Hot Button Issue Discussion – Immigration
During his State of the Union address, President Donald Trump brought attention to his forthcoming immigration plan by offering a potential pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients. While conservatives have been rightfully angered by the president’s plan for amnesty, the door for other real reforms to our legal immigration system is now open. If conservatives truly want to bring the U.S. immigration system into the 21st century, the legal immigration system will have to change.
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Poor countries don't want massive immigration of some of their best and most qualified people to Europe or America!
That's like beheading a people, isn't it?
You take the most qualified, the most educated and the most talented people of your society and then they move over to a society that's got a little better conditions rather than making the conditions better in their own country. (what kind of sick and twisted can of thinking is this!)
Where is Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort and George Papadopoulos?