How Jesus Became the King of the World (That He Always Was)
In this video, we trace the origins of the word “gospel” and how it ties the story of the Old Testament together with the story of Jesus and his announcement of God’s kingdom. Jesus brought God’s rule and reign to the world in a very upside-down way, which is the best news you could ask for.
#Gospel #BibleProject #BibleVideo
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I LOVE your older content, like this.
Jesus had simple teachings that are not important. People are gullible.
And Jews were killed and Arabes are getting killed. There is nothing holy about that place. Probably Siberia or Montana are a lot more holier interns of people are protected by the God.
God bless the bible project!
Amen. Thank you for this inspiring Biblical message of salvation.
We are all Christian’s because the pharaoh said so.
God bless your work
Thank you so much for making these videos they really help me prepare for my sermons.
2:59 Twelve disciples = 12 tribes
{{{}}} The spirit of holie_holieness & discern_discernment be with you. 707
This is my favorite video The Bible Project has made. So compelling, makes me feel like this is actually good news.
I notice how they focused on the feet of the women running from the empty tomb – they had Good News! How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news!
Love conquers
It's hard to have peaceful thoughts in times of such evil and child trafficking. Lord forgive my sin, but save the children.
I LOVE the way your teaching style is so easily understood. Thank you LORD for this beautiful team of followers that are sending out your message in such a beautiful and profound way. Amen
Jesus will defeat the processors.
thank you❤❤❤❤
Love the animation style, timeless yet engaging.
My jesus king 👑 of kings
Jesus Christ is our Creator…….That is it Father and Son and Holy Spirit…That answer our question…..😁😁😁😁😁👍
Que qualidade!!!!!!!!! Estou impressionado com o vídeo, a explicação, a animação… tudo!!!! 10000000000000000000/10!!❤ DEUS abençoe 🙌🙌🙌🙌🫂🌷
Christ is not our enemy he is a black man who created us to worship him we are his children born of the spirit Esau is a nation of their father the DEVIL
Absolutely breathtaking. I have goosebumps all over.
POTUS kmew Carter Baines McDonald
Late 1990s ALL Assassinations are ordered from them. Do I dump Earth souls , UFO abductions
8,400,000 Years I never was King but You all World had the same POTUS '
Why are 99% on billions of Stalkers call themselves, ' Every thing for Brown Nothing for White!! Trump, Obama, Clinton, Both Bushes, Biden's hate Carter Baines McDonald
Never was King. All these POTUS made sure of it.
Part of the success of the Christian religion is the immortality of the spirit. The only thing that can damage the spirit is for the fallen one to convince man’s spirit that man can make his choices, leading to Satan induced fear and anger as man’s immortal fate. Keeping to the paths that Jesus showed and lived by insures that your immortality will be with God in his Love and Joy.
This is so beautiful and clear, thank you for your work that enlightens the world..❤
The Soldier reminds me of how someone despite their power and strength and ranking in war does not reflect on who they are within their heart and there's this thing my grandmother said to me once or twice "What you lack is what you make up in heart". It's like how the Strong should protect the Weak and Small helps the Big and vice versa. While some aren't like that, there can be those who are cause they truly love God and would use their abilities and strength to help. God is the biggest in the whole Universe and even his word could bring Two things "Hope" and "Spiritual Freedom" through Jesus Christ.
The new title is epic! The reality. Hail the King!
Psalm 23,91 Amen in Jesus name KJV 1611 ! God bless !
I think this is my very favorite video on the internet. I never tire of watching it. It's so powerful. When I see the feet of Jesus with the nail through them, it just gets me. 💘😭
Thank you, Bible Project, for beautifully presenting in visual and audio the Good News of His great love and redemption.
The kingdom of God seems upside down because it venerates individuals and peoples who help and pray for those who hate and kill them. To be strong this way is opposed to our normal thoughts of leaders and leading peoples. Yet the strong ones who conquer and dispatch their enemies always die and have not the Spirit of God in them. It is by God’s Love and Forgiveness that our immortal spirit is saved by God.
Amen to that
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