How the $600-per-Week Bonus Could Backfire | Rachel Greszler on Lars Larson Show
Rachel Greszler joined the Lars Larson Show on May 4, 2020, to discuss the impact of additional unemployment insurance benefits on employment and economic recovery.
As a research fellow in the Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget, Rachel Greszler focuses on retirement and labor policies such as Social Security, disability insurance, pensions, and worker compensation. Her work focuses on policies that promote economic growth, individual freedom, and well-being.
Check out her work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/rachel-greszler
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Economists with PhDs who've studied this labor market say the $600 federal supplement hasn't disincentivized workers in the aggregate to job search or take jobs that pay less than their unemployment plus the supplement.
You would think someone who does research would actually be using some of it.
This woman is an idiot. She really has no idea what she is talking about. Remember it is the Republicans that created this mess with rich can't pay taxes and abolish the government. So the idiot thinking that while a pandemic is going on that people who no fault of their own should go hungry and lose the homes. By not helping is completely insane. What is more insane is that wirh this thinking people can't pay their mortgages and will lose their homes. There will be more foreclosures in the next 3 months. That collapse will be greater that 2008. It is this thinking, if you want to call it thinking, that is destroying the middle class. To the Heritage Foundation the middle class is just a human supply of workers. Basically slaves.
This chick is talking about hard working americans when she never had a fucking job, what a joke
Why y all don t want the people to get a head that's crazy do y all hear how y all sound
We all are tax payers. So we're getting back a little bit during hard times! Stop whining.
Your Congress at work. Do you really think that they DON'T know what they're doing? Think about ALL those "competent" Republicans in our Senate.
What are they going to do when they eventually try to get a new job? Will they claim that they left their last job because they chose to sit on their rump, and make $600/week from the government? NEXT!
They lose their benefits if they refuse to go back to work if its offered them. At least in Alabama anyway.
We already knew that our lawmakers are EXPERTS at the law of unintended consequences.
But wait folks.
It’s simple. The employer offers them their job back. If they say no, the employer doesn’t have to fill out anymore unemployment claims on their behalf. Therefore, their unemployment would STOP at that point.
In reality, the employee is faced with a black and white decision……they can be unemployed with NO UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS, or they can take their old job back at their regular wage that they were earning BEFORE this insane mess.
This is my first time ever commenting on a yt video first. Yeah! 😁