How Do Moral Absolutes Prove That God Exists?
Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason explains why the existence of objective morality points to a creator.
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So our morals come from "God"?? The same God who endorsed: Rape? (Genesis 19:6,33-34) Human Sacrifice? (Judges 11:30-39) Slavery? (Exodus 21:20-21) Kidnapping? (Numbers 31:35, Deuteronomy 20:10-13) Baby Killing? (Joshua 6:21-27, 1 Samuel 15:2)… the list goes on. I'm sorry, but subjective morality sounds like a much better option to me than your objective morality… especially when your objective morality is so screwed up. Morality is a choice, not a church. Religion does not have a monopoly on morality… thank God for that!! (If you excuse the pun)!
Let's say for sake of argument that there are moral absolutes. Then what? We have no way of finding out what those moral absolutes are. Don't say, "The Bible", because other people can point to books about their gods with the same amount of evidence, none, that they state the moral absolutes. They can't all be right, in fact, most of them must be wrong. Don't say "open your heart" or some such, because people who open their hearts come to all sorts of conclusions, and again, most must be wrong.
god let fallen angels live after the flood while killing all creatures which is not as evil and powerful.
god intended to leave greatest evil on earth after the flood. Not a flesh restart for humanity.
Do all fundamentalists get a memo with all the same arguments and replies to objections lol?
So what is your current objective moral score then? How many points are needed to satisfy god?
The Bible was written thousands of years ago… there are many moral issues today that aren't discussed in the Bible. He only went over really basic moral issues, not even considering modern ones like nuclear weapons or stem cell research. Biblical writers would have never imagined the issues we deal with today. And another issue to consider is that God broke his own rules. God said not to kill in the ten commandments but later commanded his own to kill. This is subjective morality. Is it moral because it is moral or because god said it is moral? If God can change the moral guidelines when he feels like it, then it was nothing more than a flexible rule to begin with. The Bible's morality evolved just as the society writing it evolved. Btw, I'm not writing this for the sake of being venomous, I just like to be the devil's advocate, as some of you might take literally… I did click 'like' on the video.
Stay away from me and mine.
Greg, I must disagree. When you say that something is in itself (without the observer), objectively one way or another, you are arguing like Platonist, that is- like rationalists – metaphysicans, like collectivists, like Marxists! Christians should stick with empiricists: Hume and in particular Quine and also Barkley.