How Do You Deal With Painful Truths? Left vs. Right #4 | 5 Minute Video
The Left and Right perceive the world differently. One side sees it as it exists, accepts fundamental truths and facts–even if they are painful–and then adopts a worldview. The other side adopts a vision, and then views the world through that prism. Which side sees the world as reality? And which as it imagines?
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At the core of left-wing thought is a denial of painful realities, the denial of what the French call les faits de la vie, facts of life. Conservatives, on the other hand, are all too aware of the painful realities of life, and base many of their positions on them.
One example of this left-right difference is the differing attitudes toward human nature and responsibility for evil. When liberals blame violent crime on poverty, one reason they do is that ever since the Enlightenment the Left has posited that human nature is good. So, then, when people do bad things to other people, the Left argues that some outside forces — usually poverty and, in the case of non-white criminals, racism — are responsible, not human nature.
Why? Because people on the Left find it too painful to look reality in the eye and acknowledge that human nature is deeply flawed.
Another fact of life that the Left finds too painful to acknowledge is the existence of profound differences between men and women. There is no other explanation for the denial of what has been obvious to every previous generation in history — that men and women are inherently different. This denial is certainly not the result of scientific inquiry. The more science learns about the male brain and the female brain, not to mention male and female hormones, the more it confirms important built-in differences between the sexes.
Yet many people, influenced by left-wing thought, believe that girls are as happy to play with trucks as are boys, and boys are as happy to play with dolls and tea sets as are girls.
Why do they believe such silliness? Because acknowledging many of those differences is painful.
For example, feminists and others on the Left do not want to acknowledge that men are far more capable of having emotionally meaningless sex than women. Therefore, feminism has taught generations of young women that they are just as capable of enjoying emotionless sex with many partners as are men. The fact is that the great majority of women are deeply dissatisfied with the hook up culture and yearn to bond with a man even more than they yearn for professional success. But feminism came up with the famous and false phrase, “A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle” to counter the painful reality that most women feel incomplete without a man in their life — just as, I might add, most men feel incomplete without a woman. Ironically, however, most men have no trouble acknowledging this.
This is what the notion of Political Incorrectness is all about. The very definition of “Politically Incorrect” is a truth that people on the Left find too painful to acknowledge — and therefore do not want expressed.
To cite yet another example, why are many young black males in prison? The reason is too painful for the Left to acknowledge and therefore it is politically incorrect to say it: Young black males commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime. And why are there speech codes on virtually all college campuses? Because the Left doesn’t want to hear facts or opinions that cause them pain.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/how-do-you-deal-painful-truths-left-vs-right-4

Oh no Dennis, now they will trans plant brains. I'm triggered and need a safe room.
That is why YouTube removed the down vote count. The truth is painful.
LMAO! He can't even get the the dates for The Enlightenment period correct. Classic PragerU; here's something we just thought should be true, therefore it is. You also can't just quote the main thesis of Rousseau (which they did without citing), and say that this is the one and only idea that came out of the entire time period. Also, the "left" did not argue that "outside forces" cause crime, Rousseau did. Why can't you at least cite what you're plagiarizing? Rousseau had contemporary critics, who posited the opposite, what about them? Not everyone at that time thought that human nature was fundamentally good and that society corrupted people. Look at Isaac Newton at the very beginning of the period, you think the guy that was going around executing forgers left, right and center believed that human nature was fundamentally good?
Also, no research says that poverty causes crime. There is a correlation between poverty and crime, generally. Correlation is not causation. It means where you observe poverty, you can expect to observe crime. Also, racism absolutely causes violent crime… you know, like the KKK and the Nazis.
There is just too much crap jammed in for one person to break down every lie. I've only gotten up to the 50 second mark with this, and I'm still leaving tons out. It's like they learned the craft of propaganda from Goebbels himself.
Reminds me of what Orwell wrote in Why I Write: " a power of facing UNPLEASANT FACT". My emphasis. Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-four won him zero friends with the cohort Prager challenges.
if the left claims human nature as "good" why is it that they are the ones protecting the more vunerable ones? Dividing people to 100% good or bad really doesn't make sense, politically even less, are these videos made to adults or for scolding religious childrenor idiots into in a moral mould? i'm actually sad that people are brainwashed like that.
It is 2023, 7 years in the future. Former president Donald Trump is very likely to go to jail.
How do we deal with painful truths?
The left: observes
The right: denies loudly, especially the ones wearing red hats
4:23: Anyone who clings to the historically untrue — and thoroughly immoral — doctrine that 'violence never settles anything' I would advise to conjure up the ghosts of Napoleon Bonaparte and of the Duke of Wellington and let them debate it. The ghost of Hitler could referee, and the jury might well be the Dodo, the Great Auk, and the Passenger Pigeon. Violence settled their fates quite nicely. Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms.
— Lt. Col. Jean V. Dubois (Ret.) in Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein
I always thought that "Political Correctness" was ignorance masquerading as good intentions.
In A Taste of Armageddon from Star Trek, even Kirk acknowledges that humans have a destructive nature.
Ugh it's sad because this is just propaganda against the left. These arguments are terribly flawed or misconstruing what the apparent left beleieves…and if you don't see the flaws then you're probably already indoctrinated.
Look at crime rates among the black males. Does he bother to address why black men are committing these crimes? Apparently he would argue that it's just human nature… if it's just human nature then why the disproportionate crime rate?
The whole thing about genders being unique is not something the left is actually pushing. Then the whole thing about meaningless sex/desire for human intimacy. That's not the point of feminism. Feminism is about treating all people equally when it comes to the workforce, society, etc. Sure there are radical feminists that would argue about women not needing men.
Anyway these are just some examples. He does this crap in all of his videos.
Not only "conservatives/right wingers", but also centrists are capable of facing hard truths such as these.
Ahhh so thats one of the reasons the left hates Christianity its because the Bible says we are all sinners. Thats just reality some people are good and some are bad, but if you're bad you can still be good by being as moral as jesus. And how do you do that? By following the lessons of the Bible.
It is stupid to assume that there is no accountability on the left. Seeing factors that may have contributed to a particular crime and trying to mitigate those factors will undoubtedly be the crime committed. Indeed even the right has its majoritarian biases as they tend to blame the culture of their minorities if they are the ones committing crimes so I don't see any accountability on the right.
Just because differences in boys and girls exist does NOT mean that they should not be given choice.
Are you shitting me, how can anyone watch this? Has anyone ever been able lately, to pin an honest point of view on a Conservative. Would a power seeking Conservative ever answer the question "was the election stolen". Jesus a Conservative ever staying in one place to meet the truth? When was the last time that happened? I think, just by making this comment, I'm just validating what is a ridiculous question. You're not meeting reality right now. Any time, Dennis, any time.
This video is what finally made me realize that PragerU isn’t just misunderstood, or poorly represented their views. They’re actually just intellectually dishonest and act in bad faith. You cannot look at this video and claim it is good faith argumentation
The human race is not a very admirable one. It was a great mistake of God's.
Blame it on Rousseau, the impostor.
“Leftists don’t see the truth” – a religious organization
Wow, best truth I’ve seen on any modern media in a long time. I wish we could get this played everywhere. Great job. 🤠👌🇺🇸
Because Leftists deny reality,
they always require the sacrifices of an underclass to prop up their false reality.
Soviet death working camps, National Socialist dehumanization of people and seizing their assets, Demokkrat slave trade, Demokkrat Kulaks or 'eat the rich schemes', Demokkrat mass importation of cheap labor.