How to End Systemic Racism
There is systemic racism in America, and people of color are paying a terrible price because of it. It’s time to shine a bright light on the source of this regressive idea. PragerU’s own Amala Ekpunobi does just that.
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There is systemic racism in this country.
And people of color are paying a terrible price because of it.
The elites who have instigated this moral crime deserve to be exposed for what they’ve done.
The sooner we call attention to them…
The sooner we expose their regressive ideas…
The sooner we live in a more just society.
No truth. No peace.
Here’s how bad it is.
At Columbia University black students have a separate graduation from white students. In many other colleges, black students are encouraged to live in their own separate dorms.
Students in many New York City government schools are separated by color during the school year.
State governments put regulations in place that make it harder for minorities to start businesses.
A national museum declares hard work and ambition to be white values.
One of America’s two major political parties assumes that many black people are incapable of obtaining a driver’s license or an ID card.
In Oregon, black students are told that math is a white construct—all but guaranteeing failure in this essential skill.
In Baltimore less than 10% of minority students can read at grade level—all but guaranteeing failure in this essential skill.
In Oakland, no student is allowed to get a D or an F. Instead, everyone is simply promoted to the next grade whether they know the material or not.
City councils demonize their own police departments, then vote to cut police budgets. Crime and murder skyrocket. The victims are almost all minorities.
Prosecutors refuse to prosecute hardened criminals. Instead, they let the criminals back on the streets to prey on law-abiding, hard-working citizens, again, mostly black people.
That’s only a few of many examples.
It’s shocking but commonplace.
Every day in every major city, people of color are living in this oppressive, patronizing environment. These prejudices—literally prejudgments—make it more and more difficult for black people and other minorities to improve their lives—the very opposite of what the goal should be.
In other words, the very people claiming to have black people’s and minorities’ best interests at heart are instituting the very policies and attitudes that are holding them back.
Sounds like systemic racism to me.
And it makes you think that we’re not moving forward as a pluralistic, equal-opportunity nation, but backward into Jim Crow.
Now, here’s the kicker.
It’s not those horrible, nasty, bigoted, misogynistic, authoritarian nationalists on the right who are imposing these crushing rules and policy prescriptions; it’s the woke left.
The side that I revered as a beacon of tolerance, the side that I thought was on the right side of history, up until a few years ago.
In fact, I was so committed, I got a “Black Lives Matter” tattoo.
I still have it.
But then I had to face reality.
It’s the ideology of the left that has set back young students of color with lower education standards. That calls for pulling cops out of high crime areas and replacing them with social workers… That states that skin color is more important than character—more important than anything.
Yes, it is the woke left that is systemically racist.
Not America.
The race hoax epidemic is proof. There have been dozens of these hoaxes over the last few years.
Nooses on garages, the N-word on dorm rooms, “this is MAGA country” taunts on cold city streets—virtually every one of them has been faked.
The demand for racism exceeds the supply.
If racism against black people or any other minority group was rampant, you wouldn’t have to fake it to convince people how “bad” things are.
Did anyone fake racism in the South in the 1950s?
But there’s so little now that the race-obsessed woke left has manufactured “unconscious racism” and “microaggressions” to fool people into believing America is “systemically racist.”
For the complete transcript visit: https://www.prageru.com/video/how-to-end-systemic-racism

This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard today. Thanks for the 😂
Promoted by the libs and Dems, (COMMUNISTS). Our country and world need to bring back the Lord into public spaces, along with the Ten Commandments.
What we do have is systemic socialism.
PU is just as cult like as the next group. Can I have my own University?
And you blacks and whites and blues and yellows whine.
Everyone here was built on the death of Natives
Oh my. The only minority in the United States is Native Americans. Everyone is an immigrant, and misplaced by their rights here. You have no rights here. Blacks, whites, Asian or anyone else besides Natives and Mexican Ancestors.
Liberals: "Racism is real!"
Conservatives: "No it's not! "
Liberals: "And it's everywhere!"
Conservatives: "No way, don't you remember we elected Obama?"
Conservatives: "Racism is real, it's everywhere, and it's all the liberals fault!"
Edit: LOLOLOLOL, she has a BLM tatto? Dennis Prager, get your shit together!
There's a socialist business plan available that will address racism very effectively Globally, workers, Women's and human rights will be addressed very effectively as well.
It's as simple as this… blk or white isn't the issue it never was the issue… the richest families in the world controll the media and movies…the people with all the money is who we all should be hunting down… both parties suck and are the problem
Rest assured sister , top to bottom you are a cute chick , you wear well , love to hear you speak, be easy, Amen Kenneth
"Hardened criminals…" We still can't say Gangs. 🤷♂️
You had a chance to square this last election, you let Joe race-bait you.
Hold up how cam you end systematic opreshin if you claim it never egzisted??
Ooh she has a tattoo? She's a fkn fanatic. She just switched sides. They love to use ppl like her. Easley manipulated and passionate about the latest thing. Yall fall for anything. Fk both sides
You guys are aware that white people will be minority by 2050. Hispanics, Indian, and Asian are the most grossing population in the world. It's pretty hard to be racist if everyone is brown lol. Racism will solve itself with time stop trying to make change all at once and expect everyone to be on board with it. Culture doesn't change overnight
All I heard is "pick me pick me!"
Where in oregon, ill find em
Is the answer to have more long term male roommates purchase newborns? We all know now that Dennis Prager says it's not a sin to THINK about it 😉
Amen sister!
What'd Morgan Freeman say?
No such thing
Her rapid blinking leads me to believe she knows she is spouting BS
So, the idiots vote for those that openly say, 'we're going to spank yt for you', then they get screwed by those same dirtbags…and I'm supposed to be upset with the predictable comeuppance? Not a F'g chance. Roll in it.
You won't end it with what you do
How can black kids know these things when they have illiteracy rates like this? Theyll believe whatever they are told on tv. Anyway, former lefty here and i know liberal politics and leftist ideology is grounded on contempt for blacks, hispanics, lower middle class and the poor.
Cringe video
Isn't that what Biden did. When he said your NOT BLACK if YOU DONT VOTE FOR HIM
And you are the descendant of an immigrant you are not a black person of American slave decent. You downplay and mitigate the struggles that my people face. You or no other conservative get to be the arbiter of when racism no longer effects me your other black people who know we are not only biologically black but we are also mentally Black.
The demand for racism exceeds the supply is the dumbest quote I've heard by someone trying to sound deep……. Ask Ahmad Aubrey if the demand for racism exceeded the supply. You got me hoping somebody white does something bad to you and maybe you will get your n*g@ wake-up call. I usually don't wish bad on anyone but if a white person did something bad to you and called you the n-word I sadly believe you are so far gone that you still believe that racism towards black people is just something of the past and that we complain about. So I don't think you would be the right person for a n*gg@ wake up call.
And did you bleach your skin???
Oh this woman just gets paid to talk down on black people. She is just a light skin did Candace Owens.
Modern Day "Racism" is mainly caused by people talking so much about it, that they start over acting so much to prove that they're not, even though otherwise, it does not enter Thier minds. Remember this is an age ,in which there are no real adults.
🎉🎉🎉🎉Doctor Shiva for president 2024🎉🎉🎉🎉
Politics aside, judging or accessing an individual's importance by phenotypical or genotypical differences is prejudice. Predudice is bipartisan. I swear to… eh, I really need stop making swears.