How Genesis 1 Communicates What The Whole Bible is About
How is our interpretation of the creation story in Genesis 1 deepened when we consider its ancient historical and cultural context? In this Bible commentary video, we look at how the literary design of Genesis 1 reveals God’s ideal vision for the whole cosmos.
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– Explore Genesis 1: https://tbp.xyz/exploregen1
– Genesis 1 Study Notes: https://tbp.xyz/gen1study
– Genesis 1 Blog: https://tbp.xyz/gen1blog
#Genesis #Creation #BibleProject
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If I lie to you or about you, you or another will suffer from misinformation. If I steal from you, you will suffer from lack or have to put out new effort to regain the loss, and all this while my family, friends and neighbors turn a blind eye or encourage my behavior. Now multiply that by the world population, then add in pride, greed, sloth, hate, etc, and you have suffering all around. Then stir the pot with the destructive force of major wars and you have hell on earth (the pit).
God could let this evil run its course but then the suffering of man would be indefinite and would eventually lead to mankind destroying him self.
God could destroy the earth and everyone on it and start over, but with free will being what it is the results would always be the same.
God could come to the earth and prove that he does exist and order everyone to obey his commandments, but that would be forced servitude especially for those that believe that rules are for others and not for them, or those that believe breaking rules is OK if you don’t get caught, etc. He would have to watch over us continually to see that we behave. And those that are forced into compliance will rebel at every turn. (This means that a 1,000 year reign on earth is a false teaching.)
He could treat us like children that continually like to play with fire and allow us to get burned until some of us learn to put out fires instead of lighting them and let those that do enter into his garden of paradise. And that is what he does.
God allows mans evil to run its course but under his patterned timeline and agenda. That repeating pattern is revealed in the seven seals and seven Churches, each seal and corresponding church representing a 1,000-year day, and each day having its own set of 7 trumpets and 7 vials. The 7 trumpets are 4 progressive leading (morally failed) cities/nations ((12 tribes into Egypt and 12 tribes out of Egypt) this is why there are 24 elders), and 3 major wars/world wars, and the 7 vials are 7 events of the last major/leading city/nation of each day (each city/nation a head of the dragon, Rev 17:9 (KJV)). The 7th trumpet and the 7th vial are simultaneous and end each 1,000-year day with God destroying civilization and bringing hell on earth (the pit) and thereby sealing the day, 6 The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Psalms 12:1-6-8 (KJV), {this is how he sealed each 1k year day, the 7 seals.}, the coming “great” desolation being the eighth and last time. Rev 17:10-11 (KJV)., and God decides what truths (and lies) are passed onto the next 1,000-year day.
Today we are in the 7th day/seal and God rests on the 7th day. He will allow us to destroy ourselves and the earth with our undisciplined knowledge of technology and nuclear power, the beginning of ww3 a nuclear war bringing the earth into tribulation for the eighth and last time. And after 3 ½ years of “Great Tribulation” the earth is cast into the sun (lake of fire, “the second death”) along with the evil and suffering of man (Satan and hell), and the sincere “fire fighters” (the church/adoption/lukewarm) are spewed out to a new earth (the waters above).
God didn’t create robots because they would have to be maintained and tended to continually. God didn’t create zombie like creatures that can’t think for themselves for the same reason he didn’t create robots, and both make poor FRIENDS. God created man in his image meaning he gave us the ability to think, reason, and choose. Now a FACT is that if I choose to lie to you or about you, you or someone else will suffer from misinformation. This is why in the Ten Commandments it says not to bear false witness. God didn’t give us the law because he didn’t want us to do things, God gave us the law because they are fact and when disobeyed the result is detrimental to life. Mankind’s choices are where evil ensues from not from some fabled fallen heavenly angel. As far as natural disasters and plagues go, we are promised protection from such things “IF” we obey the laws. We are also warned that if we don’t obey the disasters and plagues will increase. The troubles of the world today show we are definitely not making the right choices.
Also, God gave animals their instincts and “unique powers” (as the Wild Kratts would say) to keep the checks and balances in mother nature so that they wouldn’t have to be continually tended to. The struggle for survival keeps animal/plant life and mother nature from becoming stagnant and falling into useless decay. And only God knows what the full impact would be if just one species is taken away from its ecosystem including the Strepsiptera.
Don’t take my word for it, or any bodies for that matter. Come to the bible (KJV) with a clean slate, and with sincere want for truth, and not to consume it upon your lusts, but that you may do true worship and obedience to God, with a repentant heart, and with reason and logic the spirit of God will teach.11 … in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. Acts 17:11 (KJV)
All glory to God. Amen
God is a projection. a super maxx prison.
At last count there were 34 different versions of the Bible. Everytime a new religion broke off from the Catholic Church that new religion edited the Bible to conform to their new religion. Therefore when you start to quote the Bible you need to say what edited version you mean?
Gen.1.1-14 Paraphrased
In the beginning before there was a sun or moon, there was the Spirit of God, the Voice of God, and something Good being the Light of the World the Light of Life for three evenings and three mornings
Rev.1.16 b
Mark 10.18
Daniel 2.22
So because Gensis 1 is a myth, can I treat the WHOLE BIBLE AS A MYTH?
The Heaven in Genesis 1 is referring to the spiritual dimension, (the angelic realm, to include all of the angels!!!) Time began with "In the beginning"! Time is a paradigm, nothing else. "Let there be light" is the command for "consciousness" to creation. It is written: God is light.
Illumination includes revelation. The deep abyss is referring to the laws of physics before deployment. Picture a literal whirlwind sphere of data and atoms waiting to be assembled.Pray pray pray. 🙏🔑✌️
Divine Director 🫡
It’s very beautiful to watch the illustration of God creating our FLAT earth with the FIRMAMENT dome covering it.
Thank you for speaking truth guys!
Very good
Hello guys, I have a question. You believe that God created from nothing the planet earth, as a dome of water, with land below; or that the dome of water previously existed, and God put it in order and created things on it?
But God had to get up from His rest to pick and kill the sinless Lamb to die for the propitiation for the sins of man.
Jesus Christ picked it up Matthew 5:17, and ended on the cross John 19:30.
Hebrews chapters 3 and 4, Jesus becomes our Rest. Faith in His finished work brings us into His fold by the Holy Spirit.
Rest from work of creation, to begin the work of salvation.
"Men and women He created them" can we then say that at first there were people on Earth other than Adam and Eve?
While this is informative no the Bible is about his Son Jesus Christ and our need for him
Absolutely beautiful
The fact that the seventh day isn't capped off with "and then evening and morning came" signifies that we are still living in the seventh day nearly 6000 years later. Which is evidence that the prior 6 days were not 6 24 hour days but 6 eras of creation.
This is one of my favourite bible project vids
Amazing work!!!
So the earths flat? That’s what it seems judging off the animation
hi 😂😢😮
Why would create something which is formless and void?
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