How Can I Introduce My Mormon Friends to Christianity? (Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast S8E22)
For more information, read Forensic Faith: A Homicide Detective Makes the Case for a More Reasonable, Evidential Christian Faith (
Read: Mormons Are Not Christians Because The Mormon Jesus Is Not The Christian Christ
Mormons Are Not Christians Because the Mormon Jesus Is Not the Christian Christ
Is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints just another denomination of Christianity? Are Mormons Christians too? If not, what are the differences between Christianity and Mormonism, and how can we, as Christians, reach our Mormon friends with the truth of the Gospel? In this episode of the Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast, J. Warner interviews Eric Johnson ( from Mormonism Research Ministry ( about his new book, Introducing Christianity to Mormons: A Practical and Comparative Guide to What the Bible Teaches (
Left the Mormon religion, I did Mormon research and left the church when I found out they do not believe in the biblical Jesus. I have never looked back. Glory to God.
Yes, you absolutely CAN reach your LDS friends with the biblical gospel of Jesus Christ! My husband and I are living proof— born and raised Mormon and came to Christ in June of 2021. God bless those of you in countercult ministry who reach out to those stuck in Mormonism. I will be forever grateful. ❤️❤️❤️
Informative video. Definitely took notes
I guess they have to change the name of The book of Mormon 😂
Many years ago the LDS also came knocking at my door. Years before that encounter I had some contact with LDS and I read the book by Joseph Smith – how an angel came to him with golden plates and told him to copy everything. So I told the people at my door that an angel came to me last night with golden plates and told me to copy everything in a book. I asked him if he believed me. He said he didn't (obvious). Then I asked him how can we then believe Joseph Smith? His eyes went very wide – I think for the first time in his life somebody asked the right question which hopefully started him thinking.
Wow. I met a Mormon 2 days ago.
Seeing how to share with him the truth.
Let's pray for them! For this community. Pray for conversions! 🥳
Thank you for your hard work
Thank you
Jesus started one church and said it would last forever
The Roman Catholic Church
Mormonism can be traced back to the Vedic culture, before Hinduism.
To "we're all the same" I usually raise, "Then why does the First Vision tell Joseph Smith Jr., that all churches are wrong, all their doctrines an abomination, and all their followers corrupt?"
Easy…..preach them the real gospel. The Holy Spirit is the One that transplants the heart.
LDS has been referred to as a cult. My question is, what was observed that caused this conclusion? Whether or not you want to argue that is not or is a cult in reality is not my goal. I simply would like to know how cult was ascribed to the LDS.
Your offer is amazing, but I am happy to support you, I ordered your book and am looking forward to reading it!
I am a Mormon, your conversation about the name of the church was awesome, Mormon is the person in history who compiled the many scriptures in his care into book form, King James did the same thing in his day, that version of the Bible carries the King’s name for that reason, as does the Book of Mormon for the same reason.
The book is our scripture, but the person Mormon is not who we follow, we follow Christ, which is why from day one of the organization of the church, the church itself was called after Christ, being called “Mormons” was a thing people who hated the church, and the people who belong to it called us, as a way to deride us and our church.
All the prophet did was to give us back the true name of our church, and to give the world back the truth of who we worship and follow… Jesus Christ, not the person Mormon, not the person Joseph Smith, we appreciate and love those men for the work they did for Christ during their lifetime the same way we do Abraham and Moses, but we do not worship them, or follow them, we worship and follow Christ, and only Christ, and using the correct name of our church confirms this…
Sounds like an excellent resource