Immigrants Should Not Be on Welfare. Here’s Why:
For 200 years, immigrants have been coming to the United States without receiving welfare. In fact, they could be denied entry if immigration officials believed they would become a “public charge.”
They had to be economically self-sufficient. Wave after wave of those born abroad have done magnificently well by becoming self-sufficient when they came here, even if they had nothing.
The story has been told millions of times over, from Intel chairman Andrew Grove to NBA superstar Joel Embiid.
Learn more: https://herit.ag/2MKUAYf
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Unfortunately Americans have government officials like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reed committing felonies daily without fear of being arrested or questioned. Nancy Pelosi has been fighting extremely hard to not only protect illegals but support them with Americans tax payers money which is a felony. Funding anything illegally especially with federal money is a felony. If my company was caught paying illegals cash under the table especially without withholding taxes I would be arrested immediately and charged with numerous federal offences. So how can Nancy Pelosi and other democrats get away with protecting and supporting illegals with money stolen from the Treasury Department and handed to illegals? My inlaw worked for Pelosi for 13 years. He and others helped illegals to get free legal help by high dollar lawyers and also helped illegals to get government assistance and health care not to mention free college tuition by putting the loans and other documents in fictitious names given to him by Nancy and other democrats with the ability to get federal money with just a signature. My inlaw was paid by the funds raised by democrats. He was always paid cash under the table. After threatening to quit his job and go to authorities about what he'd been doing especially after he realized that Pelosi was getting illegals out of prison and County jails regardless of the crimes which included murder and drug smuggling just to mention a couple crimes and then giving them fraudulent names with social security numbers my inlaw was threatened by Nancy Pelosi. Nancy told my inlaw that he would be charged with so many felonies that he'd never get out of prison. My in-laws last duty was to help a illegal get tuition money for UCLA using fraudulent documents and other fraudulent information my inlaw was capable of getting this illegal a 4 year free ride to college including free housing and other government assistance. My inlaw said that Nancy ordered him to do this daily. My inlaw showed me a hand written note by Nancy telling him to go to the local County jail and pick-up 5 people and take them to a apartment. All 5 we're released by Nancy Pelosis authority and the charges we're dropped. Illegal entrance into the United States and stolen weapon charges were their crimes. My inlaw was shot in 2015 but refused to give police any information only saying that it was dark and the men had masks. He moved out of the United States shortly after being released from the hospital for his wounds. He now only calls family members on disposable and untraceable phones. Remember my inlaw worked with hundreds of others doing the same thing.
After becoming disabled after suffering a major stroke my grandfather didn't qualify for government assistance. The agency said that he was still able to work even though he lost his ability to walk and see properly. Fortunately our family was able to support him and pay his bills. Unable to drive and walk the family hired a full time nurse to care for him at 22 dollars an hour. My sister inlaw worked for the welfare system in Northern Virginia for 19 years. She explained to me how easily and quickly illigals are getting large amounts of government assistance including medical care. She also showed me several cases where illigals we're coming in using multiple names to collect larger amounts of assistance and for her to say anything was illigal and could get her fired. She had to go to court several times over the years to testify against illigals fraudulently collecting government assistance in multiple names..no charges were ever brought against these felons. It's still going on now but in bigger numbers due to how easy it is for the illigals. So thats where our tax dollars go.
the audacity of these people lol What skills are they going to contribute to the US? definitely not doctors or lawyers. I bet begging and stealing, yup!
Illegal immigrants cannot get medical Medicare or SSI benefits that is false
Donald Trump : America is only for Americans!
Native Americans : Right!
No reason for a hard working American like me to give these illegals who aren’t from my country free money
I work as a cashier and what’s funny to me is that blacks and whites are the ones using food stamps, Mexicans are always paying with cash they have a fear of signing up for benefits but videos like this are lies it’s so funny how people just assume shit but you don’t realize the truth untill you actually work and see the truth
I have 4 neighbords all ladies are with kids they are ilegal in the country , all of them have help from the goverment in daycare , medicare , etc . No more of this abuse.
U S citizens can't get in the clinic, the social security, office the food bank, the thrift shop, FOR ILLEGALS, this is outrageous and needs to be stopped, they should be deported now , even hurting the school system,they don't speak English
Its not working in Australia. We have taxi drivers with have Masters degrees, PhDs who are working as food delivery drivers. They have these degrees yet their spoken English is so poor. They have just become a new underclass. The jobs aren't there for them. Australians should be preferenced for these skilled jobs anyway, we have too many youth with degrees and no work for them. The government thought that by educating the young, we would make our own jobs, but it hasn't worked out that way. Housing is expensive and instead of starting businesses, people are trying to save money for a housing deposits. You can make more money in Australia as a blue collar labourer. Australians labouring on infrastructure projects can easily make $110k – $150k AUD. I know doctors here that don't earn as much. Don't follow our Australian model, because its broken. These "skilled" migrants all bring their unskilled families over anyway.
Making them citizens solves it? Riiight.
I've heard it explained in a simple way that even an elementary school student could possibly understand the concept.
Welfare and SS programs are like office, or class pizza parties. Everybody pitched in $$ for the party, and only those who pitched in, will be eating the pizza. What happens when other students from other classes start smelling your pizza, and want a piece? What about the ones in the class, whom didn't pay?? The more you ask these questions and throw around different scenarios.. the answers become clearer and clearer. 🙄
Let em all come in !! The whole world. Signed, a liberal dumb ass.
Well, successfully ensuring a merit-based immigration system would certainly be a comparatively novel plan, since the Left is working overtime against ANYTHING in this country being merit-based – just “free, free, free!”