Internet Sales Tax Will Kill My Small Business
I’m Catesby Jones, and I own a small business in rural Virginia called Peace Frogs. Here’s my story about the Marketplace Fairness Act. | http://herit.ag/15xoXUX
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Then if we are a nation supposedly of law ? Then why is it when we work for our wages ,that the law supposedly law makers take away a portion of our allotted property [ lifetime] store in some magical lockbox and tell us it's for our security , only to find out in real-time the they have robbed the kiddy ? And to add salt to the wounds, try to justify the robbery by now claiming they have a right to it because the true meaning was in reality a TAX and never a secure FUND. Yes, tell me the law!!
I'm Liberal and I love small businesses, I feel government can create the proper conditions for healthy small business output.
We can at lease make some changes for the better with the GOP,but those of you who live a Blue state you are probably getting what you voted for.
We give up to soon then a progressive steps in our place to fill that void. We have to select and elect the RIGHT people. Support your local TEA PARTY and maybe we can look our children in the eye again.
Government and LARGE business are allies in the fight against SMALL business.
Hey guys, you guys should try Firepa.com if you want to make money online! I am making over $3,000+ per month! Visit FIREPA.COM and start making money now! FIREPA.COM Is paying me and my wife $10.000 / Month
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We are a GROWING internet biz. We sell about 1 mill $ a year. We will NOT file 46 sales tax returns monthly/quarterly, and cannot afford an accountant at $50,000/year do do this.
PURPOSELY we will stop advertising to stay under 1 mill in sales so assure exemption. This hurts advertisers like our SEO co., Google, Bing, Local Newspaper, Yellow Pages, sponsors, etc. Will also fire 2 people we won't need. This is a BUSINESS KILLER….. more people/companies will be hurt by this than you think.
Diane- are you aware that $1 million is sales is not very much? There are ecom retailers making 25 times that, and they will have difficulty dealing with the tax. It is estimated that first year costs will be between $20,000 and $300,000 to implement this? That it takes more than just calculating software to integrate with all systems? That additional accounting staff would be needed? This WILL kill some small businesses. It's really that simple.
@mondokhan- what is "small business" to you? To most outfits, it's $30 million a year. To this legislation, it's $1 million. If you think anything over $1 million is big business, you've never been involved with one. That's $1 million in SALES, not profit.
Linda – are you aware that this does not affect you, unless you are making MORE than $1 million of sales outside your own state? If you are "barely making ends meet as it is", then I sort of doubt you are selling $1 million of fine art, talented though you may be.
Vince, there are many people out their fight the MFA & no one is paying us to fight the MFA. However, the big box companies, Walmart, Amazon, others, are paying $10s millions to see that the MFA is passed. Join us in D.C. 6/25 & 6/26 – a Mr. Smith Goes to Washington story in the making!
Exactly right, carrollscove! The public mostly doesn't understand that this law is NOT at all what the name of the tax sounds like – it is far from fair, it will thwart small businesses and it will trample on state sovereignty, with states reaching across borders to grab money & impose more regulations! Defeating the MFA is not a partisan vote but a vote that upholds all that is decent & important about small American business! Sure, the big business is for it – will kill its competition!
The Marketplace Fairness Act pertains to use tax not sales tax. Online sellers already pay their sales tax. Rather the MFA wants online businesses to become tax collectors of their buyers' use that that their buyers owe back to their home states. Uses an impossibly complicated collection procedure that's state tax payers pay for & is higher than use tax collected – TRULY! LIKE Oppose Internet Sales Taxes to learn more! Extremely important to take action NOW & defeat the MFA!
Video tells the truth. Online is only 6% of all retail & 83% of this 6% pays taxes (big box onliners such as Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Amazon), leave 17% and it is the smaller companies that will become use tax collectors & remit their buyers' use back back to 46+ states, 600+ Native Am tax districts, territories, State tax payers pay the costs > use fee collection! LIKE Oppose Internet Sales Taxes to learn more, mostly incorrect info about there & will hurt all Americans!
Consumers fail to understand that the Marketplace Fairness Act (MFA) does not create "tax parity" but tremendous "tax disparity" – in fact the MFA creates TAX ABUSE. Small businesses are the backbone of our country & deserve to be nurtured & grown! They hire Americans rather than outsourcing! Thanks for sharing your video, Catesby Jones! Susan from SundryShop, member of eMainstreet Alliance, Small businesses, join now! And LIKE fb Oppose Internet Sales Taxes
We have to file ours monthly.
Considering the amount of time it takes me to file the city and tax forms every month, it would take me 200 days (not including weekends) to file all the those 9600 tax forms PER MONTH. This bill will kill us and Amazon will pick up the slack we leave behind.
We don't mind paying tax, but we're not going to file 9600 forms every month.
RTFB yourself. The proposed law exempts small business doing less than $1 mil in sales. I'm guessing that co. does at least that but is still a very small business and would be killed by the extra work involved. It's amazing how clueless one can be.
And maybe if this stupid law goes through it should require every brick and Mortar store to collect sales tax from every customer who walks through their doors, no matter where they live . They should also have to file 45 different tax returns (some quarterly) Now that would even the playing field. Stupid stupid stupid.
The correct solution would be to eliminate sales taxes entirely. Everybody would be on an equal playing field.
So who is paying for THIS ad? And what do THEY want in return?
I do not break the law like this, but would it be better to let States compete for internet purchase business by removing this requirement? Perhaps requiring tax from the state of purchase and not the state of use would be better?
net200910, you do not understand. It is not about the tax or collecting the tax. It is about the 9600+ municipalities that all charge their own rate. We have to implement that into our system which can be done but we have to report it to each and every municipality we collect tax for. On top of all that then it opens ourselves up to possible audits from each municipality. The insane amount of time it would take and the cost will kill most small online businesses.
Ignorant channel-Taxes have always been due on online purchases, only the sellers are not obligated to collect them for the various States. They are not agents of the state unless they have a business license in that State, which obligates them to collect the tax for the State. Otherwise the purchaser/resident of that state is obligated to fill out a form and send the taxes to the State. If your not doing that then you are a law breaking, tax cheat consumer.
According to the law, Texas sales tax has always been due on purchases that you make out of state and then bring in to the state for use. Customers that make online purchases and have it shipped to Texas are supposed to send the tax to the state or they are breaking the law. The onus was on the purchaser, but because so many of our law and order citizens break this law and cheat on taxes we are having discussions about how to make the law enforceable. Pay taxes! Are we a nation of laws or not?
Problem is that brick & mortars deal with ONE tax jurisdiction – the one their store/employees are located in. Cost to prepare tax for for 1 jurisdiction is much less than for 9,000.
The Neo-Com socialists goal is to destroy capitalism, free enterprise and free markets by any means. The internet sales tax is just another tool in their box.
This guy probably does a local silk screen biz. You're talking about tax complexity is one thing, the Heritage Foundation is against all internet taxes. This guy as a poster child against internet taxes is a joke.
I wonder if he has been in contact with our democrat senators, Tim Kaine and Mark Warner. And if so, what was their response if any? I heard they voted in favor of the sales tax law. They didn't listen to their constituents, just what their party demands and what the paid lobbist encourage them to do.
What if it's because his business specializes in retro items. Notice the van, and the bug.. plus the name "Peace Frog" CRT monitors are still loved believe it or not. I know several folks that have HD monitors but keep their CRT television sets. I still wish I had one of those turn dial TV sets just because of the retro aspect of them.
Good luck Catesby
You know! Some people just don't get it! This country Freedoms and Liberties are being eroded by the day and we are allowing it by being divided among ourselves. The old saying goes "Keep the People Ignorant and We keep the Power" 'We" meaning the elite politicians that think they can tax us to oblivion and "We the People" are too stupid to know how to stop them! So much for the Pursuit of Happiness in America…
It seems that the left wing individuals below think that small business is not worth saving. How many people work for small business do you think? Just because this man does not throw away an old crt which still works means he is not wasteful, nothing more.
Government is NOT the answer, it is the PROBLEM, to paraphrase Ronald Reagan.
Stop making fun of this guy. At least his is contributing to the economy. Do you have your own internet business? I have a tiny Etsy shop. I'm selling out the inventory of my brick and morter store due to illenss. Focus on the issue of collecting the tax. Why doesn't each state just collect a tax on each sales on each item sold by a vendor in its state and keep that sales tax. Makes more sense to me. Much easier on the vendor. States will get more tax dollars
I'm sure entrepreneurs will offer services that compute and remit the tax for the small businesses at a cost no more onerous than the brick & motor guys pay to compute & file themselves.
It's not just the collecting of the taxes that is the problem. Obviously, that can be done with software and since this dude is smart enough to successfully run a business for over 20 years, he probably knows this. (Do you own a small business??)
It is the reporting of the taxes to all the state and local governments. And since S-corps often file QUARTERLY How'd you like to file 50+ tax returns, every 3 months!!!
notice the CRT monitor at 0:08? He probably is that stupid. Hell, I bought a used LCD monitor years ago for $40 and it's paid for itself with saved energy. So of course he isn't going to get the low priced software/service to deal with new rules. Hell, he's got a rather lame website, bet he went on the cheap putting that up too.
I'm against the Internet Sales Tax bill as it now stands. I'd prefer to see it set at a low standard rate for all internet sales. With the tax going 50/50 to the Federal Government and state of the seller..simplify it and do not base it on the location of the buyer.
As President Ronald Reagan once said regarding the negative impact of government interference in private enterprise: " If it moves, tax it. if it moves too fast, regulate it. If it stops moving, subsidize it." Government's proper roll should be to encourage and protect free enterprise which is the most effective way to allow the people as a whole reach their full potential, enjoy a high standard of living and create the wealth necessary for the individual to truly be free.
Catesby, you're full of baloney. For pennies you could hire Digital River or one of a hundred other service providers to calculate the sales tax for you based on the address you ship to. Dude, it's 2013, not 1884. We have computers now.