If God Became a Man, Can a Man Become a Woman? — Thinking Out Loud
A popular tweet claims that if someone can believe God became a man, then they can also believe that a man can become a woman. Alan unpacks this tweet, defines some key terms, and shows why the claim is misleading.
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God needed a woman to be born.
Stating out with a very big IF.
This world (sick perverts) can't help but to let Satan influence their agenda. Just because there are many likes, that shows and proves that their desires are perverted as they are. God will have the last say and it will not be in favor of the sick minded people on this earth, just like he did to Sodom and Gomorrah.
If we go to certain "theologies" (progressive, lgbt, queer), they are the ones that I think can argue this way, and all the support they get, it's because this whole thing has become too politicized. That's why nowadays it's also difficult to give an opposing (orthodox) point of view.
And not only do they receive support from certain sectors, but from all Christians who are being dragged into all this.
Today there are perhaps more "human genres" than literary genres.
There are not only transgenders, but also trans-species, trans-age, trans-human.
And in the end, what are Christians going to end up doing, are they going to support all this?
What are they going to do, a "trans species", "trans human theology"?
On the basis that all these "genders" must be accepted and cannot be denied because they have nothing to do with the human body?
What will Christians say: "Don't worry, we will accept you all, God will not judge you for what you think you are and for what you do to your body, it doesn't matter, we have room for everything"….
That will be their justification when the Lord returns and judges us all… Seriously?
In the end the church ends up becoming more of a social club to entertain the soul and the flesh, and not to edify the brothers and sisters in the spirit, and that they in turn will be the ones to continue the work with future generations.
This is the way the world is moving today and many Christians are being completely swept up in it.
May the Lord bless and protect you and your families, we continue to pray for the church in the USA.
Many greetings from Mexico.
No, it's not reasonable to think that.