How Much Power Does Trump Have in a Time of Crisis?
How much power does President Trump have when dealing with the Chinese virus? Where does it start and where does it end? How much power do states have in the unique situation we find ourselves in? This week, David Rivkin and Cully Stimson talk about their recent Wall Street Journal article that gives us a Constitutional guide to emergency powers, and how this should impact our collective response to the Chinese virus.
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My pastor said Trump is not king and does not have authority over states
What the heck worse kind of an Idiotic title, could you possibly come up with? Your writings are turning to the Left pretty sharply, if this is anything to go by!
Do your viewers a huge favor, and stick to the facts, of a given topic. This video would receive far more likes and views, if you delineated exactly what powers, any President has, and cite the Constitution for each case!
The asshole Obama stole our health insurance! Thanks a lot you lying piece of shit!
I agree the militia roll is being served by the national guard. However i don't believe that was the intent of the founders. I don't believe the founders intended for the militia to be influenced by potential tyrants. What is our defense if all three branches of government were to collude against the American people? I m not a conventional expert. But i did stay at a holiday inn Express last night. Lol
Why are you questioning our President Donald Trump Power?
If the Democratic party was in office. We would be digging a lot more graves.
Thank You Mr. Trump and God Bless The U.S.A.
I love how the Democratic party says he is not doing enough. But when he does.He over stepped his authority.
My husband is working from home and I am cooking some awesome meals. We have been sick but doubt it was corona virus.
Trump — Greatest President in DECADES! Thank GOD we have a Smart President in charge and not a liberal!
The President IS in control! We elected him to lead, and HE IS doing a great job!!
Lincoln was a bloody handed dictator who forever altered America for the worse.
President Trump is a chess player. Alone he cant undo or take out the leftist hellbent on destroying our nation.
He could be using this situation to:
1 bring manufacturing back(made here bought here) instead of investing in our enemy’s (China’s) wealth.
2 letting americans see what leftist teachers are doing to our kids.
3 getting the lazy citizens (not all, but there is a large portion of our population that is lazy) to get antsy enough to want to work.
4 out the leftist politicians for everyone to see. No longer are we too busy to pay attention. While weeding out financial corruption at the state and local level. Theyve played a shell game with our tax dollars.. and down the road to get bailed out, they’ll have to prove they didnt commit malfeasance.
None of this could be done without the help of the ignorant state representatives (who believe we are beholden to them).
If the people can remain calm.. long enough he can keep his promises.
Remember he would not run for President, till America needed him to.
I'm glad you call it the China Virus. That is exactly what it is. China lied straight to Mr. Trump when he called Zhe of the CCP in January asking if this virus was cause for concern. The CCP is an enemy of freedom and transparent governance. Start making the vast majority of medicines here in the US. I will pay more for safe treatments!
If people stay home too long it will be bad for mental health, which is bad for all other health.
Most genuine and sincere POTUS ever. Fake news is corrupt and we have all known it for decades.
I don't believe that, a state militia and the national guard are not the same thing.
A bunch of phyco madness going on. thousands will fall and the right and left perhaps…… nobody is saying repent Deut 28 … and obey God's by his Law… they are mad I tell you. But because of not retaining God in their knowledge …….. they go mad.
"I don't take responsibility at all." – Traitor Trump (R – Impeached)
Hey, MAGAtrash? How's that 401K doing NOW, hmm?
World average number of cases per million population= 300.
Place Population Cases/million Date
US 330m 243,700c 738per m 2020-04-03
NY 20m 92,400c 4,620per m 2020-04-03 (NY State- 15 times the world average)
NJ 8.9m 2,5590c 2,875per m 2020-04-02 (9 times world average)
CA 40m 10,100c 253per m 2020-04-03
US-other 260 m 115,600c 443per m 2020-04-03 (except NY, NJ, CA states)
City Population Cases/million Date
NYC 3.4 m 51,800c 15,235per m 2020-04-03 (50 times world average)
New Orleans 0.4 m 3,148c 7,870per m 2020-04-03 (25 times world average)
Give me liberty or give me death! Or give me liberty and screw everybody else?
Dr Fauci needs a security detail because his life is being threatened by MAGAtrash.