How Does Capitalism Benefit the American Economy?
Even before the United States became a nation in 1776, it had thrived under the American people—a fiercely independent people whose values were distinct and whose vision was far-reaching. The American Spirit, a new book coauthored by Dr. Ed Feulner, president of The Heritage Foundation, and Brian Tracy, celebrates those values that have made America great.
To buy the book visit: http://www.americanspiritbook.com/
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Anyone here from school?
it’s a tit’y page of hot models in riske positions.
I’m not kidding. Click it.
Fix it. 😂😎🥰
“Fair and equally and everyone should have the same chance” sorry that’s not capitalism at all.
yeah that's why capitalists eat up the surplus value of their own labourers what those labourers produce are completely alienated from them they don't know that things they produce are so freaking valuable. someone who makes that ticking thing of a clock doesn't know how important that thing is he might think I have a same old boring job and that's why he has been alienated from his work because he's the source of making the clock the rest is what's gonna make it going and that poor clock pin maker is literally unaware of money he might ear for the stuff he has produced
Oh I am in knee deep in shit after watching this one, for as long as America has used the evil entity called capitalism, we have been forced to take lower wages because a boss says so to please his share holders, capitalism is the biggest bunch of injustice, and this video is the biggest crock of bull shit, I have ever seen, oh wait? The heratige foundation, a bull shit, right wing think thank that is one of the main reasons we are in this mess.
Thanks for keeping us focused on our core belief of Conservatism and true path to Freedom
Right on Right on. People should be more skeptical of power by law than power by voluntary action.