulty getting out of the situation because saving money is sometimes impossible as some of us have mthly bills and expenses and sometimes stay in motels or temporarily at someone's place and pay them.Last mth was the 1st time I was able to put more than change I had away. It doesn't happen overnight getting out of the situation, it cant always either. I know I will some day,
Breaks my heart so many people are struggling homeless and resort to crime to 'survive'….
On the left hand, you have weaklings like Biden and bad actors like Mayorkis: On the right you have power worshipers and what I call “yoyo” (you’re-on-your-own [+ epithet]) economics fans, going back to Reagan and Greenspan and beyond.
The problem has deep and expansive roots.
Bs. They declared a public health emergency to lockdown 330 millions Americans and totally disregarded everyone's civil liberties. They can do the same for the health and safety hazzard that 500,000 roaming drug addicts cause.
Flood the streets with fentynol. That will solve the problem.
Spend the billions of dollars and build internment camps. Sweep them all up and house them outside the city.
As much as I want to 'feel sorry' for the homeless, when you actually LISTEN to them and you're shrewd enough hear their LIES, you quickly come to understand that a HUGE number of them are out there BY CHOICE or by CHOICES. "They kicked me out because I kept doing drugs and wasn't HELPING anyone". They only difference between the destitute in other nations and the ones here is that the "homeless" here are FAT as hell. Further, they're not 'homeless', they eventually DO create a squatter home where they can fornicate and do drugs, which is their normal activity. Drug addicts are BIG on SELF PITY, they LOVE to hang on to the ONE thing that caused all this and use it as the reason they need to STAY HIGH.
Lots of our homeless (New Orleans) get government checks and party one week a month and beg or Hussle and rob and mindlessly destroy property.
The music is awful , really! In my opinion the message is lost on account of the annoying music ..
Annoying background music
All I hear is ways to demonize the homeless. I hear no solutions. Not all homeless is the same. This is a generalization about homeless people. You are making them lesser human beings. The comments here confirm this.
How is possible that conservatives made it this happen because they did. Ever since Reagan, maybe even Nixon.
What is happening with homelessness in your city, county, or state?