How Should We Respond to Pride Month? — Stand to Reason Podcast
Greg reflects on the strangeness of designating a month to celebrate some people’s sexual appetites, then he answers questions about a tactical way to address pride banners in the workplace, Exodus 21:22, whether it’s a violation of 1 Corinthians 5 to be a pastor in the United Methodist denomination, and more.
0:00 How should we respond to Pride Month?
10:10 What’s a tactical way to talk to my bosses about not putting up pride banners in our workplace?
23:00 Can you respond to this interpretation of Exodus 21:22 that differs from yours?
39:47 Am I violating 1 Corinthians 5 by being a pastor in the United Methodist denomination?
47:24 When Jesus speaks in the Gospels, is he speaking to the Jews specifically or in a more universal way to all people?
#StandtoReason #Apologetics #Christianity #BiblicalSexuality #ChristianLiving
What Exodus 21:22 Says about Abortion by Greg Koukl: https://www.str.org/w/what-exodus-21-22-says-about-abortion
Article by pro-life Christian philosopher Matt Flannagan referenced in the second call: https://www.academia.edu/es/2243554/Feticide_the_Masoretic_Text_and_the_Septuagint
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Yes! Alistair Begg is a wonderful pastor! I live near and used to attend his beautiful church in the 90s.
Yes. I tell people that just because you don't do the sin of l g b …or anything else sinful, but you support it, you are still sinning.
I wonder if this is the strong delusion. Are we witnessing God turning them over to a reprobate mind?
Correct!!! I've wondered why people do not see this demonic spirit about this. I've been seeing and saying for years. I thank God for discernment.
As I said in a previous program with Jon, it is very unfortunate all the situations that the USA is currently going through and the church as well, as it is more and more molded and allows the world to enter in a total way to the life of the church.
I really liked the program, it's the second time I'm here, I don't live in the USA (I'm from Mexico), I met you through instagram and once I knew you had your YT channel I came here.
In Mexico we are not very well to say with all these issues (abortion, lgbt and others), is happening the same as in the USA, the government using resources from the treasury to promote all this, in different government agencies, schools, etc..
May the Lord bless and protect you and your families and the church as well.
By the way, I see in the comments, that sometimes there is more than one answer, but when you click to see them, it omits some and does not appear.
I don't know if it is an error in the platform or some configuration of the channel.
Many greetings and blessings equally from Mexico.
Hm, there are comments and then replies, but when I click on the replies, they are not showing up.
You missed their other points, Greg. It's not all sexual appetites. The claim is that they celebrate freedom to "be who they are" without judgement, a new phase of cultural "progress" and a sign of resistance against "oppression." You could have talked about more than the obviously nonsensical part of it, which i agree is cause for concern because lots of people celebrate just that.
I don't even know how it became a full month! It used to be just 1 day for the parade. Maybe a few days before to promote it. I could ignore that. I actually lived in the neighborhood in Chicago where the parade would kick off. (I had no idea when I moved there.) This was over 10 years ago so I really had no issues when I lived there. A few rainbow flags and posters about events, but nothing that couldn't be ignored. On the parade day, I never had problems because I'd go to church and then to my family's house. By the time I'd get back in late afternoon, the parade was over. There'd be a few scattered people, but that was about it.
But there was one day I didn't go to my family's house and ended up getting caught in the middle of the parade. I could not cross the street to get to my apartment. It was so crowded and blocked off by police barriers. All I could do was keep walking with the crowd. I have never seen anything like this in my life. Women were topless except for little stickers. Men were in thongs, which pretty much cover nothing. Obscene signs everywhere. Sex acts simulated on the floats. What shocked me most were there were so many children! I knew in theory what it was like. But seeing it up close was something else. That was over 10 years ago. Each year it got more crowded and it eventually had to be moved from that area. I don't want to imagine how much worse it must be now.
At that time I moved there, I didn't realize it was a heavily homosexual area. But as I said, I had no problems. I loved living there. People just lived their lives and aside from the parade day, no one was pushy about it. But things are different now. This deviancy is now shoved in our faces 24/7 from every corner. You can't avoid it even if you try! Even if you shut off the TV/phone/internet, it's in every store, every business, promoted on public transit, posters, etc. I work from home so at least I am spared that. We're not allowed to ignore it. We are now demanded to celebrate sin. Worst of all, it's even being pushed on CHILDREN.
I am done being "tolerant." Our country is under judgment and it will only get worse. We need to be telling people to repent. No more tiptoeing around and trying not to "offend." They have no problem relentlessly and openly offending Jesus Christ and by extension, us. ENOUGH!
The message the church has for gays is not helpful. And it hasn't changed in 50 years. Churches see helping homosexuals in very black-and-white ways. The gay community is not any better off thinking in very black-and-white terms themselves.
It's in the middle where grace and love and mercy are found.
Christ's love has been absent from the church's way of dealing with this. And hence, here we are now.
As well, some have looked at it as the sin of sins, so when we see people can change the church often doesn't know how to deal with it.
And for some, they don't want gays to change because if gays can change then they have no excuse to continue in THEIR sin.
"Why not adultery pride month"
Way don’t we celebrate celibacy and
abstinence? Because we don’t feel the need to be validated. And yet abstinence covers a multiple dimensional painful choices. Abortions for one
I respectfully disagree. I'm not celebrating anyones sexual appetites. I'm also not hating, oppressing, brutalizing, jailing, murdering, and refusing to love LGBTQ people like Christians have done without self examination and discussion for 2,000 years.