How is Allah of Islam different from God of Christianity?
Allah and Yahweh are quite different. Alan Shlemon points out that the biggest difference between Allah and Yahweh is Yahweh’s immanence, which highlights that God is not only a transcendent being to be obeyed, but also enters into the world to have relationships with us.
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Never heard of allah performing any miracles till day from my muslim friends
Those islamists dont think of allah as person having appearance like us where as god of the bible does.
I disagree with you why do Arabic bible written Allah
Allah was a moon god before islam.
He was worshipped by pagan believers in macca
Seeing Christians and Muslims debate this in the comments is very interesting. Please look back to both of your history's and know that both Christianity and Islam have polytheistic roots. In ancient judaism it was a polytheistic religion (there are even multiple gods listed in the old testament) and before Muhammed came along in Arabia there were 360 gods worshipped (Allah was chosen by Muhammed as the one god for Islam). History is very important to study within the realm of religion and especially multiple religions. Whenever I find content like this it is unfortunately tainted by extreme bias one way or another. By the way just for context, I am not an atheist or anything. I do believe in a greater power that binds us all together. There is one god. But it is likely not Allah or Yahweh. It is likely something greater than both of them.
You are wrong about the trinity doctrine Yahweh is One and not three separate persons the bible will not support this unless you butcher the scripture.
Allah is one 😊😇😇 and muhammad
In Islam , we are taught to have a relationship with god, and to earn the love of god by doing good acts that Allah loves , and to have a good relationship with god 🙂 ❤️ so the point “ their job is not to have a relationship with god “ was wrong
This guy is basically saying 1 + 1 + 1 = 1, don’t know who teaching him math. Plus, why would god be turning himself into a human? When god is god and can do anything he wants. Doesn’t make sense to me.
They don't call God Yaweh the christians call him Allah as well
He is wrong.
Indonesian/Malay Christian, and Arabic Christian say "Allah" when refering to god
1. Loving God, having a relationship with him and obeying God are NOT mutually exclusive. Thats simply bad logic.
Ex: My wife can ask me to buy X,Y,Z on the way home, and if I obey her and buy it, that does not mean I do not have a relationship with her, in fact, its quite the opposite. My obedience and respect towards her and what she says can be a sign of a good relationship.
2. God in the bible asks for obedience, and infact, Jesus clearly said:
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. [Mathews, 5:17]
So Jesus wants you to obey the law of God, but you follow Paul instead, and are here refuting Muslims for obeying Gods law, while following Paul, a man who never met Jesus, and contradicted him by saying:
“We were held in custody under the Law, locked up until faith should be revealed. So the Law became our guardian to lead us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. Now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian” (Galatians 3:23–25, BSB).
We are not under the Mosaic Law but under “the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2).
“Know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified” (Galatians 2:16).
If not for Paul the imposter, you would still be following the law.
3. Muslims have a relationship with God minimum 5 times a day, while Cristians do it once a week, so by any standards, our relationship and bond is stronger than what Christians claim.
4. Y does not need to become X to have a relationship with X. You dont need to become a woman to have a relationship with your wife. And God, the all powerful, does not need to become a man to have a relationship with us or us with him. Are you saying Yahweh is not powerful enough to have a relationship with us without becoming a Human? Well, Allah is.
5. If God cant have a relationship with humans without becoming a human, what about all the people and Prophets before Jesus? God did not have a relationship with them?
See Christians, it gets worst every-time you say something….
"Muslims believe there is one God Who exists as one person."
I'm a Muslim, and I don't believe that, nor have I ever in my entire life heard any Muslim; learned or not, say that. So this guy is misrepresenting what Muslims believe. We don't use this term "person", that's a typically Christian thing that is alien to us. The reason why Christians use "person" is just semantics. Instead of saying "gods" they say "persons", and this is to avoid having to explain why there are three gods in their theology. They claim to be monotheistic, and so instead of saying that God is three gods, they say "three persons". But that doesn't actually mean anything. A "person" can be defined in a number of ways, but I think that it simply boils down to the meaning of "identity". At any rate, Muslims are monotheists who believe that God is One and Unique.
"In Christianity we would say that Yahweh is a trinitarian God, Who simultaneously exists as three persons."
It doesn't matter what you "say", the fact of the matter remains that The God of the Tanakh is never said to be a triune God. Weird way of phrasing that, by the way: "Yahweh is a trinitarian God". Wouldn't it be a "triune God" instead? God is not a trinitarian; i.e. someone who believes in a triune being. Perhaps I'm mistaken and the term can be used like that, because English is not my first language, but it sounds weird to me.
Talking about 'Yahweh' entering the created world. That never actually happens in the Old Testament. Not in the way he's talking about at least. He believes that God enters creation by becoming a creature, which is blasphemous and illogical, as the uncreated God is not a ceated being. Being God and being anything other than God are two mutually contradictory states of being. If God 'becomes' a creature, then He ceases to be what makes Him God, and this is rejected, because it's irrational, and it's not supported by revelation. Allah being separated from creation is not in terms of distance and location. God is always close, but He is not in space-time somewhere. He is not in the created world. He doesn't need to become part of this world just to communicate with people, or to make Himself known, or to better 'understand' creation (that one is incredibly stupid).
Also note that as he's comparing Islamic theology with his own, he's actually also distinguishing between Jewish theology and his own, because the Jews believe as we believe, for the most part. Whatever he's saying about Islamic theology also applies to The God of the Old Testament. He can use the word 'Yahweh' all he wants, the fact of the matter is that the Jews do not think of him as a worshipper of Hashem. They consider you to be disbelievers and idolworshippers. I happen to agree with them. I don't think that Christians actually believe in The God of the Old Testament. You guys have your own deity. I should say deities, because you are polytheists, let's be honest. Calling it trinitarianism is just another way of saying polytheism. We don't even use the word unitarian. We're monotheists: believes in One Creator. You claim to be monotheists as well, but then you say that God is three, and three is not synonymous with one, and the fact that you use the number three already reveals your true belief.
"In Islam, their job is not to have a relationship with God, it's simply to obey God."
A relationship would automatically follow then, wouldn't it? What's a relationship anyway? A connection. A bond. You really think that a Muslim does not relate to his Lord? We're disconnected, only doing as we're told because we're told to? It doesn't work like that. Faith and devotion and obedience all go hand in hand. As is written in your books: "Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do." You have abandoned God's commandments, and the first real lesson in the Bible pertains to that: Adam and Eve (peace and blessings be upon them) break the one commandment they were given, and what does their disobedience earn them? Your entire faith is rooted in that one act of disobedience, is it not? So how come you're preaching not to simply obey God? That's what got Adam and Eve in trouble, is it not? Or did God command them to do as they liked, and just have a relationship with Him? No, He gave them a commandment, and their obedience or disobedience was crucial. If you love someone, you want to please them, and you don't please someone you claim to love by dismissing what they want you to do. That's a relationship to you? How convenient. I would say that Muslims have more of a relationship with the Most Merciful than you do, sir. You don't even know God, so how can you love Him? You don't obey Him, so how are you 'saved'? You believe in a creature-god.
I don't know who this individual is, but he sounds like an atheist to me. I don't view him as a believer in God. So how is he teaching people? Teaching others about divine matters is not something to be taken lightly. If you're wrong, you're misleading the sheep who look up to you, and you'll have a part in their disbelief. You're basically following in the footsteps of the prophets by preaching about God, so you had better make sure that you only say about Him that which is true.
This video talks nonsense about Islām. Define what you mean by "relationship with God" first.
Do you mean that God has to be a man( created being) so one can have a relationship with Him?
Does God have to give up His divinity status so we can have a relationship with Him?
As muslims, we have a relationship with God but without negating His status as God.
By the way, Alah is the Aramaic word for the God of Abraham.
I pray 5 times a day and one of them is around 5 am, i ask Allah swt to help me in many things and get over things, if this is not a relationship then what is but it is a relationship to the creator,
even in human relationships there is obeying.
In my opinion it's the Christians who don't have a relationship with God instead they have a relationship with the church and Paul !!!!! By making a human being God, by definition they cannot have a relationship with God guzs they fail to understand God as a hole !!!!
Allah Loves us 70 times more than our Mothers.
All Dislike
Instead of twisting the words of Resulullah, u must find in quran the chapter of max plank dimension – how photons are amazing spaceships cutting dna and carrying meanings (data) from underatomic dimension to over (what we call material) and etc. i am not comparing myself or trying to proove somthing.. i comment with knowledge that i am nothing
compare universe. here u go read ahmedhulusi
reality symbolized by the letter 'B' has been the underlying essential groundwork for all schools of Sufism, throughout all ages. If, on the contrary, this truth is not grasped, the Quran will inevitably be
misconceived as a book referencing a god in the heavens. Whereas, Allah is the limitless eternal Oneness, invalidating all concepts of an 'other' in terms of space and dimension!
Yahwah is a joke, Allah is Lord.☪️🤲🕋🕌
Bruh this guy know nothing.
Ur so wrong ..😢 pls guide u to read Lesson in quaran then ur eyes will be open..
U dont understand ok
Allah is not a person😓he is everthing
As a muslim when I am praying to Allah. Every day I am continuesly connecting and building relationship to God/Allah . Where in christianity it just believing. Actually it's the opposite of your description .
Which Muslim says that a Muslim's job is not to have a relationship with God, only obey him? Sadly, this is incorrect.
The entire Shariah is built upon the idea that God loves His creation and wants us to have a relationship of Love with him.
Is there an answer from a Christian: Has your Lord come down to save you from injustice and spread justice? We all know there is no need for God, but your God wants to come down to earth and be beaten and crucified. Second, is not God alone? Why didn't he come down to India, for example? Come to Islam, which is the true Islam of Muhammad and the true Shia Muhammad.
Islam is explaining name of God is Allah, there are no gods except Allah, Allah is one , the truly monotheism concept , as simple and clear as that.
Native Hebrew scholar properly answers with facts from Bible here: and shows you the root of the word Allah: https://youtu.be/aqVhPBKUt3c
Islam is not from god