How the Bible Is About the Reunion of Heaven and Earth • Heaven and Earth Ep. 2
According to the Bible, God’s space and human space were intended to be united. So where did God’s space go? Why isn’t it everywhere anymore? Join Tim and Jon as they continue their conversation about the biblical themes of Heaven and Earth.
In this episode, you’ll learn …
What the cherubim in the Bible tell us about human and heavenly space intermingling
How the concept of resurrection and new creation relates to the overlap of God’s space and human space.
How temples symbolized God’s presence on Earth and how their purposed was fulfilled in Jesus
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Jesus became the word by being: the prophet, the fulfillment, and the kingdom of heaven. He said tear down the temple because it was no longer needed to access God. He is the way the truth the life.
The veil ripped when he was crucified to show that God was truly dwelling on earth and now the kingdom at heaven is unveiled and or open to and and all who follow Jesus.✝️
Genesis 3:23-24 So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.
After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side [5] of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.
Oh this did not age well
Wow There towards the end it started sounding like January sixfh.
CERN is where physicists are looking to find hidden dimensions by identifying new Bosons (such as the Higgs Boson aka God particle)… hidden dimensions exist within our 4 dimensions buried deep within every particle in the observable universe… heaven isn’t somewhere else… it is everywhere but locked away from view – it goes even deeper than that but the imagery gets involved see Schrödinger’s Cat thought experiment)… this is why at the second coming every eye will see him because the heavens will open like a scroll etc.
It is worth noting that we are not able to translate what we see from other dimensions besides our own… when god shows prophets spiritual things the imagery is a complex arrangement of material analogues. Bread – spiritual food, living water – truths of the Holy Spirit, Blood, Flesh, mountain, house, etc… hence why the descriptions of the cherubim are such a mishmash of physical approximations.
Try to describe to a blind person what the color blue looks like… you would have to compare it to attributes that person can identify… cool, soothing like the sound of a stream, the smell in the air before it rains… same problem with imagery in dimensions to which ordinarily we are blind
According to string theory (now M-theory) it takes at least 10 dimensions to explain the Standard Model of particle physics… we have presently reside in three spatial dimensions and one constrained time dimension which is entangled with mass, energy and the speed of light. These constraints on the time dimension are related to the four fundamental forces of nature and in particular the properties of their bosons….
The way I read the Bible is that we were cast out of Eden (where all dimensions exist in harmony) and now exist in a kind of dimensional prison from which the only avenue out is through a spiritual connection to God through Jesus – verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
There are other dimensional cages mentioned in the scripture too…
Jude 1:6 KJVS
[6] And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
2 Peter 2:4 KJVS
[4] For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;
Revelation 20:1-3 KJVS
[1] And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. [2] And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, [3] And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.
help us Lord to see you word and your world the way you want us to and not through the lens of any one culture
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There is now an ad interrupting every 2 minutes. Wasn’t when I listened the 1st time
Jesus Christ been back
I'm apart of the first fruits. I entered the army of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ snatched me up and put me frontline on the right side of God and Jesus Christ. I'm the sheep. Jesus Christ connected me and Beyonce together.we're married and her kids are mine. The Kingdom of God is on earth now and I have the holy spirit. God,and Jesus Christ spirit is in me.
I hope yall know it already happened
Bible Project around the 17:00 minute mark: "The point is that the hope is not for humans to go somewhere else, it's for God…
it's not like, 'hey, you know life is rough, this really stinks, but you know what, one day you're going to go to this new place, and things are going to be great, and everyone you love is going to be there.' That was never the narrative. The narrative was, one day God will come here in a new way. And life is rough, it's always hard to find food, and there's poverty and there's injustice, and there's all of these things, but that's all going to be reversed and there's going to be an abundance, but its going to be HERE."
In Acts 7, right before Stephen dies from being stoned, he calls out "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit".
1 John 2:17 says "the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever."
2 Peter 3 says of the Day of the Lord "…the heavenly bodies will melt as they burn! But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
Why are these teachers hammering on believers who believe Biblically that waiting for Christ's return is where Jesus makes all things new is somehow not Biblical. Also, their teaching really emphasizes the same issues the world is concerned with as being resolved. However, the Bible seems to emphasize the fact that we will finally be in God's presence.
in the absence of testimonies you drew a comfortable view of heaven. bringing in the countless testimonies from ex satanist and christians taken into Gods space we realize there is an actual higher ground and lower ground. either way thanks for your content it does add a lot into our knowledge.
Here on earth like it is in heaven.
Darkness (business) exists so that stars (light and warmth) have a place to shine in heaven (joy, beauty and harmony). Stars like US don't exist to be sucked out of heaven by a giant black hole in space called "greed" and its ignorance (hate).
Also, Love spent billions of years creating this paradise planet lifeboat so that her miraculous works of fine art called "life" have a beautiful place to "be".
Good (god) didn't spend so much time creating this paradise planet lifeboat to be depreciated, polluted and destroyed in a brief moment by hostile alien vampires (greed) and their ignorance (hate).
We are sparks placed here for a brief moment to accumulate light and warmth (love)…so that we can become as bright of a star as we can be…shining in heaven (joy, beauty and harmony).
Good (god) knows every star by name.
If we extinguish our light and warmth (love) with "greed" and its ignorance (hate)…we become the darkness and emptiness that surrounds the stars.
A very cold, dark, lonely, desolate place to be…for eternity.
The maker of this series is most possibly a sodomite, I mean he sure sounds effeminate. Don't listen to this false prophet, listen to Pastor Steven Anderson, Roger Jimenez and the rest of the NIFB for real bible preaching.
This is a transformative view of the new heaven and earth.
Awesome podcast thank you amen peace Love faith hope
Have you guys read Matthieu Pageau’s book The Language of Creation? It was life changing for me. The whole book is about rediscovering the ancient understanding of heaven and earth and how they interact.
Are you serious! Jesus told me to watch the never ending story and that the Sphynx’s were passing through beliefs within our own mind. One of them he goes through is about his own worth.
I thought this was God speaking to me but now I think it was just my own mind and I don’t think this is biblical.
Conceivably the Earth is a temple as well. and it would appear that we are killing it. but to the faithful it will be resurrected — meaning in an alternate universe. and let's hope we reincarnate onto the new planet. (If we don't then we are in hell. Yup, that means we are already in hell. it just isn't quite completely hell yet. but we're doing a very good job at creating hell, as you can see in the news, as there is a different climate change disaster every month.)
The den of robbers in DC was entered and the tables were overturned on January 6th. And those people are being pilloried.
I would like to thank you for your videos. Could you make videos of apocrypha books, also of jubilee, jasher and Enoch books. Happy new year. Thank you and God bless you.
The Cherubim is a symbol. Represents unity of heaven and earth, which is why the many faces.
Flaming sword that turns on itself: logos/wisdom that's it ready to discriminate confusion created as result of disobedience. Separate it into proper states.
Check out Matthieu Pageau book "The Language of Creation: Cosmic Symbolism in Genesis: A Commentary"
Shame about the advertising every 3 mins👎
I wouldn’t keep joking around messing up a name of something that God placed to guard. But that’s just me
For the new year I unsubscribed all of my non Christian YouTube channels. Recommend everyone praying about doing the same. Perhaps not for everyone but I believe it will help me this new year!
I want to ask about sarapheme (sp) as being different the charabem (sp)
I had this on as background noise, but I need to re-listen to this. I could not determine if the whole "what if" scenario of someone taking the white house was him being facetious, as if the capitol wasn't really under attack on Jan 6
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to ask questions for the podcast here but I'm interested to understand why you think Eden was on a mountain. Love your videos and thank you for your ministry!
Thank You