Is Christianity Rational?
For more information, read Person of Interest: Why Jesus Still Matters in a World that Rejects the Bible (https://amzn.to/3nDriN2)
Read: The Reasonable, Evidential Nature Of Christian Faith
Is Christian theism rational? Can we examine it’s claims using logic and evidence? In this clip from an interview with Dr. Mikel Del Rosario (The Apologetics Guy), J. Warner describes the uniquely rational, evidential claims of the Christian worldview.
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Straight and to the point! Thanks for this compelling, short clip, which jam packs so much great wisdom into it! My mother turned me over to God at birth (àla Hannah and Samuel), and I've known Jesus all my life (BTW, she told me this when I was 23). My early experiences have been confirmed by years of study in Apologetics, which every Christian should study, in order to lovingly defend the faith. Speaking of which, I'm just curious if you have an audio version of Person of Interest?
I grew up an atheist so I wasn't interested in hearing about spiritual experiences Christian or otherwise. Yet when I met a Christian who had rational arguments for God and also was able to point out flaws or misinformation in my atheist beliefs I was intrigued. After a few years of investigation I ended up deciding that his kind of Christianity was nearly as logical and rational as my atheism. I didn't believe it was true, but I saw that I wasn't going to be able to persuade him to give it up solely based on logic and reason. It was quite a shock to me when I then had a supernatural experience! That was what caused me to become a theist, and then a Christian. So I think that both reason and experience had a part to play in changing my position, and neither would have been sufficient on its own.
Not only is Christianity rational, it can well be argued that rationality necessarily leads to Christianity.
What captured me when I was very young probably between 10-12 years old was the thought of the after life. I can see people die and I always wonder where people go. I can't accept the idea that there is no more after life and was afraid of it. In year 5 we were given a pocket NT by the Gideon. I read through it and stumbled on John 11:25-26 and believed it. That changed my perspective since and I was born again.
Love the video, and I agree. But I also think that the evidence of miracles, NDE, visions, dream’s, all types of spiritual experiences for Christianity is way better and heftier then the one’s in other religion’s. For example you never hear of someone being cured from cancer or other types of diseases overnight in Islam by praying to allah but you do in Christianity with medical evidence and everything. So I think spiritual experience’s can definitely be used for Christianity especially if it’s not just some vague spiritual tingling but real spiritual experiences like miracles that can even be tested.