How to Answer Questions About the Resurrection for Young People of All Ages
For more information, read Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels (http://amzn.to/2AW8bc5)
Read: How The Resurrection Changed (And Continues To Change) Everything
How the Resurrection Changed (and Continues to Change) Everything
How can we communicate the truth about the resurrection to our own kids? How might the discussion look as our kids grow older? In this video, J. Warner answers questions from kids and young adults from the King’s Academy (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsILTMzCPMw&t=220s) related to the Resurrection of Jesus.
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While all Christians need apoogetics, I believe you've just shown the reason young people need it most. These kids go into a classroom, often run by a teacher who wants to tear their faith apart, and many of their classmates are on board with that. However, in this short clip you've taken the time to talk to kids on their age level and give them something to fight back with. No longer do they have to go into class thinking they're the only ones with an indefensible view. For that I thank you with all my heart.
Your comments are great!! But the little ones would understand your point with visual instructions. The language you used was for adults or older youth. Thank you for the effort. Love your content….
Hi J
He's good. Very engaging.
Please Never stop ! ❤️🔥✝️
I appreciate this. God bless you
If I could just remember and speak like that when talking with people about Jesus and God.
This was an awesome video.
This is a brilliant exposition on how truth is established. Great detective work. The Bible tells us to put everything to the test and hold fast to that which is good. The Bible is the only book ever written that stated thousands of years ago, God is outside of energy, matter, space and time. The latest spacetime theorems state that any universe like ours must have a causal agent outside of energy matter space and time. It took the scientists thousands of years to catch up with the Bible. You would think by now they would start believing in it. To look at the Bible with an honest open mind you wouldn't doubt it. Example: 27% is prophecy that has come to pass exactly as prophesied. Only God knows the end from the beginning. Why does anyone not know that. Because they haven't read the Bible? Most likely. Nobody can deny the Bible truths that only God could have known. The universe had a beginning, is expanding, has fixed laws of physics, that everything that is detectable is made from that which is undetectable (Scientists call it nothing) and there are mountains, valleys, springs and pathways under the sea! Simple facts that only God could have known from the beginning. Time to wake-up people and repent before it's too late. Jesus is the only way to the Father. No other name under the sun can save you. He is the way, the truth and the life. Ask Him into your life today. Put God first and everything you need will be given.
Thanks for this awesome video.
God is good!
Even much older adults ask the same questions. As such this benefits all of us regardless of age
The Lord gives me strength, it’s because of him I have persevered. I have two beautiful boys both are autistic. My husband passed away years ago. I’m all alone. I lost my job over declining the vaccine. LIKE MANY OTHERS! I declined due to my pre existing health conditions lupus and heart disease. I’ve been struggling to provide for myself and my children since losing my job from Forsyth hospital. I’m now waitressing, and I’m thankful, but I’m not making nearly enough to get by. Groceries are super expensive. Every month is a battle to not end up on the streets with my two children. I’m constantly in fear of losing my home. To even think about being on the streets with two young children is terrifying. But even as I face homelessness seemingly every month. I have faith, God will provide. With GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! Faith over fear.
Great lesson…. thank you for your insight. God bless your work & God bless you! 🙏