Immigrants! Don’t Support What You Fled | 5 Minute Video
Many of America’s legal and illegal immigrants fled nations that were ruined by corrupt politicians and failed government policies. But once here, they support the same things. Why? Gloria Alvarez, Project Director at the National Civic Movement of Guatemala, explains. Donate today to PragerU: http://l.prageru.com/2eB2p0h
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I live in Guatemala and I work throughout Latin America. And I want to speak to the millions of fortunate Hispanic immigrants living in the United States – legally or not. I have a question for you: why do you support the same policies in the U.S. that caused you to flee your home country?
The policies I’m talking about are those that lead to a bigger and bigger central government. You know only too well that the more power the government has, the more corrupt it becomes. My home country, like most other nations in Central and South America, is very poor. Fifty-four percent of the population lives in poverty, and 13 percent lives in extreme poverty. Half of all children under five are chronically malnourished. Crippling government corruption is the norm. Opening a new business can take months, even years, because of a multitude of regulations that are designed to line the pockets of bureaucrats. So, the cost is much too high for the average citizen. Quite simply, unless you’re politically connected in Guatemala, you probably want to leave.
And in the last 20 years, many Guatemalans have left—or, to put it more honestly, they fled. The fortunate ones reach the United States, the freest and wealthiest nation in human history. There are at least 1 million Guatemalans living in the U.S.
Nearly every Mexican and Central and South American immigrant in the United States, whether they immigrated legally or illegally, moved or fled to the U.S. for the same reasons—economic opportunity and the freedom to shape their own lives.
In short, you came to the United States to participate in what Americans call the American Dream. But have you ever asked yourself: Why is the United States so free, so much less corrupt, and so much more affluent than any Latin American country?
The answer lies first and foremost in the unique American belief in limited government. Why? Because the smaller the government, the less the corruption. And the smaller the government, the more individual freedom and personal responsibility. And given those things, along with hard work and talent, you can accomplish your life’s goals.
So back to my question: Why would you support policies that keep expanding the power of the government when they are the very policies that doomed your home countries? Is it because you think that when Democrats offer you free stuff, it means they really care about you? Do you think that when Republicans talk about enforcing immigration laws, it means they are going to send you back?
Let’s be honest. You didn’t come here for free stuff. You came for the economic opportunity that allows you to work and earn.
And of course a nation has an obligation to enforce its borders. Certainly every country in Central and South America does; in fact, much more so than the U.S.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/courses/political-science/immigrants-dont-vote-what-you-fled

My mother was an imigrant. She came to the United states from the Union of Burma in 1973, when it was a socialist dictatorship under general Ne Win. She came legally. The Burmese government of that period killed their own people. My mother came here from Prome province, to legally escape that.
If imigrants come here, there cannot be a double standard. They need to love this country, and not hate it. And when you choose to elect politicians who are the same as those dictaors in other countries, you are hurting America. Please stop it. America is unique. Lets keep it thst way.
Fantastic Gloria Alvarez on taking bad with you
Such a powerful message
The question is why they have an open border in the first place. Many answers, and voting isn't the only one. There is a class of elites who take down entire countries w communism. Read UNHUMANS
Would you be singing the same tune if you weren't fair skin. Immigration rhetoric has profound effects on our community and the first place law enforcement looks to when enforcing immigration laws is skin color. It's been proven time and time again. You think because you're fair skinned, have command of the English language you won't be questioned on your immigration status? You're wrong Alvarez. I won't even get into the ways the federal government is anything but small or big.
Love how they could only get a White Latin American who probably lived a very privileged life off the backs of Brown Latin Americans in her home country. Of course she doesn’t want socialist policies, she doesn’t want to loser her power over the lower class again.
The first Cubans who immigrated to the United States were White upper class Cubans who got their plantations taken away by Castro, which is why so many Cubans are Republicans.
Why do people come to america . Only to glorify their failed countries ?
Don't fly your flag's here in america . We think little of you and don't want you here . America comes first
Immigrants are naive, ignorant and desperate… and the Democrats know this and use immigrants as pawns to vote for them and keep them in power.
Democrats want open borders – for power.
Republicans want controlled borders – for the American dream for the American people.
People do come here for free stuff.
This is great. And what a lady!
We have a lot of work ahead. From repealing the Patriot Act to ending legislation that controls speech on the Internet or anywhere else. Respect our Constitution and The Bill of Rights. Shrink government in steps that continue our safety but remove bloated government bureaucracies.
She is both right and beautiful
Don’t tell me what to do liberal
That is so true, and try to tell people, yet I get attacked for being conservative. I get criticized that I am against my own people.
Her eyes are scary
Brazil needs help Glória!
Very well done Gloria. You are 💯% correct! That is why most Cubans are Republicans. I grew up in Miami Beach with a bunch of Cubans. And a few of them lectured me on the evils and dangers of Communism and Socialism; and how it only works for the government and the elite, not the average person. America was born free. Let’s make sure she stays that way!
My immigrant wife from Tamaulipas Mexico will vote for the only anti cartel candidate, Trump.
Absolute Truth 💯
Dem socialists ruined many south amerucan countries, yes, why tolerate that bureaucratic greed and hate here?
When a white person shares this information they are labeled a “RACIST”
Just ignore the CIA backed genocide that happened in Guatemala and it's anti-communist military dictatorship that ruled Guatemala for years.
Andale chingada madres estodo ese!
You want to live in a limited government country with more freedom! Come legally and vote Republican!
Otherwise keep voting the democratic who secretly supports socialism, high taxes and taking more freedom…
Trump 2024!
Right wingers: America is the wealthiest and freest nation in human history
Right wingers 5 minutes later: America is under a big tyrannical government that bans me from social media that doesn't allow me to be racist or say fascistic things!
Ah yes, the age old question. Much of corruption in the South American region in attempted socialist countries was due to the near religious loyalty to the government, which was under constant U.S. embargo and economic pressure from bigger capitalist countries. South America has been the exploited region of countries like the U.S., who see the benefits of using the other nations as the fuel for the economy and massive economic growth it holds. Many support big government policies because some believe that it could, if maneuvered correctly, lead to a socialist society in America, which remains the head imperial state on earth, and, if changed right, could create a fairer and better system. Unfortunately, the extreme loyalty to government power does carry over sometimes, threatening to make the same mistakes of past socialist nations. The US is already drowning in corruption, it’s called Super-PACs and private interests, using government regulation and deregulation to make all decisions lean in their favor no matter what is tried. Unchecked government power is the problem, not power itself.
America is so much stronger, rich, and affluent because it used South America to fuel its economy before, so when people move here, they’re trying to access the benefits they already lost after we used many of these countries as colonies and trade outposts which benefited us most.
Smaller government doesn’t always mean less corruption, anti-corruption policies and investigations into politicians (of which we have little) are what kills corruption. Your personal achievements and skills are more valued here, but they do not mean that you can become rich, and often, no matter how hard many of us try, we can’t escape poverty. Your life goals aren’t a guarantee, much of it is chance, which is why government-created programs like free healthcare and education are meant to help increase the likelihood that the American dream, however misguided its implementation is, might actually work for you.
The false narrative that the US hasn’t exploited is hilariously ahistorical. For the first two centuries of our nation, we exploited the South American continent, supported dictators such as Pinochet, Batista, and Armas, who have been often convicted of literal genocide on the world stage. Cuba did lack the resources, the CIA did make the situation unlivable, imperialism did lead to their revolutions. Most of the socialist leaders came in the face of dictatorship supported directly by the USA, look it up, we call the response to it Operation Condor. (The US can be the bad guy sometimes).
Venezuela is not a socialist country, it has a socialist party in charge that was already suffering with corruption issues, just like the past government. They were falling to an economic crisis before their country turned to socialism because of its over reliance on oil. Economic mismanagement was already sure in their country, they changed because confidence in capitalism there failed, but they have not and will likely not reach the statistical level to be considered a socialist country. Much of their economic activity is still in the private sector, their healthcare is mostly private, the worker cooperatives are barely at the same ratio of employment as in the USA, and the power does not lie with the workers, but with the government. That’s not socialism, that’s state capitalism.
Your greatest failure or an argument here is that you also fail miserably to understand the differences between Maduro and Chavez’s government and the Democratic Party. Democrats are center-right on the world stage. They are socially left, and rare factions of the party are social democrats, but people like AOC and Bernie Sanders are NOT socialists. Their goals do not lie in the creation of socialism, but in reining in capitalism, which is extremely common throughout the EU and most of the developed world. They’re not trying to nationalize everything and hand it to the workers, they’re trying to create free healthcare that most of the other rich nations already have. These politicians here are not the same as in Venezuela, so let’s stop lying to ourselves here and admit this: PragerU doesn’t understand what socialism is or does.
El pito
What about the European union? We have a huge government, that enforces socialist policies on private companies and because of that we also have the best life quality among the middle classes of the entire world.
Americans, can you remind me how many days of paid vacations you get each year (not including public holiday, which we have more than you in Europe anyways)?
Stop talking, Gloria you're making too much sense!
Gloria Alvarez has lost ALL of her credibility after supporting the current coup in Guatemala. Shame on Alvarez for siding with corrupt government that has caused people to seek opportunities elsewhere
she's hot
America is basically no different than your country. We are both banana Republics. The American government is in our lives more and more,even spying on is. America is not what it was.
I don’t disagree with the political message of the video , it’s spot on and I am a conservative my self but no one is going to vote for the party that will want to deport them .
C* S* F* W* Its not lie, USA imperialism is the reason those countries are poor. Your country was ruled by right wing conservative dictators licking the ass of USA like you do b* with small government and butchering more than 30 000 person in genocide. Disgusting liar.
Venezuela has the oil resources but blocked from using them. Pinochet replaced Allende because Allende wanted to stop big oil from exploiting Chile. How free was Cuba under Batista where big business ran the banana and sugar business while the Mafia ran the island. So nice propaganda but far from truth.
Si estás hablando a los latinoamericanos, entonces por qué lo hacer en inglés? Este video me parece más un favor a los gringos conservadores en el cual dices los que ELLOS quieren oír que una "conversación real" con la gente de Latinoamérica.
Illegal aliens typically have little to no regard for principles of the safe haven they seek.
It's all true. Now, how do you get the Latin Americans to watch it?
Funded by the wealthy conservative of Prager U, a media organization that promotes conservative viewpoints on various political, economic, and sociological topics. $$$$ a young lady on the paryroll.
If the target audience is Central and South American immigrants, Shouldn't this be recorded in Spanish?
Imagine being this willingly lecherous about your own country. They must be paying you big bucks huh?
This video makes so many false claims without providing any reliable sources that I don't even know where to begin
Wait, didn't Trump build a wall, though?
nothing is free…