How & When to Safely Get Americans Back to Work: Kay C. James on Spicer & Co.
Kay C. James joined Newsmax to discuss how the National Coronavirus Commission has a plan to save lives & livelihoods as we work to reopen America.
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America will reopen if we stop yelling at the people in charge and yell at the people who aren’t doing their part, going out cause it doesn’t affect them and getting people who it does affect sick because they need to get groceries as well. Sick people aren’t staying home because it doesn’t affect them, but they don’t realize that it affects others. Stay home, then we can leave home.
The Vengeance of the people must be met. The American people must be able to put hands up on these traitors and drag them outside to the nearest tree and hang them or we will never be satisfied. A civil war could start from the people not getting True Justice !!!!!!!!!