Illegal Aliens Know The Biden Administration Will Let Them In | Mark Morgan on “The National Desk”
Heritage Visiting Fellow Mark Morgan joined Sinclair Broadcasting’s “The National Desk,” Tuesday, April 7, to talk about the border crisis, why it’s undeniable we’re in a crisis, and why the crisis is making us less safe.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5VDOKvwrI8
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bidem is a liar and an idiot
Quit pretending they are stupid, “conservatives”
They know what they’re doing and you know that. Quit playing dumb. This boomer style controlled opposition technique is one thing only: TIRED
Biden such a fuckin liar.
No, it's not a crisis…..it's a "situation"….."let's circle back on that"….and keep on going in the circle round and round and round with the LIES. Leftist policies are literally destroying the United States of America. Time to stand up TOGETHER, people!! STOP letting them divide us and stand as ONE. White, black, brown, purple, green…..doesn't matter what color your skin is. If your a United States citizen or are coming here LEGALLY then we ALL need to stand together. It OUR country. And these politicians work FOR US!! Enough is ENOUGH!! 🇺🇸….stand for this flag.
Where the hell is the military get some people out there and start doing something call for their resignation Pelosi Schumer Biden Duckworth Harris Ann Abrams AOC they need to go they are the wrong people for the American people they are not good at all they're tearing our country apart and they're going to have so much on their hands
Calling people 'Aliens', shame on you, your ancestors were also aliens for native (Americans) people.
Any illegal should not be considered a minor. They are illegal and we try minors as adults. Feed them what they bring. This way we don't have to starve in America while we feed illegals.
This Border Situation is NOT a "Crisis" it is a DISASTER!
Under this Administration, we are Witnessing the systematic Destruction of the Ecomony and
The United States of America
Look at the numerous acts of destruction the rad left neo con establishment elites have done to not only this country.
Sex trafficking.Pedophilia extreme drug addiction overdoses and deaths to line thier pockets. And they dont get held accountable
This is a royal in-humanitarian tragedy of epic proportion to the Mexican population! America, Rise Up! Terrorists are coming through this porous situation, just like under the failed Obama Admin…we had many horrific terrorist attacks within our own states as a result of 8 miserable years under Obama! And his biracial skin color has nothing to do with the fact he was a lousy President. I would gladly vote for an African American Male or Female who had the USA’s best interests at heart for all Americans!!!
Now that Biden has let them all in it is now time to have someone else let them all out back to their own country. Newt Gingrich would be a good candidate. You know he would make them leave!
At least we knew that President Donald J Trump was handling the crisis when He was president. Biden ain’t doing diddly squat about this.building the wall that’s what they need to do.
use common sense Joe finish the wall and reinstate the Trump administration's border policies.
Why doesn't the media say the truth! That this administration made the wrong decision and there's a real problem. These liberals are the worst!!