Is America Racist? | 5 Minute Video
Is America racist? Is it — as President Barack Obama said — “part of our DNA”? Author and talk-show host Larry Elder examines America’s legacy of racism, whether it’s one we can ever escape, and in the process offers a different way of looking at things like Ferguson, crime, police and racial profiling.
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Is racism still a major problem in America? President Barack Obama certainly thinks so. He said that racism is “in our DNA.” Really? If racism is in our DNA, doesn’t that mean it’s immutable, unchangeable?
But America has changed — and dramatically so. In 1960, 60% of Americans said they would never vote for a black president. Almost 50 years later, the black man who said racism is in America’s DNA was elected president, and four years later re-elected. That’s only the most obvious example of racial progress. There are many others.
Take inter-racial marriage. As William H. Frey of the Brookings Institution wrote, “Sociologists have traditionally viewed multiracial marriage as a benchmark for the ultimate stage of assimilation of a particular group into society.” Black-white marriages were still illegal in 16 states until 1967. And a 1958 Gallup poll found that only 4% of Americans approved of black-white marriages. Today that number is 87%. In 1960, of all marriages by blacks, only 1.7 percent were black-white. Today, it’s 12 percent and rising.
Now what about “racial profiling” and abuse of blacks by police? Doesn’t that prove that racism remains a major problem? In the summer of 2014, Ferguson, Missouri became ground zero for this accusation when a white policeman shot and killed an unarmed black teenager. While a Department of Justice investigation of the incident cleared the officer of any wrongdoing, it did accuse the city’s police department of racial bias.
But what was the Justice Department report’s most headline grabbing stat? The gap between the percentage of blacks living in Ferguson — 67% — and the percentage of those stopped by police for traffic violation who are black — 85%. An 18 point discrepancy.
Racism, right? Not so fast.
Blacks comprise 25% of New York City, but account for 55% of those stopped for traffic offenses — a 30-point discrepancy, far bigger than that of Ferguson. Why isn’t the NYPD, a department that is now majority minority, considered even more institutionally racist than the Ferguson PD? The answer is you cannot have an honest discussion about police conduct without an honest discussion of black crime.
Though blacks are 13% of the population, they commit 50% of the nation’s homicides, and almost always the victim is another black person, just as most white homicides are against other whites. In 2012, according to the Center for Disease Control, police killed 123 blacks, while, by the way, killing over twice that many whites. But that same year blacks killed over 6,000 people — again, mostly other blacks.
What about traffic stops? Unlike when responding to dispatch calls, police officers exercise more discretion when it comes to traffic stops. Therefore “racist” cops can have a field day when it comes to traffic stops, right?
Actually, no.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/america-racist

Yes indeed
Stop drinking that BLUEberry Koolade and you will realize who really are the racists.
Silly question. No "America" is not racist because the racists don't represent all Americans. The question SHOULD be, "Are Racists a Problem in America?" And the answer to that is absolutely YES.
This is right-wing propaganda. Progress does not mean the problem has been solved and eradicated. "Better than it was", is no substitute for GOOD ENOUGH.
There seems to be a positive correlation between skin color and racism. The darker the person’s skin the more racist they tend to be. The lighter the person’s skin the less racist they tend to be.
Absolutely by far, the most racist race in the US are US born black Americans.
They feared sounding racist, so they chose a Black speaker. 😂
The most dangerous racists in America are – Democrats.
America is not racist and great video PragerU :]
The United States was founded on a culture of white supremacy and white advantage. Starting with the genocide of indigenous brown people and immediately followed by the dehumanization of black people from Africa.
This is irrefutable fact. Anyone who disputes it does so for selfish reasons.
Right-wing propaganda out of the mouth of a black man is still right-wing propaganda. Racial injustice and unfairness has been a constant reality over the entire existence of our country.
Anyone who knows the difference between PARTY and IDEOLOGY, knows tha tge vast majority of white supremacists, white nationalists and other anti-black racists are RIGHT-WING EXTREMISTS That means that TODAY IN 2024, they are overwhelmingly Republicans and NOT Democrats.
Anti-black racists hate Liberals who sympathize with the fight for racial justice and fairness and they always have. I still remember when the white supremacists didn't call them Liberals. They used to call them, "N-lovers".
So again, it's silly that PragerU tries its best to HIDE this absolute truth.
Contrary to what uninformed liberals believe, the Ku Klux Klan was an outgrowth of the Democrat Party, with overlapping membership rolls. The Klan was to the Democrats what the American Civil Liberties Union is today: Not every Democrat is a member of the ACLU, but every member of the ACLU is a Democrat. The same is true with the Klan.
After the war, Democrat legislatures enacted "Black Codes", denying black Americans the rights of citizenship — such as the rather crucial one of bearing arms — while other Democrats (sometimes the same Democrats) founded the Ku Klux Klan.
Even to this day, the KKK (as do similar racist groups and movements such as Black Lives Matter and La Raza) are supportive of the Democrats. During the 2016 United States presidential election, the KKK supported Hillary Clinton for President,[3] whose mentor, the late Democrat senator Robert Byrd, was a longtime KKK member.[4] This came after the Klan attempted, in possible collusion with the Democrats, to discredit Donald Trump and his campaign by publicly pretending to "support" him (and in so doing, fabricated a false link between the KKK and the Republicans and falsely labeled the GOP as the "racist" party, as the Democrats have done since 1964[5]). This backfired when Trump in particular, and the GOP in general, who have always opposed the KKK and despise what they stand for, rejected the Klan's "endorsement"; thus, the historic Democrat-KKK link, which has long been common knowledge,[6] was brought to light.
Thomas Sowell wrote:
“ 'Racism' is the trump card in the indictment of Republicans. But the cold fact is that the whole Jim Crow era in the South was dominated by Democrats.
It's time to put this in clear terms. The KKK has been replaced by the MAGA movement. They have the very same goal and basically stand for the same thing. The only difference is the language they use. MAGA is far more covert.
-The KKK espoused "keeping America white.
-MAGA espouses, "taking back OUR country".
-The KKK opposed all efforts to end racial injustice and unfairness.
-MAGA opposes the exact same thing. They just use coded language to hide it.
-The KKK opposed the Civil Rights movement.
-MAGA does their best to erase the gains made in that movement.
-The KKK called white supporters of the Civil Rights movement, "N-word lovers" and "betrayers of the white race"
-MAGA simply calls them "Libs" and "betrayers of the white race". (They never use the N-word in mixed company. That would give the code away.)
-The KKK depicted Civil Rights leaders as radical troublemakers and dangerous inciters of lawless demonstrations.
-The KKK just came out and proudly admitted that they don't believe we should all live together as equals, with the same fair treatment and opportunity for success.
-MAGA believes THE EXACT SAME THING, but uses coded language to hide it. Their opposition to terms like "DEI", "woke" and ""Black Lives matter", which on the surface, are all positive terms, have all been DISTORTED into falsely negative strawman targets by MAGA.
"DEI"They are opposed to "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion "."WOKE"They are opposed to "The awareness that racial injustice and unfairness still exists"."Black Lives Matter"Their opposition and false VILIFICATION of the movement says they believe that "Black Lives DON'T matter.THE CODE HAS BEEN BROKEN. BLACK AMERICANS ARE NOT FOOLED. MAGA IS WHITE SUPREMACY IN A SUIT.
"Better than it was", does NOT mean racial injustice, unfairness and unequal treatment and opportunity have been eliminated. This PragerU right-wing propaganda is exacerbating the problem.
PragerU as always, is presenting a strawman argument. I challenge them to answer this…
White and black people have inhabited this land we now call the United States for over 400 years. HOW MANY of those 400-plus years has racial injustice, unfairness and unequal treatment NOT been the reality for black people in our country?
The question itself is stupid and disingenuous. What's the question? Is everybody in America racist? Here's the truth. Racism has been a present reality for the entire existence of our country. That's not the same thing as saying the whole country is racist.
Major flaws in the argument here: 1. DNA is not immutable, contrary to your suggestion that it remains unchangeable. It's possible that your understanding of DNA and evolution is biased by sources like PragerU videos -:)), and 2. The reduction of racism in America is not solely due to individual racists becoming more educated and less prejudiced. Rather, it is linked to the declining influence of these individuals in American society, as other less biased groups become the majority. While racism has been ingrained in American history, it's crucial to remember that the majority used to hold racist views until very recently. Fortunately, over time, the prevalence of racism has decreased, with racists evolving into a minority.
bro, America is racist. Not all of the American people, but America, most of the American people, the American government, and the American media are racist. If they are not racist against blacks now, they are racist against Asians, Africans around the world, Arabs, Muslims around the world. And if they are not openly racist against blacks in America in the media, this does not mean that they are not completely racist against blacks.