How is the Intelligent Design Movement Doing? Interview with William Dembski
Was the ID movement a success? What did it get right, and how has it changed? In this video, I interview one of the leading intelligent founders, William Dembski. He reflects back upon the movement and offers suggestions for moving forward.
READ: Understanding Intelligent Design, with William Dembski and Sean McDowell (https://amzn.to/3jlvJt1)
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I very much appreciate his talk of his falling away from the Baptists. That brand of fundamentalism has absolutely done a great disservice to this movement, as the knee-jerk reaction is to associate ID with that, which it is not of course. I absolutely understand his frustration in being alienated from two extremes (sounds like world politics).
Love Dembski! His website was awesome.
16:00 โIntelligent design is not a theory of creationโ wasnโt that the entire point, to prove that biological systems had to have been created?
I love these discussions. I'd do the Apologetics courses but I'm not retired but have a heart for this in these last days! I used to believe in Evolution as the way God made the World. Then I took microbiology and it just made no sense! Too many gaps! My professor was an Atheist! He believed by now us humans would be able to form life like in evolution. Via proteins.
We used to teach ID in philosophy class in secondary school here in UK
David Berlinski…w/ no evangelical axe to grind exposes the problems…The I/ D..folks are confronted w/…. the break down is not w/ the I/D…folks…& in fact its not really about…." Evolution VS….Creation…" per we….the real issue that the Darwinian…Dopes …are fighting over & bickering about…is Who gets to Control the….POWER….POWER over the Educational System…POWER…over Federal Fundings…( Research Grants) POWER over the Political Decision making Policies…& Lastly POWER over the Media…..Who gets to continuely Control the Microphones….as Portrayed in that Hollywood Fiasco…" Inherit the Wind…" Bag Flick…..so they,re not interested in Evolution of Creation…..they,re fighting for their sources of income that runs into the millions..if not billions….that coupled w/ the fact…they don't want to lose their…jobs…or friendships…as the case may be….so it's not about….God or Darwin….it's about what everything in America,s..is about…..MONEY..$$$$$$$$$$$…..& Nothing more!!!!…( that's…tenureships….)
Dembski, the guy pretending to be a scientist with an unrelated title, employed by one of the Hovind/Ham-type organisation that is explicitly discrediting scientific fact using religious dogma instead of science to push their religion onto ignorant with a special focus on kids. Remember when a courtroom full of scientific evidence and actual scientists christian-judged ID to be entirely unscientific but rather a deceptive ploy by creationists? Really scraping the bottom with these guests, aren't you?
A Beka Books I used in a Christian academy did not reject natural selection but did reject evolution and Social Darwinism, which is down right eugenic.
Since Darwin, people have seen the opportunity to escape the grasp of God. As Gary Habermas said, it is often hard for people to release what they see as the opportunity to do as they please. Just observe the almost pagan reaction to the possibility of losing abortion on demand free of charge.
Such a brave Christian soldier. Hearing about his son just broke my heart but made me admire him so much more. My prayers go out for him and his family. May God continue using William Dembski for His honor and glory. If I can help with translations into Spanish, please contact me. No charge. Our daughter majored in nutrition at the Evangelical University here in San Salvador and Spanish is her strongest language. Maybe she would help me or translate for you if you and or Sean would like to visit the most beautiful place on the earth, El Salvador.
I first heard about fine tuning and other cases for ID in the 90s on Christian radio in San Salvador, El Salvador, where I live. I suggest Sean interview a young man who was born in Mexico but moved to Southern California when he was ten. He might still live in Palm Desert where he started his radio program in Spanish in his small home before he and his wife had children. His name is Jorge Cota and his ID programs are part of Mรกs de la Vida or More on Life, which he attributes to a certain David T. More. He has given marriage seminars here but his more recent work is unimpressive compared to the incredible programs he produced in about the 90s.
https://youtu.be/HRxq1Vrf_Js /
have you seen "Exposing the Discovery Institute Part 1: Casey Luskin" on youtube
The design obviously isn't intelligent. I have just come to the realisation after watching this.
I never understood that pseudoscientific but multiverse theory is talked about like fact
I couldn't avoid a crooked grin when I listened to Dembski answering the question what he thought was the motive of a large part of scientists for rejecting ID, starting at 35:09. He went on for minutes about ignorance, materialistic partisanship and lack of incentive, basically insulting scientists at every step, and completely ignoring the most important motive of all:
ID is useless as a scientific hypothesis, because it makes no verifiable predictions, opens no prospect for fruitful investigation, and therefore represents a dead end. All you hear from ID "scientists" are attempts to shoot down evolution or scientific cosmology, in the apparent hope that this would automatically make their ID "explanation" look good, with no significant own research that could demonstrate the real-world usefulness of the ID hypothesis. ID is an explanation that doesn't explain anything, but preens itself on explaining everything. And that is unchanged after many decades of raging controversy. This factor alone would be perfectly sufficient for a scientist to turn away from ID. Science has made fantastic progress since it adopted a "methodical atheism" some 400 years ago – we've had an explosion of knowledge since then. That's no coincidence, god was the obstacle, and once removed from the path, science picked up pace. A scientist would be stupid as well as historically illiterate to revert to such a demonstrably fruitless notion.
Add to that the mendacity of the "movement" that has become all too obvious during the Dover/Kitzmiller trial, in misrepresenting what their actual aim was, and how little it had to do with science, and you have the real reasons why the vast majority of scientists are uninterested. There would be more than enough for Dembski to self-critically reflect upon, but that is clearly not his strength – you rather sense a deep and still unprocessed contempt he struggles to contain.
I find it telling that when you hear many ID proponents speak they eventually start talking about how a belief in ID would make for a better society. This is not science.
Intelligent design is a farce. Period. It is not science. Putting this nonsense in the classroom, we might as well throw flat-earth opinions into the classroom and let students choose. Intelligent design is an "opinion," not science. It is religion. Place it in a religious studies program, or a comparative religion class.
"Science:" A universe popping into existence from nothing? NO problem!!! Also "Science:" A supreme being creating something from nothing??? That's crazy talk!!!
Religion… backpedaling since the 1500s….
Two white American blokes brought up in a Christian environment spend 61 mins giving zero evidence for ID, or the quite different question about the existence of "god".
Ken Ham has drifted so far into slander and bearing false witness, the fact that he has duped so many into falling his lead tells you that the state of Christian fundamentalism is in a very unhealthy state.
Hi hope everyone goes to YouTube and watches all 3 debates between Behe and Swamidass, because Swamidass perfectly demonstrates the total lack of argumentation and substance against ID from the established scientific community. Josh is nice guy but his rhetoric gets very tiresome.
so sad how the PC culture destroyed this mans career. Dembski should look into the "science" of "COVID" because it's very similar in nature.
ID is just young earth creationism rebranded…
Irreducible complexity was disproved at the 2005 trial, with examples from blood clotting and the infamous flagellum, amongst others, shown to have evolved. Now it's time to repackage that as 'specified' complexity.
Part of the problem with getting the ID message out is that it goes against the NWO. Truth is the enemy of the machine.
This is sort of a sad interview.
Evolution is dead. Complete mythology.
I think that's why they're coming out with all the UFO sightings. They want anything but the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to be the creator.
The Education Establishment. Approaching a $Trillion annually in the United States alone. That's what you're up against. Mostly government money extorted or embezzled from the public.
True, too many people just go with the flow, often the money flow. Sometimes all one can do is say "I love you God". That has more value than a $trillion billion could buy in scientific, educational, political, and media support. For now they're mostly bought up by atheistic, or, at least anti-Biblical-God, sorts.
Dembski looks like that guy from Ghostbusters
5:50 dembski states inorganic chemicals became life… strawman..
Numbers 31 17-18
17ย Now therefore kill every male
among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
18ย But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
God is loving and perfect thanks for the message guys.
I really enjoyed listening to this interview! Even as an atheist, hearing Dembskiโs perspective on a controversial matter that didnโt paint him as a lunatic is refreshing. Itโs always interesting to hear the backstory to such brilliant minds!!
The Cambrian explosion and the DNA enigma are proof that evolution is just not possible.
If Francis Crick and Richard Dawkins et al want to proof that Darwin's theory of "chance + natural selection …" led to the evolution of newer more complex organisms may I propose that for the funding of their next venture they should send some of their research assistances to Las Vegas and the other half to go and buy Lotto tickets.
That first query from the audience really was the $64000 question, namely: If ID really is a scientific theory, then how can we falsify it? We all know that should we dig up a bunny rabbit fossilized in the tummy of a T-Rex, then evolutionary theory is in trouble. Is there, likewise, a defeater for Intelligent Design? If not, then it's hard to see how it could ever be a science.
Whatโs with all the ads? Detracts from the video, but thanks for sharing!
Great interview of a great scholar and thinker !
Thank you for this interview! Love Dr. Dembski – he is a hero of mine – not just as an academic, but as a Christian example. Heโs just so authentic and honest about his good and bad times, which is so refreshing. Happy to hear he is still working with the movement – even if it is more part-time! Such a Christian statesman.
Thankyou Sean for this interview-I have been following ID since the 90's and feel that there is a lot of truth contained within its ideas.
Great word! You guys rocked it ๐๐
Well ID is messed up. I left ID camp and I became a theistic evolutionist.
๐ listener from India found intelligent design intelligent ๐ I love that it doesn't try to confine science to religion . Thank you all for using your gifts for his glory. I really believe every small step matters