Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill: Washington’s Latest Spending Spree
The 113th Congress will have an opportunity to address pork-laden spending when the House considers the remainder of its Hurricane Sandy relief legislation. http://herit.ag/X7Xfbp
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i hate to say it about other americans, but they deserve what they get. now they can not even protect their famlies, with no electricity and looting going on. lol. these people have to be affected PERSONALLY or they will never get it. they are now seeing how much they government will help them and how much they care. lol.
NPR's coverage of the Sandy Relief Bill portrayed the Republicans as heartless, not wanting to help those involved in the hurricane and never once mentioned all the additions to the bill.
I agree 100 %
we must have a all out work stopage in America everyone must stay home from work dont spend any money and tell congress you are done we the people are taking over
And people wonder why there is a debt crisis.
The US is doomed. I knew her well.