How They’ll Use the Banking Crisis to Control YOU | Glenn TV | Ep 260
A few days ago the White House tweeted: “Our economy is moving in the right direction under President Biden’s leadership.” Does it feel that way to you? Or does it feel like the administration is moving it in a direction that ENSLAVES people like you and me? Glenn heads to the chalkboard to show the ACTUAL state of our economy and asks: Were the collapses of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and Silvergate Capital fluke closures, or were they part of a much larger, systemic problem? And will the Biden admin use the banking crisis to move us closer to nationalization and a central bank digital currency? Forbes magazine editor in chief Steve Forbes tells Glenn that central banks “must NOT have digital currencies.” It will be the ULTIMATE oppression and the end of privacy and freedom as we know it. He also slams the Fed’s moves to “create money out of thin air,” warns the audience of other economic problems yet to come, and reveals the REAL way to fight inflation.
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Truly it's called robbery of the 99%of the people while the 1%gets more power
The Spanish making companies is just like the Europeans when they came we are taxed out of our companies and it is given to them for the amount of tax owed on it just like anheuser-busch they didn't just come and build a fantastic facility it was stolen then given to them.
I'm looking at healthcare
Ever since Obama/ Biden reign,we do need to look to Christ foremost
Without our money, they have nothing.
Very good tutorial Glenn.
How do you prepare a lion cover yourself in barbecue sauce why barbecue sauce because it's an American and overprivileged
Hahahahaha…..come on Glenn. If SVB used all of the FDIC funds available? How can it possibly cover anymore banks that collapse? How is your money safer in a bank when its supposedly covered by the FDIC thats ALREADY out of funds? Its over Glenn…..every Country is in debt and running deficits, where is all the Worlds currency? Who has all the money if every Country is broke?
This is what happens when College Educated people get put in charge, thats is the one common denominator of all World Governments. We are backed by a decimal point and im pretty sure decimal points arent worth anything? I could be wrong? I never gradgeated Uni.
McDonald’s will be open when society collapses – so no food worries, plus I have a pellet gun and there’s tons squirrels on my property , rabbits too good eating.
Could a "RICO case" be made in court against Soros, Alvin Bragg, Democrat Party, State of new York & City of NY, Obama, for persecutions & "Election Rigging" weaponizing FBI, CIA, IRS, etc
1984 and Soylent Green, hint hint
You want to know will happen at the end of days?
Read a book written over 100 years ago. The Great Controversy by Ellen G. White. God bless you all
Audit the Fed!
Who are they ? !!!
Why we are like sheep letting these “ THEY “ run the show ?
Thank you for your honesty and clarity👏🏾
48 minutes to tell me how they're going to control me..
Whether or not you like Glenn Beck, you should listen to him this time, he’s been warning us for years about the globalist’s plan for a one world government.
Many people are SO worried about global warming, Meanwhile…
They didn't add "…to few goods" until after the end of the gold reserve. Inflation is to much money. Purchasing power is the quantity of goods.
Love your 1980's intro Glenn❤😂
Government will never be the answer..how will the fdic pay everybody, if it all collapses?? You don't have to wonder, they can not..get it now and you have it, leave it in the bank and maybe..seems like a no brainer to me.
There is a great book (and youtube video), The Creature from Jekyll Island by G Edward Griffin. It will explain the Federal Reserve in great depth.
The fed cannot get inflation under control so long as congress continues to spend trillions on non essential nonsense and war mongering.
Biden is a 🤡
Jesus is the answer and only answer to what's going on to our great country. What most people don't realize is we are in a spiritual battle…..Satan is the ruler of the world. We also know he is a defeated foe… If people turn away from materialism ,abortion , and sin we would see prosperity and this illegitimate president wouldn't be in the White House. We all need to repent pray and ask God to save our country…..God is the only answer because we are in a spiritual battle for the soul of America. Repent repent repent and pray to Jesus our King and God.
YES! Investigate the Fed.
Our banking system is the ultimate pyramid scheme with the Fed at the top. Biggest mistake ever.
Use to be the FDIC coverage was per account. Now it's per account holder.
Silicone Valley got a dose of peniscillin
The government is a godless extortion mafia.
Our banker said FDIC has 100 years to pay you back.
Math is Maths in Britain.
I think its time to get our money out of the bank. Come on you really think a governemnt who is 30 trillion in debt is gonna give you your money back if the banks shut down? No one else is gonna care you cant make your payments.
I'm terrified I'll lose my 16.00
"Out of chaos order"
This is the Satanists mantra.
No, Glenn… the FDIC does not have enough to cover people after them covering the billion already
God is going to turn all of this around. He is exposing them now.
Alot of people were calling you crazy too. Learned aliot from you. No one wants to believe it happened in America.
Glenn I enjoy listening to you. But Glenn don't underestimate the stupidity of the American people. The majority of them believe anything they hear. The fake leftist news know that. But Americans are good for gossiping and putting each other down.
The audacity to wear a lightning ⚡ strike in your face… Daily
They are pushing us to the bigger banks so switching to digital will be easier to control
What do poor people buy
What products do poor people but compared to well off people? It must take a lot poor people buying less to make any difference. Every teising to convince people to stop buying unnecessary items might have a real positive impact on the inflation.. but people are just pulling up their credit cards and spending indiscriminately not realizing that they're shooting themselves in the foot. Over consumption is a crazy problem.
Your whistle needs work XD
Read the book of Revelation there will be a One World currency. You will not buy or sell without the approval of the O W gov
We all need reparations from government enslavement,
The badages are comming off.
Remember bidn said he wants you to fail? Yea but u still have to pay taxes.
They're clearly doing this on purpose
question , can Biden really just change a law without congress ? all EO should be illegal !