How to Make Our Cities Safer
Crime has become a major issue in America again. People don’t feel safe, and for good reason. Homicides are at levels not seen for decades. How do we reverse this dangerous trend? Former prosecutor Tom Hogan has some street-tested solutions that can be implemented immediately.
#crime #safe #politics
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Five: Keep democrats away from city halls.
We all know which 13% commits the most crime in America so why not just remove that entire population from America? 🤷🏾♂️
Recap: Don't do what San Francisco is doing
This is bull crap… Drugs are a supply and demand. Focus on the demand, not the supply.
How bout street judges(judge dred).
Perhaps listen to Libertarian thinkers like Ron Paul and stop the drug war?….Anyone look into how that went for Portugal?
There’s a right way to grow and manage cities and there are wrong ways to manage cities
How to make cities safe? #!// the criminals.
I would also say allow law abiding citizens to be fully armed in order to protect themselves from any dangerous criminals.
When police endorse a candidate for DA or attorney General – LISTEN to thier recommendation!
1) reform our laws to eliminate victimless "crimes" while cracking down on violent crime and public nuisance (fentanyl needles in the street, etc) to increase respect and support for law enforcement
2) respect the Second Amendment and encourage citizens to defend themselves against violent crime
3) improve the quality of life within prisons (stop treating prisoners like animals) and develop rehabilitation programs to lower the recidivism rate
4) invest in infrastructure, especially high-quality transit systems in historically underserved communities, to enable upward economic mobility and discourage "career criminals"
not all statistics are credible
Good luck in a city run by democRATS
Clearly, the American penal system isn't working! We have the largest prison population on Earth, the highest recidivism rates, and yet, still it makes us no safer. If we really want to reduce crime, here's some things we should be trying
1 – End the permanent punishment system. Even after they complete their sentences, ex-cons are still punished with almost no legal economic opportunities and most of their civil liberties not being restored. In most such cases, the only option seems to be to go back to their criminal ways.
2 – Get rid of the War on Drugs! A decent percentage of inmates are locked up for things like simple drug possession. Also, prohibition just drives the problem underground and leads to things like gang wars and other violence. We should have learned that lesson
3 – Demilitarize police
4 – repeal most laws
The problem with crime right now was part of his solution. The sentence was "facing lengthy prison sentences". Almost no one faces a lengthy prison sentence anymore especially for drug crimes. When crime starting trending down it was because the war on drugs was working. Don't listen to naysayers. Drug dealers were singing like birds back in the lates 90's up until about 2010. Drug Conspiracy cases were handing out lengthy sentences which got everyone to talk. Now everyone is out on EM and are looking at probation or 3 years max. The dealers are out in less than a year and right back to selling. Nobody talks because they don't have to.
I agreement with the fighting crime in America and Europe😊
Funny, I'm not a cop, an attorney, nor have I ever studied criminal justice or law, but I feel like I could have written this episode. It's all too obvious.
Remove the “gangster attitudes”
People are a product of their environment
Cultural change required first: glorify the benefits of long-term planning and small incremental financial gains, while living with Good Orderly Direction. Place value on monogamous relationships, as all other relationships benefit greatly from the inherit conflict resolution lessons that derive from being with someone you love.
Wow, this is best explaination method I ever hear !
Can any conservative correct me on my rebuttal or are you all too slow to read this? I'll do letters and numbers. in Each of the 4 I will put A, B, C or D in front of points so you can correct me since liberals are wrong right? (I'm post leftist, space commie)
A. To address the beginning "street tested" is an extremely low credential. "backed by rigorous studies". I'll be the judge of that. Certain parameters make something a worthwhile scientific study. I'm assuming we have both long and short term studies peer reviewed by sociologists, psychologists, scientists in general? Probably not. Constitution is not some absolute. So take that off the table.
Now, to address cost effectiveness, in a capitalist system, things that are cheaper or cost-effective tend to be lower quality.
To your 4 points.
1 and 2. Target the power few. You're talking about black people and minority groups. Just say it. More importantly you should be asking what structure can we put in place to PREVENT the crimes. Not punishing them and removing people off the street en masse because it has been scientifically proven that prison does not reform people and that the threat of prison, no matter how harsh the sentence is NOT enough of a deterrent. For simple evidence just look around. For actual "rigorous" research go to scholar and find the information, after you learn how to read studies.
-Never cite studies unless you understand how to read and interpret data and conclusions
-Never use the abstract as a basis for an argument. Read the whole study.
B. the next thing you bring up is 5 percent of criminals responsible for 50 percent of violent crimes. Interesting though that nonviolent drug offenders get similar sentences if not worse, especially, and this is proven, if you have a name that SOUNDS "black". Interesting fact, if a black man goes to court dressed like a nerd with thick glasses and is coached how to speak more eloquently they get shorter sentences. Yes. It's called the nerd defense. Look it up.
C. The problem with your targeting strategy is that we're already doing that. You want more policing? That doesn't work, the streets are swarming. If you mentioned community/beat cops or something you'd be approaching some kind of minor help. Again, we are already doing it, it doesn't work. Doing more of it won't change the patterns, it will only increase police violence and wrongful conviction and waste money for a tiny, marginal effect, for a VERY temporary period of time. There are about 2 million people in prison right now, at least according to most stats. *The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the WORLD. EVEN MORESO than war-torn nations. WTF you think doing the same by continuing to increase funding to it thing is gonna do??
3. You say to unite police and prosecutors. This creates an unfair ability for the state to crush an individual, which earns the state money. Obviously more people are going to be screwed over and treated worse. You guys simply want to crack down on poor people of all colors, but you will disproportionately effect black people who, via social mobility, are more likely to commit crime because of the income level and all of the psychological issues associated with being poor. It hasn't been that long since the emancipation and nothing really changed much it just expanded to include all people with some restrictions on punishment.
A. note the obvious propaganda by making the prosecutor black. They love using this tactic because if you call them out they call you the racist, when they're using people's skin color to make other people against them. (Like Amala, the "good black").
B. There's no blaming each other for a poor investigation or a poor trial strategy? Sounds like you just want to find people guilty and want collaboration, again, for the state to crush the individual. It needs to apply across the board. Sure, for cases with DNA evidence to find someone who may murder another person or has, fine, but you're not just using it for that.
C. The system working as intended is to hand out incredibly rough sentences to offenders of all kinds, and based on recidivisms the system working as intended means not actually working to make things better, in the majority of cases.
D. When the police and prosecutor are hostile toward each other there's usually a reason. Like violation of "rights". I mean seriously, yet again, you want anyone who is alleged to have committed a crime to be ganged up on. If you had it your way you'd tamper with the jury as well.
4. As fake as most of the progressives are, you label non-progressive people as such. They're just slightly less insane than right wing lunatics. Note there is no difference between the right and alt right anymore. Also, those two biased studies are very limited and your logic is flawed
A. After 5 years they're less likely to commit a crime OUTSIDE of a prison because they are in PRISON. DUH. Nice try slipping that one past. I'm less likely to slip on ice during the summer.
B. Covering his "why the average citizen believes incarceration matters"
4C. Conclusion of his final comments
C1. "people don't want to go back to prison". Actually, this is not always the case. However this is more about human behavior response to a non reformatory system. There is so much evidence that prison does not modify behavior positively that you could stack the papers up to the moon. Your two studies are nothing compared to the contrary.
C2. The age curve. This is really borderline evil. We know that the brain is still developing especially during those years. How do you think sleeping in a cage around mentally ill people does for those predisposed to crime? What a terrible horrifying lack of insight. You're essentially training young people to harbor resentment and activating predispositions for crime that increase re-offending horribly.
His conclusion is his premise intro. The power few. We all know what he means, some of us just find it worth a bit of outrage that he is clearly talking about poor people, especially poor black and latino people. This is possibly one of the worst videos since the one where Prager essentially praised slavery LOL
remove poverty.