India: Democracy, Religious Liberty, and Communalism
With the BJP’s landslide victory in India’s recent elections, there are several questions about the prospects for religious freedom in India. This program will explore the history of communalism in India, the legal and societal issues related to the protection of religious freedom, and how electoral politics are influencing debate on religious issues.
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India Big religious freedom violence Country
Keep your fucking patronising sermons to yourself! V don't give a damn to your views & so called concerns !
I am an Indian but I agree with each and every single word in this video.
Who's that moron 1st speaker talking all nonsense & non factual things ! N v don't need lectures on religious freedom from a nation that butchers blacks,afghans & iraqi's
It's strange that White Americans have a more positive view on India vis a vis the Indian Americans
+The Heritage Foundation Sheer Propaganda.You want to crush Hinduism but failed miserably each time by means of conversion and funding through NGOs.Your time is up.Better America revises it's own dominative mentalities before Asian nations cut your interests very badly FOR EVER.BTW you need India more to deal with China not the other way round.We know the kind of religious freedom in America.
what or who gives the americans authority to judge other countries and what is the quality of such judgement ? ..is it a joke …! these lectures and organisations are hum bug ?they have the a president who is worse then a terrorist..killing millions…lying to their own public…including these so called experts !
It is so funny. You are so worried about so many issues but at the same time the world leaders are lining up to host Shri Modi. It seems prospects of economic benefits are attractive enough to over come all your fears of religious problems.
I dont understand:- If Christians promote Christianity it is ok. If muslims promote Islam it is ok. But if Hindus promote hindusim it is not ok. A population of 2 billion. Representing all major religions of the world living peacefully together for past so many centuries, and still declared as communal and threat to religious freedom. The level of double standards you guys have is amazing and appalling.
The fact that you are surprised by the election results, just goes to show your total lack of understanding about India. The truth is that in India no one is surprised with the results. In fact the Congress senior politicians even refused to fight the elections because they were aware what the results were going to be. In Fact they even refused to campaign for their party. Grow up guys and start doing your homework.
useless discussion of aggrieved parties seems like.Their guilt & frustration is quite evident.
Who cares about your discussion! Who has given you right to USA to talk and influence India polity!
Modi is elected PM and we need no damn moral and secularism lecture from Terrorist republic of america who have killed millions of people in world, who have worst kind of anti national laws!
MoFo Comparing Blasphemy with anti conversion.
1. In muslim country, you will be hanged for even speaking against prophet
2. In India, you bribe tribal people and convert them for vote bank!
3. The mofo are telling india to let muslim follow shariah law which is the main reason for their backwardness
They also forget that US have 1 law for all citizen.
4. Can an American abuse Obama Hussain ?
Dont act hypocrites!
India must ban all NGO including this Heritage foundation from entering India!
Infact Modi should not enter US given this organization interference in using Indian NGO stooge like Teesta setalwad to frame case against Modi!