How to Fix the World, NYPD-Style | 5 Minute Video
Is there a middle ground between the aggressive foreign policy of the Bush Administration and the passive and hesitant foreign policy of the Obama Administration? Yes, and New York City is a model. How so? Bret Stephens, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for the Wall Street Journal, explains how the NYPD’s “broken windows” policy–swiftly and forcefully punishing even petty crimes–can be applied by the United States on a global scale.
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When it comes to U.S. foreign policy, Americans must sometimes feel like Goldilocks in the three bears’ house.
The porridge that was President George W. Bush’s “freedom agenda” — promising democracy for everyone from Karachi to Casablanca — was too hot. The mush constituting President Barack Obama’s foreign policy — deeply ambivalent about the uses of U.S. power — is too cold.
How can the U.S. enforce basic global norms of decency, deter enemies, and reassure friends without losing sight of our national interests?
There is a proven model that has nothing to do with foreign policy. It has to do with policing our toughest inner cities.
In 1990, New York City had a homicide rate of more than 30 murders for every 100,000 people. By 2012, it had fallen to a rate of 5 per 100,000. A similar, if slightly less dramatic, story unfolded in every other major U.S. city — despite the fact that many of the factors often cited to explain crime — bad schools, broken homes, poverty, the prevalence of guns, unemployment — remained largely the same.
What happened?
In 1982, George Kelling, a criminologist at Rutgers, and James Q. Wilson, a political scientist at Harvard, wrote an essay titled “Broken Windows.” It had long been known that if one broken window wasn’t replaced, it wouldn’t be long before all the other windows were broken too. Why? Because, they wrote, “one unrepaired broken window is a signal that no one cares, and so breaking more windows costs nothing.”
Municipalities that adopted policing techniques based on the broken-windows theory — the strict enforcement of laws against petty crimes and policing by foot patrols — registered sharp drops in crime and major improvements in people’s quality of life.
Could it be that this “broken windows” approach would work in our increasingly disorderly world?
Absolutely. But, of course, only if the approach is applied.
After the dictator of Syria, Bashar al-Assad, used sarin nerve gas to murder more than 1,000 people near Damascus in August 2013, President Obama warned that “if we fail to act, the Assad regime will see no reason to stop using chemical weapons.”
And after Russia seized Crimea in 2014, he denounced the Kremlin for “challenging truths that only a few weeks ago seemed self-evident, that in the 21st century, the borders of Europe cannot be redrawn with force.”
Two broken windows. Two eloquent warnings.
Yet the warnings didn’t amount to much. Bashar Assad stayed in power, and continued to use chemical weapons. And Russia’s invasion of Ukraine carried on.
This is how we arrive at a broken-windows world: Rules are invoked but not enforced. And when rules aren’t enforced, more rules will be broken. One window breaks, then others.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/how-fix-world-nypd-style

"redeeming broken societies as was tried in Iraq" – who destroyed the society again?
2:30 US government lied and wanted pipeline built there?
Your akinship towards warhawkery and intention to act on wonky "evidence" is the same school of thought that led to your intervention named "Iraqi freedom"
Now ask yourself, where are the WMD's?
Do the Iraqis have freedom or a better quality of life now?
Is your military-indutrial complex satisfied?
I am a right wing conservative myself, yet such a self-righteous attempt at legitimizing military interventions is producing more and more instability & contempt for the american way of life
polincing the city is not the same as policing the world. False analogy, take a look at the "war on terror"
This channel is a voice of racionality and moral values in a world of the stupidness of racial and gender agenda, turve the logics and objetivity.
There is no better, present-day example of how effective this “broken windows” policing can be than President Trump’s elimination of Iranian Gen. Soulemani. One quick, decisive, surgical strike with 2 crystal clear messages to Iran & the world:
1)To Iranian leadership, the message was, ‘You want to make war with the United States? Here is the technology and professionalism you will be facing. Do you really want to go there?’
2)To Iranian military leaders, the message was, ‘We knew WHEN he left Damascus, and we knew WHERE he was going. We know WHEN he arrived in Baghdad, and we even knew WHICH vehicle he was riding in.
‘You want to kill Americans? There is NOWHERE we can’t find you and destroy you. Do you really want to go there?’
Trump accomplished ALL of this without shedding a single drop of unnecessary blood, friend or foe. It should be the first lesson taught in new president’s school.
Except the Bush administration gets to invade Iraq without any consequences for that administration.
Makes sense. Russia had no adverse repecussions after invading Crimea in the early 2000's so he was emboldened to also invade Ukraine.
This is the policy I followed when raising my sons. I told them "Your behavior is unacceptable, if it continues, X will happen" If the behavior continued, then X was swiftly applied.
After some time they knew not to test me because X was always swift in coming. How many times have you heard parents say "You had better stop doing that or I'll do this!" and then "this"
never happens? Same thing with adults. As kids need to know boundaries so do adults. Say what you mean and mean what you say or people will just assume you won't back up your word.
The norm for people everywhere, when dealing with internal strife or foreign policy is that, after everything is said and done, there is always more said than done.
“Does the world need a policeman?”
I don’t know, does a city need a policeman?
You must check your data sources as using fake data will always bring you to erroneous conclusions. The world ought to help the US sort itself out and stop attacking other countries using phoney reasoning.
3:19 So lets invade Russia. Are you mental ? You just proposed world war 3.
So now, the Democrat Communists no longer want to punish small crimes. They hate America! Fight back!
"When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, people's hearts are filled with schemes to do wrong." Ecclesiastes 8:11
Disgusting. This is exactly why we have the highest incarceration rate in the world
So is New York getting better liberal-wise.
If it’s not ok for the Syrians to use chemical weapons, why was it ok for us to use agent orange and napalm strikes in Vietnam? Not to mention we did so on villages with civilians…
I say we stay out of other countries business unless it affects us or Allies we have no right to tell other countries what to do even if we think it's wrong and we need to stop funding other countries it start using that money in our country for children that needs help help our poor help our schools and off the side to fix the police department I say you hire all people of color and do not hire Caucasians now technically it won't fix the problem but we won't hear about it in the media if somebody was to be killed again
NYPD sector Harlem style
prageru world brain rewiring
Prevention is better than the cure.
Obama's foreign policy wasn't passive, nor hesitant. Has everyone forgotten about Libya and Syria?
You know the viewer base is American when no one mentions that they put North Macedonia in Yugoslavia 5:04
"I give myself some very good advice, but very seldom follow it"
-Alice, Alice in wonderland
Bashar Al-Himmler?
This is once again deeply misleading. the essay referred to infrastructure influencing people's psychology…
how to fix the usa in world style?