How to Become a Dangerous Person | 5 Minute Video
How do you become “dangerous”? Writer and Portland-based podcaster Nancy Rommelmann would have thought she was the last person to answer that question — until she publicly dared to raise some questions about the #MeToo movement. Then her life suddenly changed and she became public enemy number one. She tells her astonishing story — what happened and why — in this compelling video.
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You are looking at a dangerous person. You may feel unsafe—even threatened—by my very existence. What is this power I possess?
It’s called…“free speech.”
While I knew it was always there, I recently discovered its true value. Here is my story. It could easily be yours.
I’m a journalist, an author, and a podcaster. I live in Portland, Oregon. My husband owns a few local coffee shops and a small coffee roasting business called Ristretto Roasters.
In December 2018, I started a YouTube podcast entitled #MeNeither. The show’s “about” page reads, “#MeNeither is an almost-weekly conversation about the cultural issues of the day, and an attempt to create a space where people can find ways to think out loud through uncomfortable topics.”
One of those topics is the #MeToo movement and what I see as some of its excesses, including celebrities who exploit #MeToo for personal gain. Sexual assault and harassment are real, but the idea that any charge any woman—or man—brings must be believed without question…where’s the logic in that? I believe we are better off judging any claim of harassment, like any other claim, on its own merits. This, I would learn, is not a popular position.
It turned out, one of the people tuning in to my new show was a former employee of my husband’s coffee business. She claimed my views were “vile, dangerous, and extremely misguided” and, in an email to the press, claimed my opinions created a “demoralizing and hostile environment for employees.”
Why would the opinions of the wife of the boss demoralize an employee? No one bothered to ask that question. That I appeared to be on the wrong side of the #MeToo debate was all people needed to know.
By the time you could say “Twitter,” a social media mob formed to say they would never spend another penny at my husband’s business.
A college-age girl stormed into one of the cafes screaming, variously, that the baristas were in danger and that their working at the cafe posed a threat to the community.
Employees previously secure in their jobs grew jittery and quit. One suggested that my husband sell the company and that I offer a public apology before it was too late.
This all happened within the first 48 hours.
As the outrage grew, local businesses that make up a big part of my husband’s base cut and run. Wholesale customers cancelled large accounts, afraid they’d be caught in the #MeToo crossfire. Staff now worried that they’d lose their jobs (and health insurance) if Ristretto were forced to close; that I—a person with whom they’d heretofore had a perfectly congenial relationship—might, in fact, be a secret monster, a rape culture apologist.
Many of those who claimed to have been offended had not seen the podcast. One woman wrote, “I clicked, down-voted, then reported on YouTube that it violates community guidelines: hateful… I didn’t listen, but it’s one way to make that [expletive] go away.”
This kind of uninformed, virtual attack strikes me as childish—the behavior of a toddler whose tantrum brings a dinner party to a halt until it’s placated with the attention it seeks.
I invited my critics to speak with me—the whole point of #MeNeither is to provoke discussion. No one took me up on my offer. It was evidently easier for so-called feminists to tell my husband to leave his wife or lose his business, for some random dude on Facebook to send me the message, “You are scum. Rot in hell you dirty…”—just use your imagination—than to honestly confront me.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/how-to-become-a-dangerous-person

One big problem here is the Heathcare system in the USA! As the amount of money you make should never effect your own Heath care! Like in Britain 🇬🇧! An NHS would bless your nation So much!!
I hope she's moved out of Portland by now.
This is what life is like now against neo-Democrat socialist terrorism.
Keep fighting the good fight. Most people on the internet are childish and clueless to the big picture of life around them. The fact that someone can click on, down vote and report something that they don't even watch just shows their level of emotional maturity. So many people are far too willing to jump on the Mob bandwagon and not even think for themselves. It's sad really. Looking inward and trying to improve oneself is hard work. It's easy to point fingers and blame everyone else.
how to be a dangerous person these days: speak the truth insead of for the feelings
I cannot control what other people do.
However, if other people think they are going to control me? They better grab their blankie, teddy bear, coloring book, and head for their safe space.
Because if something I've already said or done has triggered them, they are about to go over the edge completely.
That's what a hero sounds like.
More power to you
Thank goodness the Metoo movement is dead.
Nancy, you are an extremely Brave woman. I'm sorry all this PC crap has hurt you and your husband..
I think you are giving them too much credit saying they are thinking at all
so cute. love it. #imadangerousperson
This dangerous woman is also pretty. And her half-silver hair is gorgeous!
I'm sorry your husband and you lost your guys' business. But, you did the right thing going to PragerU.
That's what you have to do nowadays: Start a business, keep it honest with your values, get attacked by the mob who wants war, and then run to the conservatives to speak about how quickly "the tolerant left" destroyed your business.
Then, your business gets promoted, and more people realize what's happening everywhere and every time due to their virtue signaling and tripe leaders of keyboard battles.
To grow your business in a war with lefties zombifyed by social media, this is just one more step to get to success. 👍
How to be a dangerous person: Have the "wrong" opinion in 2019.
How do I give this one 5 Likes?…
Cancel culture’s behavior is nothing short of fascism.
It's like the dark ages and the burning of witches… If you opposed that trend you would be next one to the stick…God help us
If I worked for your husband and I heard that he told a fellow employee behind my back…
Do not bother Kate by asking her:
"I think you should give up your religion and s*ck m* c*ck."
I would NOT sue a guy for trying to convert me to his promiscuous lifestyle… it's a free country and I'm allowed to try to convert someone to my lifestyle.
I'm not litigious but I may sue your husband for defamation behind my back!
Treating women like children has got to stop!
Ted Kaczynski was absolutely spot on about the left and the machine. He's sat in a prison cell now thinking "told ya..". Keep up the great work.
Nancy, when the dogs bark at you is because you are advancing (José Martí).
Ah, yes. Almost all my Facebook friends are insulting me for politely saying some painful truths. Our society is dying.
It is extremely obvious that feminists are not driven by compassion. They don't eve care about other women. Look at how they treated this one.
She frames it like the employees were on her side, when in reality the workers at the coffee company owned by Rommelmann's husband signed an open letter opposing her remarks
Finally,an actually good feminist
A brave women fighting against punks, cowards and "real" scum
Free speech is how you can criticize the government and not have them send a death squad after you
0:00 to 0:07 hahaha, she told us about that she was a dangerous person
Also, good work with the Reason article(s) on the crappy rioters, some of whom were surely #MeToo types. That town seems full of wicked people who fancy themselves polite.
Interesting, but I don't understand how any of this has to do with how to become dangerous. Am I missing something obvious?
INNOCENT till proven guilty!
is now a racist statement
Your story is heartbreaking. Why are people so mean to others? I hope your husbands business is okay and that you are doing well, too.
The ending is priceless!!😂
Is against my community guidelines to suffer fools.. lightly 🤬