In this Current Cancel Culture, How Do We Get Christianity Back in Our Schools?
For more information, read Person of Interest: Why Jesus Still Matters in a World that Rejects the Bible (https://amzn.to/3nDriN2)
Read: Has the Church Surrendered Its Responsibility to The Academy?
Has the Church Surrendered Its Responsibility to the Academy?
Schools at every level are less and less tolerant of Christian principles and teachings. Conservative values are increasingly unpopular. How can we encourage Christian values in schools that are “canceling” the Christian worldview? J. Warner joins Tim Stratton from Free Thinking Ministries in this Q and A session. Together they respond to this question.
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Simple, yet profound. And then there comes mental health issues within the ranks of The church. And it generally wreaks havoc on marriages
We should do what we can (vote, work) to promote vouchers that can be used in private Christian schools.
As a parent sending my first child to college someone said "how can you send them to college when college is making so many leave the church". My answer is if college is persuading them that much then we obviously have not done a very good job teaching them the truth and not just tradition. In reality if we want to influence the culture then keeping them at home is the last thing we should do. We need to prepare them for it.
The questioner was misguided from the beginning. Christianity doesn’t belong in public schools, just like Scientology, Hinduism, Pastafarianism, etc doesn’t belong in public schools. If people want to attend private schools with specific religious leanings then whatever, but in democracies public education is meant to be an unbiased setting where students can learn the generally accepted principles of each field (Reading, Math, Social Studies, etc), not a place where students should be taught those fields with a specific religious leaning. The best way for a religious person to make a good impression on others is to show that they have a strong understanding of the division between church and state.
Did Jeremiah ask "How can we get worship of Yahweh back into Jewish culture?"
I think that you are well intentioned but not Biblically discerning of the times and how we got here, nor where the signs all point to us heading. As an example, in your children's lifetime, Europe will be majority Islamic and America will not be far behind demographically, if it holds together at all. Consider also, that presently the larger majority of our cultural, political, educational, corporate, and social institutions are in the hands of irreligious people of low moral character which filter down their values into the larger society which no longer has a moral or virtuous buffer against these secularizing influences. Also consider the lack of a sense of urgency in the average Christian church and its focus on things of very limited eternal value like "praise and worship" music and getting much of their teachings from, what I call, "the celebrity pastor" meme on Youtube and their books, rather than being Biblically knowledgeable and spiritually discerning. I'm not trying to be defeatist but when you give your audience a hope without also giving them a realistic picture of just what the obstacles are to achieving that hope, you do them a disservice.
Both answers are true, and their two perspectives dovetail just right. Listen to this several times, please, if you need to, so the true-ness of what they say will become clear to you.
Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
― Rumi
God bless you sir